Information Repository
The Standing Committee on Finance  was mandated by the Conference of the Parties (COP) at its 17th session to organize a Forum for the communication and continued exchange of information among bodies and entities dealing with climate change finance in order to promote linkages and coherence.

This page contains submissions, reports and publications as provided to the Standing Committee on Finance by stakeholders involved in climate finance.


At COP 27, the SCF held a side event on 11 November 2022 and presented highlights of its latest reports including the 5th Biennial Assessment and overview of climate finance flows, progress report on mobilizing USD 100 Billion per year, definitions of climate finance and Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement.

Please click here to see the programme.

Please click here to download the slides presented during the event.

At its ninth meeting, the Standing Committee on Finance agreed to invite submissions from SCF members, observers and thematic bodies under the Convention by 8 May on the following issues:

Possible future relations between the Adaptation Fund and with other institutions under the Convention;

Possible future institutional linkages between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention, taking into account any legal and technical implications identified.

For more information, including specific questions, please click here (90 kB) .

Received submissions on possible future institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention

Information received

Submitted by


Submission - Oxford Climate Policy (118 kB)

Oxford Climate Policy


Submission – SCF Member (257 kB)

Stephan Kellenberger


Submission – CIAT/CCAFS (325 kB)

Dhanush Dinesh


Submission – SCF Member (25 kB)

Inka Gnittke


Submission – Observer of the South Centre to the SCF (239 kB)

Bernarditas Muller


Submission – SCF Member (100 kB)

Richard Sherman


Submission – SCF Member (172 kB)

Edith Kateme Kassajja


Submission – Germanwatch (58 kB)

David Eckstein


At COP 17, Parties mandated the SCF to prepare a biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows. The SCF invited inputs from interested stakeholders to support its work on the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows in general, as well as on the objective, scope and proposed outline of the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows in particular. More information on the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows can be found here.


 Submissions received on the call for evidence: information and data for the preparation of the sixth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows

Document Submitted by


Submission OPEC

1 July 2024

Submission Global CCS Institute

1 July 2024

Submission KAPSARC

30 June 2024

Submission Oxfam

30 June 2024

Submission UNCTAD

28 June 2024


 Submissions received on the call for evidence: information and data for the preparation of the fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows


 Submitted by  Date


 Indonesia  01/10/2022


 Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility  05/08/2022


 International Fund for Agricultural Development  20/07/2022


Submissions received on the call for evidence: information and data for the preparation of the fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows

Document Submitted by



2 Degrees Investing Initiative



The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)



Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


Submission Economic Community of West African States


Submission Government of Ecuador



Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington, DC (hbs) supported by the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)


Submission National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism


Submission OXFAM


Submission Ian Mitchell, Atousa Tahmasebi, Rachel Calleja, Euan Ritchie


Submission: LoCAL Facility of the UNCFD

Submission: LoCAL Facility of the UNCFD

Local Climate Adaptive Living facility of the UN Capital Development Fund



Additional submission


Mercy Corps



Raising the Game on Paris Alignment Germanwatch, New Climate
Institute and World Resources Institute


Submission Mexico Mexico


25 Years of Adaptation Finance

The international Climate Finance Accounting Muddle

Romain Weikmans 13/03/2020
Submission: Perspective Climate Group GmbH Perspective Climate Group GmbH


Submission E3G E3G


Submission Disclosure Insight Action


Relevant links to SEB actions within Asset Management:
Submission: SEB 1
Submission: SEB 2
Submission: SEB 3

SEB public newsletter with compiled data and forecasts:
Submission: SEB 4
Submission: SEB 5
Submission: SEB 6
Submission: SEB 7

SEB:s portal for Green Bonds:
Submission: SEB 8

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB) 2/03/2020
Submission: SEI Stockholm Environment Institute


Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Colombia
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Colombia


2018 Climate Activity Report
2017 Climate Activity Report
Sustainable Development Analysis

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) 28/02/2020
Submission: IDFC

Aligning with the Paris Agreement - Executive Summary
Framework for Alignment with the Paris Agreement:
Why, What and How for Financial Institutions?
Implementing Alignment with the Paris Agreement: Recommendations for the Members of IDFC
Aligning with the Paris Agreement - Position Paper
2018 IDFC Green Finance Mapping Report
2019 Green Finance Mapping Report - Executive Summary
2019 Green Finance Report - Full Report
IDFC's Contribution to the UN Climate Action Summit 2019
Lessons Learned - Adaptation - MDB IDFC - Full Report

International Development Finance Club (IDFC) 28/02/2020
Submission: Turkey Turkey


Submission: OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Submission WRI World Resources Institute


Submission Oil Change International Oil Change International


Exploring options to measure the climate consistency of real economy investments: the manufacturing industries in Norway OECD (in close cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment) 28/02/2020
Submission UfM Secretariat UfM Secretariat


Calling for business unusual: reforming climate finance
How climate finance can help repurpose hydropower
Climate finance for hydropower

International Institute for Environment and Development 26/02/2020
Submission CREWS Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems



Submissions received on the call for evidence: information and data for the preparation of the 2018 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows


Submitted by


Submission E3G E3G


Submission OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Submission Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat


Submission Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative Secretariat

Secretariat of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative


Submission Assessing the credibility of how climate adaptation aid projects are categorised Weikmans, R., Roberts, J. T., Baum, J., Bustos, C., & Durand (2017)


Submission Postface: fragmentation, failing trust and enduring tensions over what counts as climate finance Roberts, J. T., & Weikmans, R. (2017)


Submission The international climate finance accounting muddle: is there hope on the horizon? Weikmans, R., & Roberts, J.T. (2018)


Submission UNDP United Nations Development Programme


Submission IATI Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)


Submission EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Submission ODI Overseas Development Institute


Submission UN ECLAC United Nations ECLAC


Submission IDFC International Development Finance Club


Objective of the webinar

The objective of the capacity-building webinar is to highlight the linkages of climate finance and gender, and thereby further strengthen the SCF’s capacity to integrate gender into the work of the SCF in the current and forthcoming workplans. Through this webinar members shared their views related to gender and climate finance.


Presentation: Overview of decisions on gender and their relevance for constituted bodies, including the SCF by Ms. Fleur Newman, UNFCCC secretariat
Presentation: Gender Aspects of public and private financial flows - latest research by Ms. Mariama Williams, South Centre 
Presentation: Gender-Responsive Climate Finance by Ms. Tara Daniel, Women's Environment and Development Organization

Received contributions on relevant information/case studies: coherence and coordination for financing for forests

Received information

Sent by

Affiliation / Organization

Date received

Submission Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (57 kB)

Institutional analysis of incentives for the provision of forest goods and services: An assessment of incentive schemes in Catalonia (north-east Spain)

Green Book on payments for environmental services from Mediterranean forests

Denis Boglio

Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, Spain

13 October 2014

Submission United Nations Forum on Forests (65 kB)

Hossein Moeini-Meybodi

United Nations Forum on Forests

16 October 2014

Submission Tropenbos International (64 kB)

Financing and Business Engagement for Tropical Forests: Recent Publications (1293 kB)

Herman Savenije

Tropenbos International

28 October 2014

Submission OECD (66 kB)

Anthony Cox

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

29 October 2014

Submission Towards Transparency (101 kB)

Cao Hai Thanh

Towards Transparency

6 November 2014

Submission WeForest (67 kB)
Submission Paper (322 kB)
Good Business: Making private investments work for tropical forests (3669 kB)
Guide to investing in locally controlled forestry (1587 kB)
Conservation Finance - Moving beyond donor funding toward an investor-driven approach (2303 kB)

Fraser Brown


11 November 2014

CfRN Submission on SCF Working Paper (131 kB)

Frederica Bietta

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

20 November 2014

El desarrollo de un Sistema Nacional de Salvaguardas para REDD+ en México (3454 kB)

The Development of a National Safeguard System for REDD+ in Mexico (3952 kB)

Juan Carlos Carrillo F.

Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental

6 December 2014

Submission Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade (FAST) (201 kB)

Lily Minkova

Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade (FAST)

17 December 2014

Submission by the Plurinational State of Bolivia (447 kB)

Annex 1. The Joint Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanism for the Integral and Sustainable Management of Forests (JMA) (2833 kB)
Annex 2. Implementation progress on JMA in the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2069 kB)

National Focal Point of Bolivia

Plurinational State of Bolivia

28 January 2015

Submission Althelia (1255 kB)

Edit Kiss

Althelia ecosphere

30 January 2015

Submission CDP (3174 kB)

Roberta Iley


30 January 2015

Submission World Bank Group (520 kB)

Rama Chandra Reddy

World Bank Group

30 January 2015

Submission International Emissions Trading Association (240 kB)

Sophy Greenhalgh

International Emissions Trading Association

30 January 2015

Submission Climate Policy Initiative (132 kB)

Angela Falconer

Climate Policy Initiative

31 January 2015

Submission SCS_Coherence_Coordination_UNFCCC_013015 (98 kB)

SCS GHG Qualifications Profile (2765 kB)

Christie Pollet-Young

SCS Global Service

31 January 2015

Declaration Pacte Tunisie Verte (3494 kB)

Brochure Partenariat Forêts Marocaines (2718 kB)

Ludwig Liagre


4 February 2015

Submission by FAO, UNEP and UNDP to support REDD+ activities through the UN-REDD programme (410 kB)

Stephen Gold


6 February 2015

Submission on ‘relevant information/case studies to inform the working paper on coherence and coordination for financing for forests’ (94 kB)

South-originating Green Finance (1870 kB)

Climate Change: Implications for Investors and Financial Institutions (1191 kB)

Integrated Governance: A new model of governance for sustainability (3188 kB)

Iain Henderson


6 February 2015

Submission – United States of America (289 kB)

Randy Caruso

United States of America

12 February 2015

Submission – Japan (198 kB)

Ida Mizuki


16 April 2015

Submission – Center for International Forestry Research (224 kB)

Stephen Leonard

Center for International Forestry Research

22 April 2015

Towards effective national forest funds (8552 kB)

Rao Matta

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

28 April 2015

Submission – Permain Global (86 kB)

Keven Brough

Permian Global Research Ltd

22 May 2015

Submssion - Tools to Unlock Finance for Sustainable Land-Use (566 kB)

Adeline Dontenville

EU REDD Facility, CPI and Climate Focus

10 June 2015

Comments from Peru on the proposed SCF forum on finance for forests (42 kB)

Mirko Serkovic

Ministry of Environment, Peru

23 June 2015

Submission - Brazil´s experiences with the coherence and coordination of climate financing for forests, including ways and means to transfer payments for results-based actions (209 kB)

Leticia Guimaraes

Ministry of the Environment, Brazil

23 June 2015

Contribution from Colombia on the draft concept note on the 2015 Standing Committee on Finance Forum (202 kB)

Santiago Briceño Flórez

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia

23 June 2015

GEF Case Studies (176 kB)

GEF report to SCF on REDD+ and SFM (193 kB)

Chizuru Aoki, Roland Sundstrom


24 June 2015

Comments by Mexico to the Draft Concept Note for the 2015 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (162 kB)

Roberto Donisch

Government of Mexico

11 July 2015

COP 19 requested the SCF to continue to provide expert input to the fifth review of the Financial Mechanism, with a view to the review being finalized by COP 20. In addition, COP 19 requested the SCF to continue to provide expert input to the fifth review of the Financial Mechanism, with a view to the review being finalized by COP 20. In this context, the SCF prepared a technical paper on the fifth review (1085 kB) , and included the executive summary of the technical paper in its report to COP 20 for consideration by the COP.

Side event on the work of the SCF related to the fifth review during the 40th session of the SBs, June 2014 ProgrammePresentation

This section contains submissions received from SCF members and observers on their views on the elements of the workplan on measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the biennial assessmenet and overview of climate finance. The submission was invited by the SCF at its 10th meeting held in June 2015.

Views on elements of the work plan on measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance


Submitted by


Submission South Centre (129 kB)

South Centre


Submission GFLAC (698 kB)

Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean


Submission Rajasree Ray (66 kB)

Rajasree Ray, SCF member



22 June

Provisional Programme: Update on the work of the Standing Committee on Finance

22 June

Update on the work of the Standing Committee on Finance in 2019 


20 May

WFO General Assembly - Climate Change Working Group technical session Presentation


1 May

Side event of the Standing Committee on Finance


3 May

Second meeting of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building


18 September

Eighth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw international Mechanism for Loss and Damage


4 October

12th meeting of the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network


3 December

 Modalities for implementation of the outcomes of the five in-session workshops on issues related to agriculture and other future topics that may arise from this work



8 May

Side event of the Standing Committee on Finance


12 May

First meeting of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building


13 May

Fourth voluntary meeting on the coordination of support for the implementation of REDD-plus activities in developing countries



18 May

In-session workshop on long-term finance


20 May

Side event of the Standing Committee on Finance


23 May

Side event of the Standing Committee on Finance SCF side event – Enhancing coherence and coordination of forest finance"


23 May

3rd voluntary meeting on the coordination of support for the implementation of activities referred to in Decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (REDD+)



3 June

Information event of the Standing Committee on Finance




Update on the preparation of the first biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows during the first meeting of the contact group of the agenda item on the issue of methodologies for reporting financial information by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention during the 40th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)


8 June

Side event on the biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows at the margins of the 40th session of the SBs,


25 August

Informal Dialogue on Climate Finance, hosted by the incoming Presidency of the COP 20


16 - 17 September

Global Forum of the Climate Change Expert Group, OECD


29 September - 1 October

Sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee


4 December

Outreach event on financing for forests



The SCF has initiated the preparation of the report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency of implementation, and is looking for inputs in accordance with the call for evidence. Information and data should be submitted via email to:

Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders

Document Submitted by


Submission Global CCS Institute

1 July 2024

Submission Oxfam

30 June 2024

Submission KAPSARC

30 June 2024

Submission UNCTAD

28 June 2024



Submitted by


Submission ODI

9 August 2022

OECD 29 July 2022

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) requested the SCF to prepare a report on the doubling of adaptation finance, in line with paragraph 18 of decision 1/CMA.3 for consideration by CMA 5 (Dec. 1/CMA.4, para. 42). SCF 30 agreed on the scope and outline of the report, the workplan and timeline including to issue a call for inputs with a deadline of 31 July 2023. Information in response to the call should be submitted via email to:



Submitted by


Submission Least Developed Countries 2 August 2023
Submission European Union 31 July 2023
Submission United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 31 July 2023

Non-party stakeholders


Submitted by


Cover letter


Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative 1 August 2023
Submission African Group of Negotiators Experts Support 31 July 2023
Submission Climate Policy Initiative 31 July 2023
Submission Global Citizen 31 July 2023
Submission Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance 31 July 2023
Submission SEEK Development 31 July 2023
Submission SilverLining 31 July 2023
Submission World Wide Fund for Nature 31 July 2023
Submission ACT Alliance, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Bread for the World, Global Citizen, Oxfam, and the United Nations Foundation 28 July 2023
Submission London School of Economics and Political Science 28 July 2023
Submission ODI 27 July 2023

Cover letter


CARE 26 July 2023
Submission Youth Adaptation Network 20 July 2023
Submission International Fund for Agricultural Development 7 July 2023

As mandated by the Conference of the Parties (COP), the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) reports on its Forum in its annual reports to the COP

2018 SCF Forum - "Climate Finance Architecture - Enhancing collaboration, seizing opportunities"
Report (Annex III of 2018 SCF annual report)
2017 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Finance for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure"
Report (Annex V of 2017 SCF annual report)
2016 SCF Forum - "Financial instruments that address the risks of Loss and Damage"
Report (Annex III of 2016 SCF annual report)

2015 SCF Forum - "Enhancing coherence and coordination of forest financing"
Report (Annex II of 2015 SCF annual report)

2014 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Adaptation Finance"
Executive Summary (Annex IV of 2014 SCF annual report)
Full Report

2013 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Finance & Investment for Climate Action Now"
Report (Annex II of 2013 SCF annual report)

This section* contains reports and publications as provided to the Standing Committee on Finance by stakeholders involved in climate finance.

Contributions received





Operationalizing a Gender-Sensitive approach in the Green Climate Fund (647 kB)

Liane Schalatek and Katya Burns;
edited by Gail Karlsson and Ana Rojas



Toward Mutual Accountability: the 2015 Adaptation Finance Transparency Gap Report (2582 kB)

AdaptationWatch consortium



AGWA recommendations to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance NEW! (287 kB)

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)




AGWA recommendations to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance

Submissions in response to decision 14/CP.27

Document Submitted by Date
Submission Senegal, on behalf of LDCs 16 May 2023

Submission (EN)

Submission (FR)

Canada 15 May 2023
Submission Oil Change International and International Institute for Sustainable Development 1 May 2023
Submission EU 26 April 2023


The COP, at its twenty-sixth session, and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) at its third session, requested the SCF to continue its work on definitions of climate finance, taking into account the submissions received from Parties on this matter, with a view to providing input for consideration at COP 27 (November 2022). This section contains submissions received from Parties and stakeholders on their views on the operational definitions on climate finance.

Submissions made by Parties


Submitted by


Submission Philippines 19 Apr 2022
Submission United States of America 29 June 2022
Submission Senegal on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 13 May 2022
Submission Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf of Bolivia on behalf of LMDC 11 May 2022
Submission Kenya 30 April 2022
Submission India 18 March 2022

Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders


Submitted by


Submission IIED 6 May 2022

Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)

30 April 2022
Submission Group of MDBs: AfDB, ADB, AIIB, EBRD, EIB, IDBG, IsDB, NDB and WBG  27 April 2022
Submission Third World Network (TWN) 21 April 2022

This section contains submissions received from Parties on their views on the operational definitions of climate finance for consideration by the SCF in order to enhance its technical work in the context of preparing the fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows (Decision 11/CP.25 and Decision 5/CMA.2).


Submitted by


Submission Belize on behalf of the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) 31 August 2020
Submission Kingdom of Bhutan on behalf of the Least Developed Countries 30 June 2020
Submission Republic of Gabon on behalf of the Africa Group of Negotiators 30 June 2020
Submission Indonesia 4 June 2020
Submission Japan 15 May 2020
Submission Honduras on behalf of AILAC Group 13 May 2020
Submission Canada 13 May 2020
Submission Norway 12 May 2020
Submission Philippines 8 May 2020
Submission Solomon Islands 8 May 2020
Submission European Union 5 May 2020
Submission Switzerland on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group 1 May 2020
Submission Republic of Vanuatu 1 May 2020


CMA 4 requests the Standing Committee on Finance to continue its work regarding ways to achieve Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement, including options for approaches and guidelines for implementation, in accordance with decision 10/CMA.3, paragraph 2, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement at its fifth session (November–December 2023) and invites Parties and stakeholders in the financial sector to make further submissions thereon.

Call for inputs

Submissions made by Parties


Submitted by


Submission ABU 10 August 2023

Submission (French)
Submission (English)

Canada 10 July 2023
Submission India 3 June 2023
Submission United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 June 2023

Saudi Arabia on behalf of Arab Group

25 May 2023
Submission Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf of Bolivia on behalf of the Like-Minded Developing Countries  25 May 2023
Submission Norway 15 May 2023
Submission New Zealand 15 May 2023
Submission Vanuatu 12 May 2023
Submission Sweden on behalf of the European Union 11 May 2023


Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders


Submitted by


Submission ODI on behalf of Rabia Transitions and ODI, supported by the Independent Global Stocktake and its Finance Working Group 17 August 2023
Submission Third World Network 8 August 2023
Submission Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf of Children and Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC (YOUNGO) 16 July 2023
Submission Climate Action Network 29 June 2023
Submission Care About Climate on behalf of the YOUNGO constituency 29 June 2023
Submission Environmental Defense Canada 28 June 2023
Submission CDP Worldwide 31 May 2023
Submission  NGFS Secretariat 31 May 2023
Submission Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 31 May 2023
Submission PRI Association 31 May 2023
Submission Oil Change International, International Institute for Sustainable Development and Friends of the Earth United States US

31 May 2023

Submission Climate Policy Initiative 31 May 2023
Submission International Fund for Agricultural Development 29 May 2023
Submission UNCTAD 26 May 2023

ODI on behalf of Joseph Feyertag and Charlene Watson (ODI) and David Ryfisch (Germanwatch), supported by the Independent Global Stocktake and its Finance Working Group

11 May 2023
Submission  Aviva Investors 19 April 2023

The CMA 3 invited Parties, operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, international financial institutions and other stakeholders in the financial sector to submit views regarding ways to achieve Article 2, paragraph 1(c) of the Paris Agreement including options for approaches and guidelines for implementation, by 30 April 2022. 

Submissions made by Parties


Submitted by


Submission Australia 12 August 2022
Submission India 26 July 2022
Submission Switzerland on behalf of EIG 16 June 2022
Submission Norway 3 June 2022
Submission Senegal on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 3 June 2022
Submission Zambia on behalf of the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) 1 June 2022
Submission (FR)
Submission (EN)


13 May 2022
Submission France on behalf of the European Union and its Member States 2 May 2022
Submission Kenya 2 May 2022
Submission Vanuatu 30 April 2022
Submission Chile on behalf of AILAC 29 April 2022

Submissions made by non-Party stakeholders


Submitted by


Submission David Rouch 28 July 2022
Submission Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 30 April 2022
Submission Care About Climate (CAC) on behalf of The Children and Youth Constituency of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (YOUNGO) 27 April 2022

Building on the experience from the previous Forums, where the SCF worked with a wide range of partner institutions and, where possible, held the Forum in conjunction with relevant events, the SCF invites interested stakeholders to submit proposals on its next Forum on the topic of Financing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS):

  • Scope and purpose of the Forum
  • NBS related papers and case studies that could inform the Forum
  • Potential institutions and events to partner with, in the organization of the Forum




1 July 2020
Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment

2 July 2020

The Pew Charitable Trusts

7 July 2020

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

23 July 2020

Tebtebba Foundation

24 July 2020

Emergent Forest Finance Accelerator

27 July 2020

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

30 July 2020

Guatemala :  English  Spanish

30 July 2020

World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME)

30 July 2020

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

30 July 2020

Farmers Constituency

30 July 2020

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

30 July 2020

Climate Land Ambition Rights Alliance (CLARA)

30 July 2020


30 July 2020


30 July 2020

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

30 July 2020

Incitare and The Pacific Institute

31 July 2020

International Savanna Fire Management Initiative

31 July 2020

The Nature Conservancy

31 July 2020

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

31 July 2020

Independent Alliance of Latin America  and the Caribbean (AILAC)

31 July 2020

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

31 July 2020

University of Pennsylvania

31 July 2020

Adaptation Fund

31 July 2020

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

31 July 2020

Forests for Life Partnership (FFL)

31 July 2020

Conservation International (CI), Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Land Use and Climate Knowledge Initiative (LUCKI), National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Rare, Seychelles' Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

31 July 2020

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

31 July 2020

Climate Advisors Incorporated

31 July 2020

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

31 July 2020
Rio Impact 31 July 2020

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

3 August 2020

Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance

3 August 2020


3 August 2020


3 August 2020

Global Commission on Adaptation

4 August 2020

CDP Worldwide

4 August 2020

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

5 August 2020

United Nations Convention to Combat Dessertification  (UNCCD)

5 August 2020

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

7 August 2020

Green Climate Fund (GCF)

15 September 2020

Third World Network

15 September 2020

23 September 2020




African Risk Capacity (ARC)

ARC_Overview (136 kB)
ARC_and_ARC LTD (292 kB)
ARC_Cost of Drought (418 kB)
ARC_XCF_ARC_Factsheet (187 kB)

*) This section is a compilation, “as is”, of materials provided by the users. The UNFCCC secretariat does not represent or endorse the reliability, accuracy or completeness of any materials posted herein. The UNFCCC secretariat does not make any warranties express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights nor does it make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any such materials. Reliance upon any such materials shall be at the user’s sole risk.

For comprehensive UNFCCC disclaimer please click here.

The SCF agreed to invite inputs on the topics below, in order to inform the Forum’s preparatory work:

  1. Scope and purpose of the Forum
    The SCF invites its members and interested stakeholders to the Forum to submit their inputs on the scope and purpose of the Forum and also to provide relevant information/case studies that would inform the Forum.

  2. Potential institutions and events to partner with in the organization of the Forum
    Building on the experience from the previous Forums, where the SCF worked with a wide range of partner institutions and held the Forum in conjunction with relevant events, the SCF agreed to explore partnerships for the upcoming fourth SCF Forum and hence invites its members and interested stakeholders to the Forum to provide information on potential organizations with whom to partner as well as events (ideally taking place between May and September 2016), with which the Forum could be held in conjunction.



Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) (297 kB)


LEAD Pakistan (232 kB)


Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (Excom) (173 kB)


Swiss Re (77 kB)


ICCCAD (International Center for Climate Change and Development)
& CDL Brown (Climate and Development Lab)
(133 kB)


Munich Re (197 kB)


African Risk Capacity (ARC) (420 kB)


Climate Justice Programme (125 kB)


United Nations World Food Programme & Oxfam America (616 kB)


CAN International (536 kB)


SCF member: Sarah Conway (312 kB)


United Nations World Food Programme (403 kB)


Republic of Mali on behalf of the African Group of Negotiators (105 kB)


Japan (85 kB)


United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) (121 kB)



SCF Forum, 28 May 2013 in Barcelona, Spain

Programme of the 2013 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance

Presentations and background material provided during the forum:

Avril Benchimol, Interamerican Development Bank
Mobilizing finance for the Private Sector, Innovation in LAC (1971 kB)

Barbara Buchner, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
CPI Spaghetti 2012 (140 kB)

Diann Black-Layne and Konrad von Ritter
Crowdfunding for Climate Change (321 kB)

Jane Ellis, Principal Administrator, Environment Directorate, OECD secretariat
Comparing Definitions and Methods to Estimate Mobilised Climate Finance (976 kB)
Updated information on bilateral aid data (469 kB)
CRS dataset on Rio markers
Analytical papers on mobilising and tracking climate finance

Alexander Froede, Environment and Climate Change Division, Competence Centre for Climate Change, GIZ
It’s not just the money: institutional strengthening of national climate funds (1326 kB)
Capacity development for direct access to climate finance (1156 kB)
Climate Finance Readiness - Preliminary approach and insights from efforts in Southern Africa (308 kB)

Juan Gomez, Lead Financial Markets and Climate Change Specialist, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division, Inter-American Development Bank
The role of national development banks (3244 kB)
The role of national development banks (Spanish version) (3367 kB)

Jessica Jacob, Director for Social and Environmental Responsibility, Findeter, Colombia
Findeter - Supporting Sustainable Development (2294 kB)
Colombian Green Protocol (476 kB)

Franka Klingel, Principal Administrator, Environment Directorate, EBRD
Joint MDB Report on Adaptation Finance 2011 (464 kB)
Joint MDB Report on Mitigation Finance 2012 (462 kB)

For the first two SCF Forums, the SCF worked with partner organizations and held the Forum in conjunction with their events, such as Carbon Expo (2013) and Climate Investment Funds Partnership Forum (2014).


In planning for the 2015 SCF Forum to be held on the topic of financing for forests
background document (in accordance with decision 2/CP.17 paragraph 121(a) and 9/CP.19 paragraphs 20 and 21), it was agreed by the SCF to:

  • further explore partnerships for the upcoming 2015 SCF Forum and

  • invite its members and interested organizations to provide information on potential partnerships and events with which the Forum could be held in conjunction.

Received information

Sent by

Affiliation / Organization

Date received

Submission Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (62 kB)

Leaflet of the MFW4 (483 kB)

ToR of the specific session on Carbon Finance and the application of REDD+ in the mediterranean (317 kB)

Brochure of the Forest Hub at Sant Pau Historical Site (3601 kB)

Denis Boglio

Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, Spain

14 October 2014

Submission United Nations Forum on Forests (60 kB)

Draft proposal for partnership related to the 2015 SCF Forum (103 kB)

Hossein Moeini-Meybodi

United Nations Forum on Forests

30 October 2014

Letter to the SCF (presented during the eighth meeting of the SCF) (267 kB)

Letter of Interest and proposed and proposed partnership (31 October 2014) (180 kB)

Steve Leonard

Center for International Forestry Research

31 October 2014

Submission IETA - SCF Forests Forum 2015 (377 kB)

Sophy Greenhalgh

International Emissions Trading Association

31 October 2014

Submission (178 kB)

Sarah Conway

SCF Member

4 November 2014

XIV World Forestry Congress

Tiina Vahanen

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

19 January 2015


SCF Forum, 21 and 22 June 2014 in Montego Bay, Jamaica

Programme of the 2014 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance

Presentations and background material provided during the forum:

Mr. Jeffery Spooner, Head of Agency, Meteorological Service, Ministry of Water, Land, Environment & Climate Change, Jamaica
Remarks by Mr. Jeffrey Spooner (120 kB)

Ms. Asha Bobb-Semple, on behalf of the UNDP Resident Representative
Opening_Asha Bobb-Semple (558 kB)

Mr. Clifford Mahlung, Adaptation Committee representative
The UNFCCC Adaptation Committee: Building Coherence on Finance (253 kB)
Information note for the 2014 SCF Forum issued by the Adaptation Committee and the Standing Committee on Finance (467 kB)

Ms. Barbara Buchner, Senior Director of Climate Policy Initiative and head of Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) Europe
Adaptation Finance - Climate Policy Initiative (563 kB)

Mr. Mikko Ollikainen, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Adaptation Fund
Concrete adaptation projects - What have we learned? (894 kB)

Mr. David Kaluba, Principal Economist (EMD)/National Coordinator (PPCR), Ministry of Finance, Government of Zambia
Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Plans (1578 kB)

Ms. Diann Black-Layne, Ambassador, Government of Antigua and Barbuda
Petrocaribe case study (66 kB)

Mr. Luis Fiallos, National Focal Point of Nicaragua to the UNFCCC

Adaptation policy in Nicaragua (105 kB)

Mr. Daniel Buckley, Climate Change Policy Analyst, UNDP
The status of public finance related to national funding for developing countries (976 kB)

Ms. Stephanie Ockenden, Economist/Policy analyst, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The status of public finance related to bilateral finance (1934 kB)

Mr. Gerard Alleng, Climate Change Senior Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Policy based loan in Trinidad and Tobago (269 kB)

Ms. Nancy Saich, Managerial Adviser, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Cooperation with the Caribbean Development Bank on lending for adaptation (357 kB)

Mr. Takashi Hongo, Senior Fellow, Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute
Adaptation finance by private funds for private investment (1504 kB)

Ms. Isabelle Proulx, Programme Manager, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Developing a model of how to bridge adaptation projects with private equity (887 kB)

Mr. Isaac Anthony, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF)
The role of insurance in adaptation finance in the Caribbean (584 kB)

Ms. Joanna Syroka, Programme Director, African Risk Capacity
The role of insurance in adaptation finance in Africa (437 kB)

Mr. Trevion Manning, Director of Planning, St. James Parish Council, Representative of the city of Montego Bay
Smart city project in Montego Bay (9512 kB)

Ms. Saliha Dobardzic, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Global Environment Facility
Climate risks and adaptation solutions in urban areas and settlements (628 kB)

Mr. James Alexander, Head of the Finance and Economic Development Initiative, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
The work of cities in adaptation finance and remaining challenges (769 kB)

Ms. Chantal Naidoo, Senior Associate of E3G’s International Climate Finance Programme
Financing resilience at the sub-national level in South Afirica (148 kB)

Mr. Daniel Rossetto, Managing Director, Climate Mundial
Case studies of climate resilience in urban areas and their funding (933 kB)

Mr. Syed Mujtaba Hussein, Director General and Special Assistant to the Minister, Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms, Government of Pakistan
Water management and adaptation in Pakistan (2270 kB)

Mr. Alfred Grunwald, Climate Change Senior Specialist, Coordinator for PPCR Bolivia, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Adaptation to climate impacts in water regulation and supply (1843 kB)

Mr. Batu Uprety, Chair of the LDC Expert Group
National adaptation in LDCs (153 kB)

Mr. Jan Willem den Besten, Senior Programme Officer, IUCN Netherlands
Mobilizing private sector finance, and mapping and scaling up climate resilience (972 kB)

Mr. Abiy Ashenafi, Program Coordinator Ethiopia, ICCO
Climate change adaptation and addressing deforestation along the coffee value chain, the case of Ethiopia (899 kB)
Video during the presentation

Ms. Claire Bernard, Deputy Director General, Sustainable Development and Regional Planning with the Planning Institute of Jamaica
The Adaptation Fund case study from Jamaica (200 kB)

Mr. Albert Binger, Member of the Technology Executive Committee
Outcomes of the TEC Adaptation workshop (1063 kB)

Mr. Amjad Abdulla, Director-General, Department of Climate Change and Energy, Maldives
SIDS DOCK case study (297 kB)

Mr. Kepa Solaun, Partner and General Director, Factor CO2
Case studies from energy and transport (1424 kB)

Ms. Sandy Ferguson, Knowledge and Policy Manager, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Climate resilient hydropower: experiences from the EBRD region (1080 kB)

Mr. Miguel Naranjo Gonzales, Programme Officer, Sustainable Development Mechanisms, UNFCCC
Experience and potential of the CDM for mitigation with adaptation co-benefits (545 kB)

For more information on the programme and biographies of the speakers, please click here.




This section* contains submissions on elements to be taken into account for the development of a work programme on measurement, reporting and verification of support and the conduct of the biennial assessments and overview of climate finance flows in 2014, as provided to the Standing Committee on Finance by stakeholders involved in climate finance pursuant to specific calls for inputs by the Standing Committee on Finance.

Call for inputs on elements to be taken into account for the development of a work programme on measurement, reporting and verification of support and the conduct of the biennial assessments and overview of climate finance flows in 2014, June-July 2013


Submitted by


Submission CPI (799 kB)

Climate Policy Initiative


Submission Germanwatch (202 kB)



Submission Haites (125 kB)

Erik Haites, Margaree Consultants Inc.


Submission OECD (218 kB)



Submission IAETA (146 kB)



Submission CIF (193 kB)



Submission BlindSpot Think Tank (70 kB)

BlindSpot Think Tank


SCF Co-Chairs speak on deliverables for COP 27

In this video, the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Finance, Zaheer Fakir and Gertraud Wollansky, discuss the role of the Convention and the Paris Agreement in helping countries finance climate change, the most important contribution of the SCF in the last decade, the Committee's support to the 100$ billion pledge and preparations for COP 27.
