Standing Committee on Finance Meetings and Documents
Agendas, documents and other information for the meetings of the Standing Committee on Finance



Annotated agenda

Provisional agenda

Outcomes of the thirty-fifth meeting

Item 3: Sixth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows 
Background paper (SCF/2024/35/3)

Item 4: Second report on the determination of the
needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the
Convention and the Paris Agreement

Background paper (SCF/2024/35/4)


Item 5: Second report on progress towards
achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to
address the needs of developing countries in the context of
meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation

Background paper (SCF/2024/35/5)


Item 6: Report on common practices regarding climate finance definitions, reporting and accounting methods 
Background paper (SCF/2024/35/6)


Item 8: 2025 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2024/35/7)


Item 9: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism

Background document

Compilation of submissions - GCF

Compilation of submissions - GEF

Submission by Adaptation Committee relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by Arab Group relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by Australia relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by Canada relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by Colombia relating to GCF
Submission by European Union relating to GCF
Submission by European Union relating to GEF
Submission by Least Developed Countries relating to GCF
Submission by Least Developed Countries Expert Group relating to GCF
Submission by Technology Executive Committee relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by United Kingdom relating to GEF and GCF
Submission by US relating to GEF and GCF 

29 May 2024 09:00 – 18:00 YouTube Link
30 May 2024 09:00 – 18:15 YouTube Link
31 May 2024 09:00 – 14:00 YouTube Link


New icon

Report of the meeting

Agenda and Annotations


Programme: Technical expert meeting 

List of participants

Outcomes of the thirty-fourth meeting

Compilation of the meeting outcomes

Draft provisional programme of the SCF 2024 Forum (item 7)

Draft arrangements between the COP, CMA, and the Board of the Fund (item 8)

Technical expert session: presentation


Item 3: Sixth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows 
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/3)

Item 4: Second report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/4)

Item 5: Second report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/5)

Item 6: Report on common practices regarding climate finance definitions, reporting and accounting methods
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/6) 

Item 7: 2024 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance  
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/7)

Item 8: Draft arrangements between the Conference of the Parties, Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement and the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage 
Background paper (SCF/2024/34/8)


YouTube Links
 Day 1  19 May 2024
 Day 2  20 May 2024


Report of the meeting

Annotated agenda

Adopted agenda

List of Participants


Outcomes of the thirty-third meeting

Compilation of the outcomes

Outcomes of the 2024 SCF Forum

Updated outline of the report on common practices regarding climate finance definitions, reporting and accounting methods


Item 4: Mandates from COP 28 and CMA 5 and updated workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance for 2024
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/3)

Item 5: Sixth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/4)

Item 6: Second report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement.
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/5

Item 7: Second report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation 
Background paper: (SCF/2024/33/6)

Item 8: Report on common practices regarding climate finance definitions, reporting and accounting methods
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/7)

Item 9: 2024 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/8)

Item 10: Draft arrangements between the COP, CMA and the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/9)

Item 11: Linkages with constituted bodies of the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2024/33/10)

YouTube Links
Day 1 26 September 2023
Day 2 27 September 2023
Day 3 28 September 2023


Agenda and annotations


Updated schedule for day 2 (27 September 2023)

Updated schedule for day 3 (28 September 2023)

List of participants

Report of the thirty-second SCF meeting
Report (SCF/2023/32/13)

Item 3(a): Work on definitions of climate finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/3)

Item 3(b): Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/4) 

Item 3(c): The report on the doubling of adaptation finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/5)

Item 4(a): Report of the 2023 Forum on Financing Just Transitions
Draft report (SCF/2023/32/6)

Item 4(b): Theme for the next Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/7)

Item 5: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/8)
Submission by Chile relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by European Union - Guidance to GCF / GEF
Submission by Switzerland relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Adaptation Committee relating to GCF and GEF 
Submission by Technology Executive Committee relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by United States of America relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Least Developed Countries Expert Group relating to GCF
Submission by Like Minded-Group of Developing Countries relating to GCF and GEF
Submission by Arab Group relating to GCF and GEF
Submission by United Kingdom relating to GCF
Submission by Amb. Diann Black-Layne (SCF Member) on the draft guidance to the operating entities
Submission by Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Excom
Resubmission Twelfth report of the GCF to the COP
GEF report to COP 28 (advance version)
Database of decisions and conclusion by GCF
Database of decisions and conclusion by GEF

Item 6: Self-assessment report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the second review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/9)

Item 7: Linkages with constituted bodies of the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/10)

Item 9: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
Draft report (SCF/2023/32/11)

Item 10: Dates and venues of future meetings
Background paper (SCF/2023/32/12)



Agenda and annotations

Revised schedule

Updated schedule for day 2 (23 July 2023)

List of participants

Report of the thirty-first SCF meeting
Report (SCF/2023/31/11) 

YouTube Links
Day 1 22 July 2023
Day 2 23 July 2023

Item 3(a): Work on definitions of climate finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/3)
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 3(b): Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/4) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 3(c): The report on the doubling of adaptation finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/5)
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 4: Outcomes of the 2023 Forum on Financing Just Transitions 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 5: Views on the second review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/6) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 6(a): Sixth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/7)  
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 6(b): Second report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/8) 
Outcomes of the meeting
Updated workplan and outline

Item 6(c): The second report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/9)  
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 7. Linkages with constituted bodies of the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/31/10) 

Item 8. Report of the thirty-first meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance
Report (SCF/2023/31/11) 

SCF 30 Agenda

SCF 30 Annotated agenda

Revised provisional schedule for the thirtieth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance

Information document 
Revised workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance for 2023

List of Participants

Report of the thirtieth SCF meeting
Report (SCF/2023/30/9)

YouTube Links
Day 1 6 March 2023
Day 2 7 March 2023

Item 4: 2023 Forum on Financing Just Transitions
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/3) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 5(a): Work on definitions of climate finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/4) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 5(b): Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/5) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 5(c): Report on the doubling of adaptation finance
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/6) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 6: Second review of the functions of the SCF 
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/7) 
Outcomes of the meeting

Item 7: Linkages with constituted bodies of the Convention and the Paris Agreement 
Background paper (SCF/2023/30/8) 
Outcomes of the meeting


YouTube Link: Day 3 (part II)

YouTube Link: Day 3 (part I)

YouTube Link : Day 2

YouTube Link : Day 1


Report of the twenty-ninth meeting (SCF/2022/29/9)

SCF annotated agenda

SCF 29 agenda


Item 3(a): Fifth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows 
Background paper (SCF/2022/29/3)

Item 3(b): Work on definitions of climate finance
Background paper (SCF/2022/29/4) 

Item 3(c): Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2022/29/5) 

Item 3(d): Report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year
Background paper (SCF/2022/29/6) 

Item 4: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism

Background paper (SCF/2022/29/7)

Database of previous guidance provided to the Green Climate Fund

Database of previous guidance provided to the Global Environment Facility

Co-facilitators’ assessment of the submissions received on the draft guidance to the Global Environment Facility - Updated

Submissions received:
Submission by African Group relating to GCF
Submission by Canada relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Chile relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Environmental Integrity Group relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by European Union relating to GCF
Submission by European Union relating to GEF
Submission by United States of America relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Adaptation Committee relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Technology relating to GCF / GEF
Submission by Executive Committee relating to GCF / GEF

Item 5(b): Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions
Background paper (SCF/2022/29/8)

Report of the twenty-eighth meeting (SCF/2022/28/9)

SCF 28 Provisional annotated agenda

SCF 28 Provisional agenda

YouTube Links
Day 1  17 June 2022
Day 2  18 June 2022


Item 3: Fifth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows 

Background paper (SCF/2022/28/3)
Outcome: Fifth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows

Item 4: Work on definitions of climate finance
Background paper (SCF/2022/28/4) 
Outcome: Work on definitions of climate finance

Item 5: Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2022/28/5)
Outcome: Work relating to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement

Item 6: Report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year
Background paper (SCF/2022/28/6) 
Outcome: Report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year

Item 7: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2022/28/7)

Item 8: Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions
Background paper (SCF/2022/28/8)


YouTube Live Broadcast Links 

12 October 2021   
13 October 2021 
14 October 2021  


Report of the twenty-sixth meeting (SCF/2021/26/7)

Provisional agenda and annotations

Provisional agenda


Item 3: Fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, including information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2021/26/3)

Outcome: Summary of the fourth BA

Procedural outcome 

Item 4: First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2021/26/4)

Outcome: Executive summary of the first NDR

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2021/26/5)
Excel database of decisions and conclusions relating to the GCF 
Excel database of decisions and conclusions relating to the GEF 

Submission by the Adaptation Committee relating to GCF and GEF
Submission by AGN relating to the GCF
Submission by AILAC relating to the GCF and GEF
Submission by AOSIS relating to the GCF
Submission by AOSIS relating to the GEF
Submission by Mr. Ivan Zambrana Flores (SCF Member), Bolivia relating to the GCF
Submission by the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage relating to the GCF and GEF
Submission by Slovenia and the EU on behalf of the EU and its member states relating to the GEF
Submission by Slovenia and the EU on behalf of the EU and its member states relating to the GCF
Submission by State of Palestine relating to the GEF
Submission by the Technology Executive Committee relating to the GCF and GEF
Submission by Mr. Randy Caruso, USA (SCF Member) relating to the GCF and GEF

Outcome: Draft guidance to the GCF and GEF

Item 7: Fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Background paper (SCF/2021/26/6)

Outcome: Outline of the Fifth BA

View on Demand - YouTube links


Report of the twenty-fifth meeting (SCF/2021/25/6)

Provisional agenda and annotations

Provisional Agenda


Item 3: Fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Background Paper (SCF/2021/25/3)

Item 4: First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background Paper (SCF/2021/25/4)

Item 6: Draft guidance to the Operating Entities of the Financial Mechanism
Submission from African Group of Negotiators
Submission from the State of Palestine
Submission by Mr. Randy Caruso, USA (SCF Member)

SCF 24 Meeting Webcast

Report of the twenty-fourth meeting (SCF/2021/24/7)

Annotated agenda
List of participants

Item 4: Fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Background Paper (SCF/2021/24/3)

Item 5: First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background Paper (SCF/2021/24/4)

Item 6: Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions
Background Paper (SCF/2021/24/5)

Item 7: Draft guidance to the Operating Entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background Paper (SCF/2021/24/6)

SCF 23 Meeting Webcast


Agenda (SCF/2020/23/1.rev.1)
Provisional Annotated Agenda (SCF/2020/23/2) 
List of participants

Report of the twenty-third meeting (SCF/2020/23/8)


Item 3: Fourth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows (2020)
Background Paper (SCF/2020/23/3)

Item 4: First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background Paper (SCF/2020/23/4)

Item 5: Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions
Background Paper (SCF/2020/23/5)

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background Paper (SCF/2020/23/6)

Item 7: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the COP and CMA
Background Paper (SCF/2020/23/7)


SCF 22 Webcast

Virtual event: Meeting Link
YouTube Link - Recording of Day 2
YouTube Link - Recording of Day 3

Agenda (SCF/2020/22/1/Rev.1)
Provisional Annotated Agenda (SCF/2020/22/2)

List of Participants Report of the twenty- second meeting (SCF/2020/22/9)

Item 4: 2020 Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/3)

Item 5: Fourth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/4)

Item 6: First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/5)

Item 7: Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/6)

Item 8: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/7)

Item 9: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the constituted bodies of the Convention
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/8)

Item 12: Other Matters - Conflict of interest and oath of service for constituted bodies under the Convention
Background Paper (SCF/2020/22/10)

SCF Webcast

Day 1: 3 October 2019 (Morning Session)
Day 1: 3 October 2019 (Afternoon)
Day 2: 4 October 2019 (Morning)
Day 2: 4 October 2019 (Afternoon)
Day 3: 5 October 2019 (Morning)

Agenda (SCF/2019/21/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2019/21/2)
List of Participants

​​ Report of the twenty- first meeting (SCF/2019/21/11)

Item 3:  Draft guidance to the Operating Entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/3)

Submissions received on the draft guidance to the operating entities 
Adaptation Committee
African Group of Negotiators  
European Union
G77 & China
Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean
Ivan Zambrana (SCF Member)
Like-Minded Developing Countries 
Paul Herbert Oquist (SCF Member)
Sergey Chestnoy (SCF member)
Technology Executive Committee
United States of America

Item 4:  Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance

(a)  Report of the 2019 Standing Committee on Finance Forum 
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/4
Outcomes of the 2019 SCF Forum participant survey 

(b)  Theme for the next Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/5)
Proposed additional topic

Item 5:  2020 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, including, information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1 (c) of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/6)

Item 6:  First report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/7)

Background paper on sources of information and the methodologies and approaches

Item 7: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention 
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/8)

Item 9:  Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement
Background paper (SCF/2019/21/10)


SCF 20 Webcast

21 March 2019
22 March 2019

Agenda (SCF/2019/20/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2019/20/2) 
Report of the twentieth meeting (SCF/2019/20/9)
List of Participants
SCF 20 photos

Item 4: 2019 Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/3)  
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/3/rev.1)
Mandated activities of the Standing Committee on Finance

Item 4a: Preparatory work on the 2020 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows (2020 BA), including, information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1(c) of the Paris Agreement
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/4)

Item 4b: Preparatory work on the first report on the determination of the needs of developing countries related to the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement 
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/5)

Item 4c: Guidance to the Operating Entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/6)

Item 5: 2019 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background Paper (SCF/2019/20/7)

Item 7: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2019/20/8)


SCF19 Webcast  
29 October 2018 
30 October 2018  
31 October 2018

Agenda (SCF/2018/19/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2018/19/2)
Report of the nineteenth meeting (SCF/2018/19/9)
List of Participants

Item 3: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism  
Background paper (SCF/2018/19/3)
Draft guidance to the Green Climate Fund
Draft guidance to the Global Environment Facility
Excel database of previous guidance to the GCF
Excel database of previous guidance to the GEF

Item 4: 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows 
Background paper (SCF/2018/19/4)

Item 5: The next forum of the Standing Committee on Finance  
Background paper (SCF/2018/19/5) and Addendum

Item 6: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Conference of the Parties 
Background paper (SCF/2018/18/6)

Item 7: Enhancing stakeholder engagement  
Background paper (SCF/2018/18/7)

Item 8: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention 
Background paper (SCF/2018/19/8)


Agenda (SCF/2018/17/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2018/17/2)
Report of the seventeenth meeting (SCF/2018/17/10)
Outcomes of the seventeenth meeting
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.  Image
List of Participants

Item 4: Guidance from the Conference of the Parties resulting from the Review of the Functions of the Standing Committee on Finance and the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/3)

Item 5: 2018 Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/4)

Item 6: 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/5)
1st Technical meeting on the preparation of the 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows

Item 7: Measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the Biennial Assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/6)

Item 8: 2018 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/7)

Item 9: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/8)

Item 10: Linkages with the Subsidiary Bodies for Implementation and the constituted bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2018/17/9)

Agenda (SCF/2017/16/1)
​Annotated Agenda (SCF/2017/16/2)
Report of the sixteenth meeting (SCF/2017/16/11)
List of Participants

Item 3: Sixth Review of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/3)
Technical paper (SCF/TP/2017/1)

Item 4: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/4)
Inputs received from the Adaptation Committee
Inputs received from the Technology Executive Committee
Submission from Indonesia (GCF)
Submission from Indonesia (GEF)
Outcome of discussions

Item 5: Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
(a) Report of the 2017 Standing Committee on Finance Forum on Climate-Resilient Infrastructure
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/6)
Draft summary report
Outcome of discussions
(b) Discussions on the theme for the 2018 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/5)
Outcome of discussions

Item 6: Review of the functions of the Standing Committee in Finance
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/7)
Outcome of discussions
SCF alternate members Informal note

Item 7: Measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the Biennial Assessment and Overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/9)
Outcome of discussions

Item 8: 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2017/16/8)
Draft Scoping Document
Outcome of discussions

Item 10: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Conference of the Parties
Background Paper (SCF/2017/16/10)
Outcome of discussions

Item 11: Other matters
Outcome of discussions

Agenda (SCF/2017/15/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2017/15/2)
Report of the fifteenth meeting (SCF/2017/15/11)
List of Participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: Organizational matters

Item 4: 2017 workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/3)

Item 5: Sixth Review of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/4)
Outcome of discussions

Item 6: 2017 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/5)
Outcome of discussions

Item 7: Review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/6)
Outcome of discussions

Item 8: Measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the Biennial Assessment and Overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/7)
Outcome of discussions

Item 9: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/8)
Outcome of discussions

Item 10: 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/9)
Outcome of discussions

Item 11: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2017/15/10)
Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the GCF
Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the GEF
Outcome of discussions

Agenda (SCF/2016/14/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2016/14/2)
Report of the fourteenth meeting (SCF/2016/14/9)
List of Participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 2: Organizational matters

Item 3: 2016 Biennial Assessment (BA) and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/3)

Item 4: Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
     1. Report of the 2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance focusing on financial instruments that address the risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/4)
Outcome of discussions
     2. Discussions on the theme for the 2017 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance

Item 5: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/5)
Outcome of discussions
Outcome of discussions (SCF Response to GCF co-chairs)

Item 6: Measurement, reporting, and verification of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/6)
Outcome of discussions

Item 7: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/7)
Outcome of discussions
Outcome of discussions (Technology Mechanism)

Item 8: Review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance
Outcome of discussions

Item 9: Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Conference of the Parties
Background paper (SCF/2016/14/8)
Outcome of discussions

Agenda (SCF/2016/13/Rev.1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2016/13/2)
Report of the thirteenth meeting (SCF/2016/13/8)
List of Participants
List of Participants of the biennial assessment technical meeting
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 2: Organizational matters

Item 3: Updates on the work of the SCF during the 44th session of the subsidiary bodies
    1. Coherence and coordination: financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches
Background paper (SCF/2016/13/3)
Outcome of discussions
    2. Long term finance issues referred to in decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 12
    3. Matters relating to the measurement, reporting, and verification of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Information note by the secretariat

Item 4: Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
    1. 2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2016/13/4)
Draft programme (short-version)
Outcome of discussions
    2. Discussions on the theme for 2017 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2016/13/5)
Outcome of discussions

Item 5: 2016 Biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2016/13/6)
Outcome of discussions

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2016/13/7)
Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the GCF
Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the GEF Outcome of discussions

Item 7: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention

Agenda (SCF/2016/12/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2016/12/2)
Report of the twelfth meeting (SCF/2016/12/10)
List of Participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: Organizational matters
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/9)

Item 4: Consideration of the long-term finance issues referred to in decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 12
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/3)
Outcome of discussions

Item 5: Coherence and coordination: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/4)
Outcome of discussions

Item 6: 2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/5)
"Input to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance"; Gottfried von Gemmingen, Member of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
Outcome of discussions

Item 7: 2016 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/6)
Note by co-facilitators of the working group on the 2016 biennial assessment an overview of climate finance flows
Outcome of discussions

Item 8: MRV of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/7)
Outcome of discussions

Item 9: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/8)
Outcome of discussions

Item 10: Linkages with the subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2016/12/9)
Outcome of discussions
Provisional Agenda 1st technical meeting on the 2016 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows

Agenda (SCF/2015/11/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2015/11/2)
Report of the eleventh meeting (SCF/2015/11/13)
List of Participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 4a: Outcomes of the 2015 SCF Forum and the Work on coherence and coordination: financing for forests, taking into account different approaches
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/3)
Report from break out group

Item 4b: 2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/4)

Item 5: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/5)
Compilation and analysis of past guidance provided to the Green Climate Fund: COP 16 up until COP 20
Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the Global Environment Facility: COP 1 until COP 201 including SBI conclusions
Report from break out group

Item 6: MRV of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/6)
Overview of current mandates and gaps relating to MRV of support (2010-2015)
Report from break out group

Item 7: 2016 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/7)
Report from break out group

Item 8: Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2015/11/8)
Legal note on proposed recommendations
Report from break out group


Agenda (SCF/2015/10/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2015/10/2)
Report of the tenth meeting (SCF/2015/10/13)
List of Participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: 2015 forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/3)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 4: Coherence and coordination: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/4)
Draft working paper on coherence and coordination: issues related to finance for forests, taking into account different policy approaches (SCF/2015/10/11)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 5: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/5)
Compendium of past guidance provided to the Global Environment Facility - COP 1 to COP 20 (including SBI conclusions)
Compendium of past guidance provided to the Green Climate Fund
- COP 16 to COP 20

Compilation and analysis of past guidance to the Global Environment Facility - COP 1 until COP 20 (including SBI conclusions)
Compilation and analysis of past guidance provided to the Green Climate Fund - COP 16 up until COP 20
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 6: Measurement, reporting, and verification of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/6)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 7: Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/7)
Working paper
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 8: The 2016 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/8)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 9: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2015/10/9)
Outcome notes from break out group

Agenda (SCF/2015/9/1)
Annotated agenda (SCF/2015/9/2)
Report of the ninth meeting (SCF/2015/9/10)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 4: Workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance in 2015: Consideration of the long - term finance issues referred to in decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 12
Background paper (SCF/2015/9/3)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 5: 2015 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches
Background paper (SCF/2015/9/4)
Inputs and case studies received from Parties and organizations to the SCF on the topic of forest finance
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2015/9/5)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 7: Measurement, reporting and verification beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Background paper (SCF/2015/9/6)
Outcome notes from break out group

Item 8: Institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention.
Background paper(SCF/2015/9/7)
Outcome notes from break out group

Agenda (SCF/2014/8/1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2014/8/2)
Summary and Recommendations by the Standing Committee on Finance on the 2014 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Report of the eighth meeting (SCF/2014/8/9)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: Biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/3)

Item 4: Fifth review of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/4)

Item 5a: Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Outcome of the 2014 Forum on mobilizing adaptation finance
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/5)

Item 5b: Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: 2015 Forum on financing for forests.
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/6)

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/7)

Item 7: Coherence and coordination: the issue of financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches.
Background paper (SCF/2014/7/5/Rev.1)

Item 8: MRV of finance beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
Background paper (SCF/2014/8/8)

Agenda (SCF/2014/7/1/Rev.2)
Annotated agenda (SCF/2014/7/2/Rev.1 )
Report of the seventh meeting (SCF/2014/7/9)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 2c: Organizational matters: Communication Strategy
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/10/Rev.1)

Item 3: Biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
Co-facilitators note (SCF/2014/7/3)
Presentation on first draft of the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows

Item 4: Fifth review of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/7/4)
Highlights of the preliminary findings of the technical paper on the fifth review of the financial mechanism

Item 5: Coherence and coordination: the issue of financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches. Background paper (SCF/2014/7/5)

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/7/6)
Revised initial paper (SCF/2014/7/6)

Item 7: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention.
Background paper (SCF/2014/7/x)

Item 8: MRV of finance beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
Background paper (SCF/2014/7/8/Rev.1)

Agenda (SCF/2014/6/1/Rev.1)
Annotated Agenda (SCF/2014/6/2/Rev.1)
Report of the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2014/6/11)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 4: Biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/3)

Item 5: Fifth review of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/4)

Item 6: Second forum of the Standing Committee on Finance.
Draft concept note (SCF/2014/6/6)
Draft programme

Item 7: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism.
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/7)

Item 8: MRV of finance beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/8)

Item 9: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention.
Background paper (SCF/2014/6/9)

Item 10a. Communication Strategy
Draft communication strategy (SCF/2014/6/10)


Agenda (SCF/2013/5/1/Rev.1)
Annotated agenda (SCF/2013/5/2/Rev.1)
Submissions to the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2013/5/8)
Report of the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2013/5/9)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: Fifth review of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2013/5/3)

Item 4: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2013/5/4)
Presentation: Fifth Overall Performance Study of the GEF - OPS5 Evidence on Guidance; Rob D. van den Berg, GEF, Director

Item 5: MRV of support and biennial assessments and overview of financial flows
Background paper (SCF/2013/5/5)
Presentation: MRV of climate finance - Current status, relevant OECD work, potential ways forward; Raphaël Jachnik, OECD Environment Directorate
Presentation: Joint MDB Climate Finance Tracking; Jan Willem van de Ven, Senior Carbon Manager, Carel Cronenberg, MRV Manager
Presentation: Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying Climate Finance; Smita Nakhooda

Item 6: Second forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2013/5/6)

Item 8: Code of Conduct of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper on the Code of Conduct of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2013/5/7)

Call for inputs on elements to be taken into account for the development of a work programme on measurement, reporting and verification of support and the conduct of the biennial assessments and overview of climate finance flows in 2014, June-July 2013


Submitted by


Submission CPI

Climate Policy Initiative


Submission Germanwatch



Submission Haites

Erik Haites, Margaree Consultants Inc.


Submission OECD



Submission IETA



Submission CIF



Submission BlindSpot Think Tank

BlindSpot Think Tank


Submissions by observers to the Standing Committee on Finance

Submission by Benito Müller


Agenda (SCF/2013/4/1/Rev.1)
Annotated agenda (SCF/2013/4/2/Rev.1)
Report of the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2013/3/11)
List of participants
Click here for the webcast of this meeting.

Item 3: Reflections on the outcomes of the first forum of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2013/4/3)

Item 5: Fifth review of the financial mechanism
Background paper on the initial draft of the consolidated guidelines (SCF/2013/4/5)

Item 6: Draft guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism
Background paper on procedural aspects (SCF/2013/4/6)

Item 7a: Expert inputs to the work programme on long-term finance
Background paper (SCF/2013/4/7)

Item 7b: MRV of support
Background paper (SCF/2013/4/8)

Item 7c: Linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and thematic bodies of the Convention
Background paper (SCF/2013/4/9)

Item 7d: Code of Conduct of the Standing Committee on Finance
Background paper (SCF/2013/4/10

Submissions by observers to the Standing Committee on Finance

Submission by Transparency International
Submission by Benito Müller


Agenda (SCF/2012/2/1)
Annotated agenda(SCF/2012/2/1)
List of participants
Report of the second meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF/2012/2/7)

Item 5: Strategy for the Forum of the Standing Committee
Background paper (SCF/2012/2/4)

Item 6: Expert input into the fifth review of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2012/2/5)

Item 7: Draft guidance and recommendations to the COP for the operating entities of the financial mechanism
Background paper (SCF/2012/2/6)


600 Desks in the Open Writing Press Area 20x Cubicles of 32sqm for Larger TV and Radio Broadcasters 30x Cubicles of 16qm for TV and Radio Broadcasters 16x Cubicles of 16sqm Cubicles for Text Agencies 8x Cubicles of 8sqm for Text Agencies

Agenda (SC/2012/1/1 Rev.1)
Annotated agenda (SC/2012/1/1)
List of participants
Report of the first meeting of the Standing Committee (SC/2012/1/6)

Item 2c: Modalities of work of the Standing Committee
Background paper (SCF/2012/1/3)

Item 3: Discussions on the scope and functions of the Standing Committee
Background paper on possible activities (SCF/2012/1/3)

Item 4: Preparation of the work programme of the Standing Committee 2012 and 2013–2015
Background paper on the organization of the forum (SCF/2012/1/4)
Background paper on approaches for maintaining linkages with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the thematic bodies of the Convention (SCF/2012/1/5)
