NAMA workshop Chile
14 - 16 Sep. 2015
01:00h - 00:59h
Santiago, Chile
Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477 Vitacura Santiago
NAMA workshop Chile
14 - 16 Sep. 2015
01:00h - 00:59h
Santiago, Chile
Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477 Vitacura Santiago

Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean region on nationally appropriate mitigation actions
14-15 September 2015, Santiago, Chile

 Information note (307 kB)

 List of participants (133 kB)

 Workshop report (223 kB)



 Day 1

 Update on NAMA preparation and implementation

 - Status of preparation and implementation of NAMAs

 Centre for Clean  Air Policy (CCAP)                        

 -  FAO Learning tool to support NAMA preparation in agriculture (730 kB) (English)


 -  FAO Learning tool to support NAMA preparation in agriculture (616 kB) (Spanish)



 - Role of Development Banks in NAMA design and finance


 - Support to the implementation of NAMAs

 NAMA Facility

 - Climate finance as a catalyst for leveraging private sector financing

 World Bank

 -  Role of Commercial Banks and Private Sector in NAMA design and
 (1690 kB)

 Banco BICE

 - Private sector expectation in NAMA Financing

 Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co. Ltd     

 -  First Solar's experience in financing of competitive solar project in Chile(4223 kB)

 Solar First

 Financing: NAMA Market Place

 - NAMA ProBiomassa 


 - NAMA Energy Biomass - NAMA proposal

 Costa Rica

 - Experiencia NAMA

 El Savador

 - Emission reduction - Mitigation




 Day 2

 Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)

 -  National MRV framework for mitigation actions (1156 kB)


 -  Analysis of co-benefits of selected mitigation actions:
   A case study from MAPS Project
 (1779 kB)

 MAPs Chile

 - Quantifying abatement potential of mitigation actions


 MRVTransformational change and sustainable development co-benefits

 - Understanding Transformational Chang in NAMA


 - Sustainable development impact assessment of policy and actions


 - Quantifying sustainable development co-benefits of NAMAs in

   waste sector

 UNFCCC secretariat

 - Understanding the transformational change of the NAMAs

 NAMA Facility

 The NAMA Registry

 - Overview of NAMA registry: Updates on operational status of

   the registry

 UNFCCC secretariat

 Presentations - NAMA Market Place during the LAC Carbon Forum, 11th September 2015, Santiago, Chile

 - NAMA Proposal


 - Reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions in Pig Farms in

   the Dominican republic

 Dominican Republic

 - NAMA of the efficient cooking programme in Ecuador
