Media advisories and press releases at COP23

UN Climate Change invites organisations at COP23 to share with us media advisories and press releases that we will make available for the press through this dedicated webpage. New submissions to be published on this page can be sent to releaseCOP23(at)

Kindly submit your information only in the form of PDF documents or, preferably, as a link to an external website. We can process materials in English, French and Spanish, but not in German. Please clearly indicate the date of publication, organisation and title of the news content. Should your material be embargoed until a specific point in time, please clearly indicate in your e-mail.

This webpage will be updated twice a day (at 12 noon and at 6 pm) from Sunday, 5 November 2017 until Friday, 17 November 2017. Only content received by 11 am will be posted in the 12 noon update, and, similarly, only content received by 5 pm will be posted in the 6 pm update. Content received within one hour prior to each update will only be posted in the next update.

Disclaimer: UN Climate Change is not responsible for third party content and reserves the right to decide against publishing individual submissions.

Date Organization Title
17 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Bonn Climate Conference Becomes Launch-Pad for Higher Ambition
17 Nov 2017 Youth Network for Political Action Youth demands the end of coal in German lignite mine Intergenerational and climate justice to be implemented today not tomorrow
17 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change COP23 Awarded Certification for Sustainable Conference
17 Nov 2017 ACT Alliance “We must increase climate action and global solidarity with the vulnerable,” says ACT Alliance
17 Nov 2017 China Center for Climate Change Communication China4C’s 2017 National Public Opinion Survey Report Climate Change in the Chinese Mind Released at COP23
17 Nov 2017 Ambition 1.5C: Global Shipping's Action Plan International Shipping Industry Takes Significant Action on Decarbonization at COP23
17 Nov 2017 United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative COP23: Capital Market Leaders Gather in Bonn to Promote Green Finance
17 Nov 2017 Saving Our Planet Calls for International System of Validation and Verification of GHG Reduction
17 Nov 2017 Delegation of the Philippines PHL at COP23 Renews Strong Call for Climate Justice
17 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Italy and UN Launch Fellowship Programme for Climate Vulnerable Countries
16 Nov 2017 Biofuture Platform Major countries agree to develop sustainable biofuels targets and scale up low carbon bioeconomy
16 Nov 2017 Citizens for Public Justice Canada’s Coal Phase-Out is Not Enough: CPJ
16 Nov 2017 Talanoa means non-Party stakeholders can drive ambition
16 Nov 2017 Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA) & MEXICO2 Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and MEXICO2 agree to work together throughout 2018
16 Nov 2017 International Organization for Standardization What role can International Standards play in the implementation of the Paris Agreement?
16 Nov 2017 Business Council for Sustainable Energy U.S. Business Coalition Delivers Distinguished Leadership Awards to Christiana Figueres, Jukka Uosukainen and Jonathan Pershing at COP23
16 Nov 2017 Global Green Growth Institute Italy and GGGI Sign Contribution Agreement for Cooperation to support Ethiopia's NDC Implementation
16 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank (EIB) First-ever investment from Luxembourg-EIB climate finance platform to support Green for Growth Fund in the MENA Region
16 Nov 2017 Delegation of the Philippines UNFCCC Designates Legarda as 1 of 2 Adaptation Champions
16 Nov 2017 CBD Alliance Open letter by CBD Alliance members
16 Nov 2017 Indigenous Environmental Network Carbon Pricing Report Released by Indigenous Environmental Network and Climate Justice Alliance at COP 23
16 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank (EIB) Promoting Green Finance, Tackling Climate Change: EU Bank President joins Capital Market Leaders in Bonn
16 Nov 2017 Climate Alliance Press Release - UN Climate Secretariat Head Espinosa recognises children's action on climate
16 Nov 2017 Luxembourg Stock Exchange COP23 Expert Discussion: The Future of Impact and Use of Proceeds Reporting
16 Nov 2017 Union of Concerned Scientists UCS Side Event Today at COP23 on Attributing Climate Impacts to Major Fossil Fuel Companies
16 Nov 2017 Sustainable Energy for All New global effort launched to accelerate ending energy poverty for the most marginalized
16 Nov 2017 WWF Will COP23 turn the tide for oceans in climate action?
16 Nov 2017 Stockholm Environment Institute New findings: Synergies between the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030
16 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change UN Guterres Hails Kyoto Success. Celebrate the 20th Anniversary with UN Climate Change
16 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Calls for Rapid Progress at COP23 as Ministers and Heads of State Arrive
16 Nov 2017 The French Republic Press Conference of French ministers
16 Nov 2017 Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Press Briefing: Rights & Responsibility: Cases for Climate Litigation
15 Nov 2017 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia COP23 Team Saudi Arabia committed to ensure full operational implementation for Paris
Climate Agreement remains on track at UN Climate Change Conference (COP 23) Bonn
15 Nov 2017

Press Conference Invitation - Beyond the COP: 2018's Upcoming Climate Campaigns

15 Nov 2017 International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR) FAO and UNOSSC support bamboo for climate action
15 Nov 2017

Shumei International, Biovision, IFOAM-Organics International, Regeneration International and Terra Genesis

Regenerative solutions to climate change gain momentum at COP23
15 Nov 2017 Energy Futures and Transitions Program at Oil Change International

RELEASE: High Level Call to Constrain Oil, Gas and Coal Production to Achieve the Paris Goals

15 Nov 2017 Women Gender Constituency Adoption of the first Gender Action Plan under the UNFCCC
15 Nov 2017 Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development - nrg4SD

Rio Grande do Sul launches report on water management after two years of RegionsAdapt Initiative

15 Nov 2017 It takes roots

Media Advisory: Indigenous Environmental Network and Climate Justice Alliance to Launch “Carbon Pricing Report” at UN Climate Talks

15 Nov 2017 Climate Alliance

Press Invitation - Children to present climate efforts and hopes to UNFCCC Head Espinosa: Ceremony on 16 November commemorates 15 years of Climate Alliance’s “Green Footprints” campaign

15 Nov 2017

Nepal’s National Disaster Risk Reduction Center and Ethiopia’s Apis Agribusiness Named Winners in Global Solution Search Contest

15 Nov 2017 Salud sin Daño

En la COP23, hospitales de todo el mundo lanzan una convocatoria a la acción frente al cambio climático

15 Nov 2017 World Food Programme (WFP) New report examines how climate change drives hunger
15 Nov 2017 World Food Programme (WFP)

Press conference: How climate change drives hunger

15 Nov 2017 Global Greens Green Party leadership for achieving global climate goals
15 Nov 2017 The BC Council for International Cooperation Press Conference Invitation: Joint Canadian Youth Press Conference
15 Nov 2017 Business Council for Sustainable Energy U.S. Clean Energy Industry Showcases Climate Action at COP23
15 Nov 2017 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

ICEF2017 Roadmaps: CO2 Utilization 2.0 and Energy Storage Released at the Side Event at Japan Pavilion

15 Nov 2017 Delegation of Ecuador, current Chairmanship of the Group of 77 and China Invitation to Press Conference: "G77 and China, and Ecuador´s perspectives of final outcome of COP23 and beyond
15 Nov 2017 FAO Greener livestock supply chains offer quick wins in climate battle
15 Nov 2017 CLimate change Impacts on Mountain Biodiversity (CLIMB) Press Release: Momentum for Change Award Winners
15 Nov 2017 Beethoven Pastoral Project Press Release
15 Nov 2017 CIDSE Press Release: Catholic voices challenge governments to raise their game on climate change
15 Nov 2017 Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN International/WECC) Frontline, Grassroots and Indigenous Women to Stand for Just Climate Solutions at United Nations COP23 Press Conference and Side Event
14 Nov 2017 Solar Impulse Foundation

The Solar Impulse Foundation officially launches the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions and the countdown to select 1000 solutions that are profitable to protect the environment

14 Nov 2017 FAO

Climate change puts millions of people in vicious cycle of food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty

14 Nov 2017 Delegation of Brazil

New Data shows 28% fall in deforestation in Amazon Protected Areas, New Financial Cooperation Agreements between Brazil, Germany, UK

14 Nov 2017 Climate Policy Initiative CPI at COP23: Accelerating global investment to address climate change
14 Nov 2017 Blue Green Events Official Press Conference
14 Nov 2017 Amazon Environmental Research Institute

Media alert: Amazon indigenous leaders talk to the press about the current threats to their rights and territories

14 Nov 2017 IOM IOM, the UN Migration Agency at COP23
14 Nov 2017 Nordic Council Nordic Council publishes guide for climate clever parliamentarians
14 Nov 2017 Nordic Council Launch of the handbook Clever climate legislation 15 November
14 Nov 2017 Reclaim Power Energy Activism To Go Global in 2018
14 Nov 2017
Center for China Climate Change Communication (China4C)
A Majority of the Public in the US and China Support the Paris Agreement
and the Transition to Clean Energy, New Survey Findings Show
14 Nov 2017
Center for China Climate Change Communication (China4C)

New surveys show a majority of Americans and Chinese support the Paris Agreement and the transition to a low carbon future

14 Nov 2017 United Nations University Momentum for Change award for climate insurance
14 Nov 2017 UN SDG Action Campaign

Previously ignored, action on climate change has soared to the top of people's priorities around the world

14 Nov 2017 Union of Concerned Scientists

Previously ignored, action on climate change has soared to the top of people's priorities around the world

14 Nov 2017 Earth Day Network Launches Global Campaign to End Plastic Pollution
14 Nov 2017 CBD, UNCCD, UNFCCC UN Heads call for assistance to address linked climate change,
biodiversity and desertification threats
14 Nov 2017 IDDRI China’s power sector: risk of stranded assets and retirement pathways
14 Nov 2017 European Commission

EU and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries call for tangible progress on Paris Agreement implementation at UN climate talks

14 Nov 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) GCF gives green light to largest climate project to date in EBRD partnership
14 Nov 2017

Heinrich Boell Foundation Ukraine, CAN Eastern Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

Ukraine and Belarus can phase-out fossil and nuclear by 2050 – research shows

14 Nov 2017 Adaptation Fund Agricultural Bank of Niger Becomes 27th National Implementing Entity of Adaptation Fund’s Pioneering Direct Access Modality
14 Nov 2017 BASIC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement Issued at the Conclusion of the 25th BASIC
14 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Climate Action Priority for Food Security and Zero Hunger
14 Nov 2017 INBAR (International Network for Bamboo and Rattan) & Government of Fiji Bamboo is a "critical material" for Small Island Developing States
14 Nov 2017 Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) Press Release: SET Award 2018: Who are the top innovators in the energy transition?
14 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Urgent Funding Needed for Resilience - Norway & Unilever Commit USD 400 mln
14 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Innovative Ideas in Action to Get on Track to Paris Goals
14 Nov 2017 Women & Gender Constituency Press Release: Gender Day Action
14 Nov 2017 Global Environment Facility GEF joins forces with partners to promote new fund for resilience in the poorest countries
14 Nov 2017 GISPRI Side Event at Japan Pavilion
14 Nov 2017 Citizens' Climate Lobby Press Release: Climate-Smart Finance Aggregator
14 Nov 2017 Caribbean Development Bank EIB and CDB commit USD 24 million to post-disaster reconstruction in the Caribbean
14 Nov 2017 Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities Philippine, Ethiopian leaders preview Islamic-based V20 insurance facility
14 Nov 2017 WWF Media Advisory: Framing the Future at COP23
14 Nov 2017 BMZ & InsuResilience Press Conference: High-Level Presidency Event on Resilience and Risk Sharing
13 Nov 2017 United Nations University Climate insurance in the spotlight with Momentum for Change award
13 Nov 2017 Rare State of Pará, Brazilian Environmental Ministry and its agency ICMBio, Conservation Organization Rare and CONFREM Unite to Protect Brazil’s Mangrove Habitats
13 Nov 2017 Health Care without Harm Health Care Worldwide Calls for Action on Climate Change
13 Nov 2017 Civil Society Review Broad civil society alliance presents equity approach for unlocking ambition in UN Climate talks
13 Nov 2017 Indigenous Environmental Network It Takes Roots’ Delegation Respond to White House Stance on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
13 Nov 2017 Transparency International Transparency International warns climate summit to demand accountability to prevent corruption
13 Nov 2017 Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development Regional governments, representing 35 million people, commit to a clean air future during COP23
13 Nov 2017 Youth Climate Report (Delegation of Canada) New Data Delivery System Presents Nearly 300 Videos of Climate Research
13 Nov 2017 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Pacific islands climate action and finance: successes, challenges and lessons learnt
13 Nov 2017 Citizens for Public Justice Christians Call for Canadian Climate Leadership at COP23
13 Nov 2017 Delegation of the Philippines Championing NAPs - Advancing National Adaptation Plans
13 Nov 2017 Solar Impulse Foundation Constituent Assembly of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions
13 Nov 2017 Amazon Environmental Research Institute Study launched at COP23 indicates pathways for Brazil to eliminate deforestation in the Amazon
13 Nov 2017 CIDSE Just Transition to a Low Carbon and Sustainable Future
13 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank EIB and CDB commit USD 24 million to post-disaster reconstruction in the Caribbean
13 Nov 2017 Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations Deep reductions in transport emissions are possible
13 Nov 2017 Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Private Sector in Action for Adaptation
13 Nov 2017 Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science Technology and Innovation (CGEE) CGEE publishes a study about bioenergy and emission reduction at COP23
13 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Bridging Climate Ambition and Finance Gaps
13 Nov 2017 Future Earth Briefing: 10 Science ‘must-knows’ on climate change
13 Nov 2017 Amazon Environmental Research Institute Media alert: Launch of new report on Amazon zero deforestation
13 Nov 2017 World Council of Churches (WCC), The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and ACT Alliance Global church leaders urge COP23 to take action
13 Nov 2017 Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners
13 Nov 2017 Griffith University & Woods Hole Research Centre Side event - What role for primary forests, including intact forest landscapes, in climate change mitigation and adaptation?
13 Nov 2017 The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) Industry Delegation Speaks at COP 23 on Resiliency and Climate Action
13 Nov 2017 WWF Press briefing: 20 French and German NGOs call on Merkel and Macron to push for accelerated EU climate ambition
13 Nov 2017 International Finance Corporation Creating Markets for Climate Business Panel
13 Nov 2017 Beethoven Pastoral Project Project-launch Press Conference
13 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform
13 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Private Sector Adaptation and Climate Resilience Action
13 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Nature-based solutions for climate resilient cities: practical examples and how they can be mainstreamed and financed
12 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Launch of special initiative to address climate change impact on health in Small Island Developing States
12 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change UN Climate Change and World Health Organization Team Up to Protect Health from Climate Change at COP23
12 Nov 2017 Korea Green Foundation Eye-catching picket design to urge leaders to implement Paris Agreement
12 Nov 2017 International Union for Conservation of Nature Press conference: IUCN report to reveal climate change impacts on natural World Heritage
12 Nov 2017 Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development Regional governments present position paper on adaptation during COP 23
12 Nov 2017 The Climate Group

States and regions make progress on climate action, new report shows

12 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change New National and Corporate Climate Action on Forests at COP23
12 Nov 2017 Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) The inaugural Climate and Clean Air Awards celebrate actions to protect the climate and reduce air pollution
12 Nov 2017 Art of Change 21 COP23 Events
12 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Local and Regional Leaders Sign Commitment for Faster Climate Action
12 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Industry Can Deliver Much of Paris with Closer Government Partnerships
12 Nov 2017 WWF Media Advisory: Side Event at Fiji Pavilion
12 Nov 2017 WWF Forests Day at COP23 Highlights Climate Action, Opportunities
11 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change

Raising the ambition of climate action through circular economy strategies

11 Nov 2017 Climate Action Network International The US, Australia, Canada and the EU receive the Fossil of the Day for refusing to get serious about loss and damage finance.
11 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank No Green without Blue: More needed to tackle ocean acidification and to support the blue economy, EU Bank Vice-President tells COP23
11 Nov 2017 World Resources Institute Press Conference on Expectations for 2018 -- The Year to Step Up on Climate Change
11 Nov 2017 Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) Too big to fail: the Amazonia and solutions towards sustainable development
11 Nov 2017 America's Pledge on Climate America’s Pledge Report
11 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Joint White Paper by China Green Finance Committee and EIB set to strengthen international Green Bond market
11 Nov 2017 WWF

Rising to the Challenge: Collaborative Forest Action to Address Climate Change and Promote Sustainable Development

11 Nov 2017 #RideforClimate Saving forests, saving the climate on Sunday 12 November
11 Nov 2017 Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy Press Conference on Cities
Impact & Standardized Approach to Reporting
11 Nov 2017 UITP UITP and UIC Partner with UNFCCC: Agreement Reached for COP23
11 Nov 2017 Christian Aid

Coal phaseout a moral and environmental necessity says Christian Aid

11 Nov 2017 Bread for the World Press conference by Bread for the World and ACT Alliance
11 Nov 2017 YOUNGO Oceans Working Group Talanoa- Agreeing on an Ocean Pathway Partnership side event
11 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Global Climate Action at COP23: Full Programme
11 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change New Transport Decarbonisation Alliance for Faster Climate Action
11 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Progressing Faster Climate Action on Oceans
11 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Humans Settlements: Cities and Communities Speed Coordinated Climate Action
11 Nov 2017 NDC Partnership Media Advisory: NDC Partnership Celebrates Country Progress at its One Year Anniversary and Announces Regional Hub to Support Climate Action in the Pacific
11 Nov 2017 Ambition 1.5C: Shipping’s Global Action Plan High-Level Summit at COP23
11 Nov 2017 The BC Council for International Cooperation Press Release: Joint Canadian Youth Press Conference
11 Nov 2017 YOUNGO COP23 Press Release
11 Nov 2017 atmosfair Press Release: atmosfair presents the climate ranking of the world’s largest airlines
11 Nov 2017 The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group Changing face of transport offers challenges and opportunities for European business; enabling policies needed to ensure competitive edge
10 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Financing Must Triple to Meet Climate and SDG Goals for Water
10 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Side event on Regional Collaboration
10 Nov 2017 Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, Philippines, and Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Innovative climate finance strategies and instruments by and for climate vulnerable countries
10 Nov 2017 Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Real climate action to be celebrated at the inaugural Climate and Clean Air Awards at COP23
10 Nov 2017 Put Climate on Pause Coalition Put Climate on Pause coalition calls on UNFCCC to adopt dual term GWP20/GWP100 accounting standard
10 Nov 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) Health actions for the implementation of the Paris Agreement
10 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Largest ever EIB support for water investment in a small island state - New USD 405 million Fiji water resilience scheme highlighted to world climate community
10 Nov 2017 OCIA The Ocean & Climate Initiatives Alliance launches the first synthesis of the ongoing actions led by the ocean-climate community
10 Nov 2017 Energy Transitions Commission COP23 EVENT Ramping up climate ambitions by decarbonising beyond power
10 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Accelerated Action on Energy Needed to Implement Paris
10 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change Climate Action Investment Needs to Move Faster to Farming
10 Nov 2017 Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit Press Conference: Presentation of atmosfair's Airline Index
10 Nov 2017 Blue Green Alliance Press Release: U.S. Businesses, Labor, Environmental Leaders Focus on Cooperative Efforts to Fight Climate Change
10 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank Joint China Green Finance Committee and European Investment Bank White Paper event
10 Nov 2017 International Union for Conservation of Nature Press conference: IUCN report to reveal climate change impacts on natural World Heritage
10 Nov 2017 Delegation of Brazil COP23 Press Conference Media Alert
10 Nov 2017 Deutsche Energie-Agentur (German Energy Agency) Press Invitation for Launch of SET Award 2018 at COP23
10 Nov 2017

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Publication: REDD+ potential for abuses indicates need for indigenous rights-based approach
10 Nov 2017 Belt & Road Green Development Partnership Green Development under Belt and Road Initiative: Pushing Forward the Global Implementation of the Paris Agreement
10 Nov 2017 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Human Rights Group looks for Radical Change Solutions at COP23
10 Nov 2017 Earth Day Network Media Advisory: Events Announced for COP23
10 Nov 2017 GIZ, CPI, OSS Press Invitation: Policy and Finance to Achieve Transformation
10 Nov 2017 International Water Association ECAM Tool to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions from urban water services
9 Nov 2017 World Wildlife Fund U.S. -  Ceres

Iconic U.S. Companies to Participate in a Business Showcase of Climate Action at COP23

9 Nov 2017

Carnegie Mellon University Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

Stine to Represent Carnegie Mellon University at UN Climate Change Conference, Nov. 10-15

9 Nov 2017 Climate Action Network-International (CAN) Developed Countries – pre-2020
9 Nov 2017 Brighter Green

Brighter Green Discussion Paper Calls for Coordinated Action on Climate Change, Agriculture, Food Systems & Sustainable Diets

9 Nov 2017 Climate Action in Financial Institutions

Climate in everything we do: new tool announced at COP23 to speed up mainstreaming in financial institutions

9 Nov 2017 Union for the Mediterranean

Presentation of a Study on Climate Finance in the Mediterranean and Meeting with Mediterranean Youth engaged in Climate Action

9 Nov 2017 CGIAR

At UN Climate Talks, Agricultural Research Must Be “at the Epicenter” of Future Climate Financing Solutions

9 Nov 2017 The BC Council for International Cooperation Press Conference Invitation: Joint Canadian Youth Press Conference
9 Nov 2017 Brazilian Delegation

COP23 Media Backgrounder Brazil's Positions, New Initiatives and COP23 Events

9 Nov 2017

The Climate Registry, Climate Action Reserve and the Georgetown Climate Center

Delegation of 11 U.S. States and Four Governors Arrives in Bonn for COP23 Climate Conference

9 Nov 2017 European Youth Forum Young and Future Generation Day Press Conference
9 Nov 2017 Oxford Climate Society Emission budgets and pathways to 1.5 degrees in the context of the global stocktake
9 Nov 2017 ECREEE ECOWAS NDC Spotlight- Towards Implementation of Sustainable Energy Goals
9 Nov 2017 UNU-EHS Media Advisory- State of Play on Climate Insurance: Is there Progress at COP23?
9 Nov 2017 UNU-EHS Press Release- Migration and Human Rights in the Pacific in the Wake of Climate Change
9 Nov 2017 IFAD Press Release- New IFAD Marine Advantage Report
9 Nov 2017 Women's Earth & Climate Action Network Women Climate Justice Leaders Speak Out during COP23
9 Nov 2017 GISPRI GISPRI/Keidanren/IEEJ/NEDO's side event at Japan Pavilion
9 Nov 2017 Center for Biological Diversity New Report: California Oil Among World’s Dirtiest
9 Nov 2017 World Resources Institute Press Conference on Expectations for 2018
9 Nov 2017 Environmental Defense Fund Panel Discussion - US Subnational Climate Progress: Harnessing Market Power to Drive Meaningful Greenhouse Gas Reductions
9 Nov 2017 Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) New ND-GAIN data suggests increased vulnerability for island countries
9 Nov 2017 Friends of the Earth Europe New study reveals incompatibility of climate safety and continued gas use
9 Nov 2017 Global Ecovillage Network Global Ecovillage Network: Catalyzing the Power of Communities for a Regenerative World
9 Nov 2017 U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. Senators to Address Media at COP23
8 Nov 2017 EBRD The EBRD at COP23: Climate action now (events on 9 and 13 November)
8 Nov 2017 Fertilizer Canada Canadian Innovation in Sustainable Farming to be Featured at COP23
8 Nov 2017 Horizon2020 TRANSrisk project TRANSrisk side events at COP23: 1) Implementing NDCs: Diversity of Actors and Actions, 2) The future of nuclear, oils sands and renewables: risky energy pathways?
8 Nov 2017 [GAS]TIVISTS Creative Action - Gas: a fossil fuel lock-in
8 Nov 2017 Stockholm Environment Institute Key actions for moving forward on adaptation under the Paris Agreement
8 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank EIB and GIZ step up cooperation
8 Nov 2017

Fauna & Flora International (FFI), OroVerde – Tropical Forest Foundation, Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza and WeForest

Innovative private funding, quality standards, and national nesting in sustainable forest landscapes

8 Nov 2017 Fairtrade International Fairtrade event at COP23: “Climate fairness in global value chains”
8 Nov 2017 Fairtrade International Fiji’s Fairtrade sugar farmers urge action on climate change
8 Nov 2017 European Investment Bank European Investment Bank at COP23
8 Nov 2017 Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) Agriculture Net-Zero 2050
8 Nov 2017 CDP

Global water report: Three-fold rise in companies excelling in water management

8 Nov 2017 China Civil Climate Action Network China Civil Climate Action Network Position Paper
8 Nov 2017 Greener Impact International Youth should be more involved in climate change mitigation agenda
8 Nov 2017 U.S. People’s Delegation Share Stories of Global Resistance at COP23
8 Nov 2017 The U.S. People’s Delegation Takes on the Trump Administration
8 Nov 2017 Welthungerhilfe Press Information | Welthungerhilfe: Climate change is one of the main hunger drivers
8 Nov 2017 Nordic Council of Ministers Food policy brings visionaries & enablers together at COP23
8 Nov 2017 Global Green Growth Institute Fijian Government and GGGI launch the Country's NDC Implementation Roadmap
8 Nov 2017 Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Media Advisory: Countries can – and should – use the Paris Agreement to address fossil fuel production
8 Nov 2017 Blue Green Alliance U.S. Labor, Environmental, Business Leaders to Discuss Climate Action
8 Nov 2017 WWF Report: "Equity and the Ambition Ratchet- Towards a Meaningful 2018 Facilitative Dialogue" Press Release
8 Nov 2017 Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative Consciousness and Climate Change Press Statement
8 Nov 2017 American Anthropological Association Anthropologists to Discuss Human Implications of Climate Change at COP23
8 Nov 2017 Adaptation Fund Germany Opens UN Climate Conference with EUR 50 Million Pledge to Adaptation Fund
8 Nov 2017 German Development Institute GDI/DIE and ICSC side event on slow onset events
7 Nov 2017 Friends of the Earth U.S. Invitation 12.11.2017 Tour to Hambach Lignite mining
7 Nov 2017 Foundation myclimate - The Climate Protection Partnership myclimate is participating in the Climate Conference in Bonn
7 Nov 2017 UNHCR, IOM, OXFAM, NRC, COAST BD, PDD Human Mobility and Climate Change at COP23
7 Nov 2017 GIZ Fighting for the next 1,000 years: how young Pacific islanders are experiencing climate change
7 Nov 2017 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Delegation Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in addressing
Marine and Coastal Zone Management in Red Sea and
Arabia Gulf
7 Nov 2017

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

EnDev partners with SNV to provide Kenyan refugee camps with access to energy
7 Nov 2017 The Blue Green Events Company German Environmental Ministry Backs Industry-Led Shipping Decarbonization Summit at UNFCCC COP23/
7 Nov 2017 German Chemical Industry Association VCI How the Chemical Industry enables Climate Protection:
Visit tour for delegates and journalists to CHEMPARK Leverkusen on the occasion of COP23
7 Nov 2017 IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature Press conference: New IUCN report reveals climate change impacts on natural World Heritage
7 Nov 2017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) EBRD Events at COP23
7 Nov 2017 Business & Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC) Behind Goal 13: Women Leading the Climate Agenda. Panel Discussion at COP23
7 Nov 2017 WWF Press Briefing: Opportunities to Accelerate Climate Action Now
7 Nov 2017 Business Council for Sustainable Energy Media Advisory: Industry Delegation to Promote American Clean Energy Solutions at U.N. Climate Change Conference
7 Nov 2017 Climate Law and Governance Initiative Climate Law & Governance Initiative Events
7 Nov 2017 International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Consulting Engineering Industry’s Statement
of Commitments Press Release
7 Nov 2017 Center for Biological Diversity Press Conference to Unveil Report
7 Nov 2017 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Biomimic Tree
7 Nov 2017  WeForest WeForest 2030 Pledge
7 Nov 2017 Women Gender Constituency


7 Nov 2017 Planet Mark The Planet Mark™ holders play their part and cut carbon by 10% per employee
6 Nov 2017 United Nations University COP23 marks a rallying point for climate insurance agenda
6 Nov 2017 Conservation International Conservation International Joins Leaders in the Global Climate Movement at UN Climate Change Negotiations 2017
6 Nov 2017 European Commission EU expects solid progress on Paris Agreement implementation at UN climate conference in Bonn
6 Nov 2017 Fiji Delegation MEDIA ALERT - Fiji Pavilion Launch
6 Nov 2017 German Federal   Ministry for the Environment  “OurClimate! Our Future!”  – Youth Dialogue What German Youth  Really  Think about Climate Change
6 Nov 2017 United Nations University Climate insurance stakeholders at COP23
6 Nov 2017 United Nations University Media Advisory Press Conference & Launch: “Migration and Human Rights in the Wake of Climate Change. A policy perspective over the Pacific.”
6 Nov 2017 Overseas Development Institute UN climate conference 6-17 November 2017 – experts and new research available
6 Nov 2017 Business & Sustainable Development Commission Behind Goal 13: Women Leading the Climate Agenda
6 Nov 2017 GIZ - Population & Sustainability Network Family Planning: A Win-Win for Women and Climate Change
6 Nov 2017 Carbon Market Watch Markets must increase climate ambition – Carbon Market Watch priorities at the COP23 in Bonn
6 Nov 2017 Stockholm Environment Institute Six key issues for the UN climate change conference
6 Nov 2017 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 2017 Is Set to Be In Top Three Hottest Years
6 Nov 2017 Alliance against Lignite Civil Society Action "Bring Coal into the Museum"
6 Nov 2017 Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) JAXA Events at COP23
6 Nov 2017 Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO) Media Excursion: German Coal & Hambach Forest
6 Nov 2017 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and the PVBLIC Foundation IAI-PVBLIC "Science for Action" campaign launched at COP23
6 Nov 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GIZ Events at COP23
6 Nov 2017 Council on Energy, Environment and Water India Should Defend the Essence and Spirit of the Paris Agreement
5 Nov 2017 Friends of the Earth U.S. U.S. must meet its climate obligations, despite Trump Administration’s anti-science agenda
5 Nov 2017 World Resources Institute MEDIA ADVISORY: WRI and NDC Partnership Press Conference to Launch Climate Watch, Powerful Data Platform for Journalists, Policymakers
5 Nov 2017 Red Colombiana DDHH Red Colombiana Derechos Humanos en COP23
5 Nov 2017 UN Climate Change UN Climate Change Conference 2017 Aims for Further, Faster Ambition Together
5 Nov 2017 Global Compact Network Spain and Iberdrola Moving for Climate NOW arrives in Bonn for COP23 Climate Summit
5 Nov 2017

United Nations Foundation

#Uniting4Climate Global Digital Surge
5 Nov 2017 Meet the U.S. People’s Delegation at COP23
5 Nov 2017 CGIAR - CCAFS COP23 - Agriculture Advantage: The case for climate action in agriculture
5 Nov 2017 IETA COP23 - IETA BusinessHub Program Guide
5 Nov 2017 Brazilian Delegation Brazilian Pavilion Official Opening, other events on Monday 6 November
5 Nov 2017 S&P Global Beyond Paris: Enabling Sustainable Investment
5 Nov 2017 UiT The Arctic University of Norway Ice cold knowledge – how Arctic Sea ice matters
5 Nov 2017 ACT Alliance Global churches act together for climate justice in call to COP23
5 Nov 2017 ACT Alliance The Implementation of the Paris Agreement must protect and promote the principles of human rights, gender justice and equity
3 Nov 2017 Forest Trends On the Road after Paris – Next Stop: Bonn/Fiji
3 Nov 2017 BusinessEurope, the European umbrella of national employer federations

Climate conference COP23: We need progress and transparency

3 Nov 2017 IASS Potsdam The IASS at the World Climate Conference in Bonn
3 Nov 2017 Young Evangelicals for Climate Action U.S. Evangelicals to the World at Climate Negotiations: “We Are Still In”
3 Nov 2017 Greenpeace No time to waste: climate impacts demand response at Pacific COP
2 Nov 2017 The Nature Conservancy Media Advisory – COP23 Agenda and Resources for Journalists
2 Nov 2017 CARE International Time to put the most affected women and girls at the heart of UN climate talks
2 Nov 2017 International Windship Association (IWSA) The World Wind Energy Association and International Windship Association unite to promote uptake of wind technology in shipping
1 Nov 2017 Solar Cookers Internationsl SCI Champions Solar Cooking at World Climate Conference COP23