Chronology - Nairobi work programme

A detailed timeline of the Nairobi work programme from its inception at COP 11 in 2005

Nairobi Work Programme evolution

17-27 June 2019 (SBSTA 50)


At the 50th session of the SBSTA, Parties welcomed:

  • The progress made in implementing activities under the NWP since SBSTA 48.
  • The indicative workplan 2019-2020 (contained in the annual report) and requested that future annual reports provide an overview of progress tracked against the annual work plan using the NWP knowledge-to-action methodology.
  • The NWP's continued collaboration with the Adaptation Committee (AC) and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) as well as advice provided by the AC on the delivery of NWP mandates that relate to work programmes of the constituted bodies. 

The SBSTA further mandated strengthening collaborations with the AC and the LEG as well as possible collaborations with other relevant constituted bodies and institutional arrangements under the Convention by:

  • Inviting the AC, in the context of the Paris Agreement, to consider the outcomes of the NWP when implementing its mandates related to the adaptation communication and the global stocktake.
  • Inviting the secretariat in collaboration with NWP partner organizations to contribute to the work of the LEG in providing technical guidance and advice in the context of national adaptation plans.
  • Requesting the secretariat to collaborate with NWP partner organizations to contribute to the work mandated to the AC by the Conference of the Parties as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement as well as to the adaptation knowledge related activities set out in the AC three-year workplan, including:
    • Developing and updating an inventory of methodologies for assessing adaptation needs; and
    • Sharing experiences and lessons learned from developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems. 

The SBSTA also mandated the NWP to continue enhancing its role as a knowledge-to-action hub for adaptation and resilience, including in implementation of the Paris Agreement by:

  • Prioritizing five thematic areas (extreme weather events such as heatwaves, flash floods, sand and dust storms, cyclones and heavy precipitation; drought water scarcity and land degradation neutrality; forests and grassland; oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, including mega deltas, coral reefs and mangroves; and agriculture and food security).
  • Inviting partner organizations to disseminate information and knowledge to inform adaptation planning and action at the regional, national and subnational level, particularly in relation to these prioritized thematic areas.
  • Welcoming the collaboration of NWP partner organizations and relevant organizations on bridging priority knowledge gaps in the context of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative.
  • Requesting the secretariat to collaborate with partners and relevant organizations in the thematic area of oceans, including organizing the 13th Focal Point Forum on oceans in conjunction with SBSTA 51, and inviting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to share the findings contained in its forthcoming Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate at the Forum.

SBSTA 50 also provided specific mandates to enhance the accessibility, clarity and applicability of knowledge products of the NWP, requesting the secretariat to:

  • Solicit feedback from knowledge users, including national focal points, on the accessibility, applicability and clarity of the knowledge products.
  • Strengthen existing modalities for and explore new ways of disseminating and communicating existing and new knowledge products, including tools and methodologies.

30 April - 10 May 2018 (SBSTA 48)


At the 48th session of the SBSTA, Parties reviewed the Nairobi work programme with a view to further improve its relevance and effectiveness, in accordance with COP19 Decision 17 (FCCC/CP/2013/10/Add.2/Rev.1).

The Parties welcomed the progress in implementing activities under the NWP as highlighted in the following documents and activities:

  • A report on progress in implementing activities under the NWP (FCCC/SBSTA/2018/INF.1)
  • A synthesis report summarizing the outcomes of the work undertaken under the NWP since SBSTA 44 (FCCC/SBSTA/2018/2)
  • A synthesis report on human settlements and adaptation outlining key findings and the way forward (FCCC/SBSTA/2018/3)
  • A side event on human settlements and adaptation during SBSTA 48

Having reviewed the NWP, the SBSTA concluded that the NWP has successfully responded to its mandates and encouraged it to continue enhancing its role as a knowledge-for-action hub for adaptation and resilience with a view to further improving the relevance and effectiveness of the NWP in the light of the Paris Agreement. In the conclusion document (FCCC/SBSTA/2018/4), Parties:

  • Recognized the contributions of the NWP and its partner organizations to the work of the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), demonstrating the unique ability of the NWP to provide relevant technical information in response to emerging knowledge needs.
  • Welcomed the next phase of Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative to narrow priority knowledge gaps in six subregions and scale up to others.
  • Requested the secretariat to continuously engage NWP partner organizations in existing and future thematic areas to produce usable knowledge products and catalyse action in response to identified knowledge needs, including in relation to national adaptation plans (NAPs) and adaptation actions at the national, regional, and local level.
  • Invited the Adaptation Committee to provide advice on the delivery of NWP mandates and opportunities to align efforts with relevant bodies, workstreams and institutional arrangements.
  • Outlined a list of ten emerging issues for future NWP thematic areas and invited the NWP to provide information on monitoring tools and assessment methods.
  • Requested the 12th Focal Point Forum to focus on economic diversification



8-18 May 2017(SBSTA 46)

At the 46th session of the SBSTA, Parties reviewed the progress made in the implementation of activities under the NWP and welcomed the following documents, which were prepared in collaboration with Parties, NWP partner organizations and other expert organizations:

  • A synthesis paper on human health and adaptation: understanding climate impacts on health and opportunities for action (FCCC/SBSTA/2017/2);
  • A synthesis report on adaptation planning, implementation and evaluation addressing ecosystems and areas such as water resources (FCCC/SBSTA/2017/3);
  • A summary report on initiatives in the area of human settlements and adaptation(FCCC/SBSTA/2017/INF.3);
  • A report on the progress made in implementing the NWP (FCCC/SBSTA/2017/INF.1).

Those documents were recognized as relevant to inform the work of the Parties to address impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Parties also adopted conclusions, which include:

  • An appreciation to Parties, NWP partner organizations and other expert organizations for their inputs and collaboration, noting that these collaborative activities have enhanced the role of the NWP as a knowledge hub that supports enhanced action on adaptation;
  • A recognition of the potential contributions of NWP activities to the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a request to the Secretariat to further explore opportunities to develop linkages with the SDGs;
  • An invitation to NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations to implement relevant collaborative actions to address impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, taking into account the above documents as appropriate;
  • Recommendations to improve the Focal Point Forum with a view to:
  1. Enhancing the engagement of experts and expert organizations, including  those from developing countries and those working on national  adaptation plans; 
  2. Providing an interactive space for informal exchange of views among Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations
  3. Facilitating collaboration and partnerships, which could contribute to concrete adaptation actions;
  4. Informing future activities to be undertaken under the NWP, in a way that supports the potential role of the NWP in the implementation of the Paris agreement;
  5. Taking stock of the practical ways in which knowledge shared through the NWP has been used.
  • A request to the Secretariat to engage with Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations to co-organize events that would complement the Focal Point Forum.


7-19 November 2016 (SBSTA 45)

At the 45th session of the SBSTA, in Marrakech, Morocco (7-14 November 2016), Parties reviewed the progress made in the implementation of activities under the NWP and adopted conclusions, which include:

  • The enhancement of the role of the NWP as a knowledge hub that supports enhanced action on adaptation through the implementation of its activities.
  • An appreciation of the submissions on health and adaptation and of the interactive dialogue among Parties, NWP partner organizations, other relevant organizations and health experts during the 10th Focal Point Forum on health and adaptation.
  • Consideration of ways to improve the effectiveness of the Focal Point Forum at SBSTA 46.
  • A request to the secretariat to undertake activities in response to recommendations from the AC and the LEG.
  • A request to the secretariat to explore opportunities to strengthen linkages with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as appropriate.
  • An appreciation of the commitment of the United Nations Environment Programme to scale up the implementation of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative in other subregions.

Conclusions adopted at SB45 requested the Adaptation Committee (AC) to make use of additional modalities for responding to relevant mandates contained in decision 1/CP.21, including engaging with the NWP and its partner organizations.

The ongoing and planned collaboration with the AC and the Least Developed Countries Expert group (LEG) was also acknowledged in the conclusions related to the Adaptation Committee and to the matters related to Least Developed Countries adopted at SBSTA 45.

Tenth Focal Point Forum (held on 9th November in Marrakesh)

The 10th Focal Point Forum on health and adaptation took place on 9th November, 2016 under an overall guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA. During an interactive discussion, participants identified health problems related to climate change and engaged in finding innovative actions to address them, including the responsible institutions/agents to perform those actions. As a follow up to the forum, the secretariat will facilitate dialogue between interested organizations, Parties and individual experts, with a view to implementing actions discussed during the event. The submissions’ key findings, including good practices and lessons learned, as well as the outcomes of the Focal Point Forum discussion, will be captured in a synthesis report. This synthesis document will be considered by Parties at SBSTA 46 (May 2017).

16 - 26 May 2016 (SBSTA 44)

SBSTA 44 acknowledged the achievements and progress made under the NWP to date, recognized the contributions of NWP partner organizations, including regional centres and networks and international organizations, as well as of other relevant organizations, and welcomed the following documents:

Key elements of the SBSTA 44 conclusions on the NWP include:

  • Recognition of the role of the NWP in providing support in the areas of adaptation knowledge and related stakeholder engagement to other workstreams and constituted bodies under the Convention (including the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group), and of the potential role the NWP can play in new processes under the Paris Agreement;
  • Additional technical work on health, human settlements, ecosystems and water resources, economic diversification and indicators of adaptation and resilience to be undertaken under the NWP to inform adaptation planning and action at the regional, national and subnational levels, with a focus on providing support to the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs);
  • Activities under the NWP to integrate the consideration of vulnerable communities in addition to gender issues, traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous people and local knowledge systems, and the role of and impacts on ecosystems, where appropriate;
  • Recognition of the role of the NWP in contributing to closing adaptation knowledge gaps that are barriers to adaptation action at the national and subnational levels, and request to the secretariat to foster collaborations among, inter alia, policy makers, research and scientific communities, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), practitioners and financial institutions to close such knowledge gaps.


30 November - 12 December (SBSTA 43/COP 21)


Ninth Focal Point Forum (held on 3rd December in Paris)

The ninth Focal Point Forum was successfully held on 3rd December in Paris. Through a rich and interactive exchange among over 70 participants from both Party representatives and NWP partner organizations, the forum focused on effective ways of facilitating learning on adaptation that can be promoted through the NWP in its function as a knowledge hub on adaptation. The secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, will follow up on the outcomes of the Forum, in collaboration with interested Parties and relevant NWP partners, which will include developing effective and concrete ways to document and disseminate knowledge under the NWP in 2016 and beyond. The summary of the discussion will be made available soon.

1 - 11 June (SBSTA 42)

At SBSTA 42, Parties considered the progress made in implementation of the activities under the NWP since the beginning of 2015. The progress report is available here >>.

Key elements in the pdf-icon SBSTA 42 conclusions include:

  • Recognition that strengthening collaboration and linkages between the NWP, other relevant adaptation workstreams and constituted bodies under the Convention is important in ensuring that the provision of knowledge support under the NWP contributes to enhanced adaptation actions;
  • Request to the secretariat to continue to explore ways to enhance the interactive nature of that exchange during the ninth NWP Focal Point Forum, to be organized in conjunction with SBSTA 43;
  • Acknowledgement of the contributions from Parties and NWP partner organizations to the development of case studies on good practices and lessons learned in relation to adaptation planning processes addressing the four issues of ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health, and in relation to processes and structures for linking national and local adaptation planning.


1 - 14 December (SBSTA 41/COP 20)

SBSTA 41 considered the recommendations of the Adaptation Committee and agreed on a set of activities to be undertaken by the secretariat under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, in collaboration with the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, and with contributions from relevant Nairobi work programme partner organizations.

Activities concluded by SBSTA 41 include:

  • Supporting the expert meeting of the Adaptation Committee on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification to build resilience in the context of planning, prioritizing and implementing adaptation actions, which will take place from 7-8 September 2015;
  • Disseminating existing and future relevant knowledge products produced by the Adaptation Committee in order to inform adaptation planning and actions at all levels;
  • Making publicly available a compilation of good practices and tools and available data collection initiatives for the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, for consideration at SBSTA 44, building on existing knowledge-sharing platforms, including the database on best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation;
  • Engaging relevant Nairobi Work Programme partner organizations, including regional centres and networks, in strengthening communities of practice and networks at different levels, as well as in sharing good practices and tools at key meetings and events, as appropriate;
  • Considering, in relevant knowledge products under the Nairobi work programme, the importance of integrating gender-sensitive approaches and tools, and local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices into national adaptation plans, including by involving holders of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge, as appropriate.

SBSTA 41 welcomed the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative and encouraged the replication of this initiative in other subregions, particularly in vulnerable developing countries such as the LDCs, small island developing States and in Africa.

The 8th NWP Focal Point Forum was held on 3 December under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA. It was attended by over 70 focal points from NWP partner organizations and delegates from Parties.

The SBSTA also welcomed following documents prepared for the session:

  • The synthesis report on methods and tools for, and good practices and lessons learned relating to, adaptation planning processes addressing ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health, and good practices and lessons learned related to processes and structures for linking national and local adaptation planning, based on submissions from Parties and submissions from NWP partner organizations (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/4);
  • The miscellaneous document on submissions (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/MISC.8);
  • The report on progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/INF.15).

4 - 15 June (SBSTA 40)

As mandated by decision 17/CP.19, Parties considered ways to enhance the effectiveness of the modalities of the NWP, and further elaborated additional activities to be carried out under the NWP. SBSTA 40 adopted a set of conclusions which include, among others:

The following actions to be carried out, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA and with support from the secretariat, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the modalities of the NWP:

  • Enhancing collaboration with global and regional knowledge networks and NWP partner organizations in order to strengthen the production and dissemination of knowledge on adaptation;
  • Inviting regional centres and networks to serve as regional knowledge platforms for the implementation of the activities under the NWP;
  • Considering web-based activities that would engage a broader range of stakeholders, and electronic means of dissemination of knowledge products of the NWP, as appropriate; and
  • Further considering improved approaches to engaging and collaborating with NWP partner organizations, such as through the enhanced use and better alignment of calls for action and Action Pledges, when the SBSTA takes stock of progress at SBSTA 44 (May 2016);
  • A set of activities to be undertaken in order to collect, analyse and disseminate information and knowledge to inform adaptation planning and actions at the regional, national and subnational levels, particularly in relation to, inter alia, ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health (see the graph below for details);
  • The secretariat to engage NWP partner organizations including regional centres and networks, in collaboration with the Adaptation Committee and the LEG, to undertake relevant agreed activities under the NWP;
  • Linkage between the work under the NWP and that by the Adaptation Committee and the LEG to be strengthened including through the invitation to the Adaptation Committee and the LEG to consider relevant outputs of NWP activities.
NWP Activities up to SBSTA 45


3-14 June 2013

The SBSTA at its thirty eighth session will reconsider the work areas of the Nairobi work programme, as mandated by Decision 6/CP.17, with a view to making recommendations to the COP 19 on how to best support the objectives of the Nairobi work programme. This process would further inform the organization of potential future areas of work that could also support the scientific and technical work under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, as appropriate.

Parties will consider following documents prepared for the session:

  • Report on the technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change (FCCC/SBSTA/2013/2)
  • Progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (FCCC/SBSTA/2013/INF.1)
  • Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations on their views on potential future areas of work of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations (FCCC/SBSTA/2013/MISC.2)


26 November-1 December 2012

The SBSTA adopted the conclusions as contained in the report of the SBSTA at its thirty-seventh session. The conclusions welcomed following documents mandated for this session:

The conclusions took note of a new database of Nairobi work programme partners and action pledges. The SBSTA also recalled Decision 6/CP.17, where the COP requested the SBSTA to reconsider, at its thirty-eighth session, the work areas of the Nairobi work programme with a view to making recommendations to the COP at its nineteenth session on how best to support the objectives of the Nairobi work programme.

During the SBSTA session, the sixth Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum was held on Tuesday, 27 November, from 19:00-21:30. It was attended by about 80 participants representing Parties and Nairobi work programme partner organizations. The Forum included an interactive format and focused on strengthening linkages between Parties, partner organizations and other relevant organizations for enhanced action on adaptation, in future context of the Nairobi work programme, including on:

  • Collaboration between Parties and Nairobi work programme partner organizations, including engagement of regional centres and networks;
  • Potential future opportunities and actions for strengthening linkages between Parties and partner organizations in the implementation of the NWP.

14 May - 25 May 2012

The SBSTA adopted conclusions contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2012/2 at its thirty-sixth session. The conclusions welcomed the report on the progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. The conclusions took note of the work being carried out by the secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, inter alia on further enhancing the outreach of the Nairobi work programme and encouraged the secretariat to continue its efforts and also noted the engagement and contribution provided by Nairobi work programme partner organizations.

The SBSTA also recalled Decision 6/CP.17, whereby the COP invited Parties and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 17 September 2012, their views on potential future areas of work of the Nairobi work programme.


28 November - 3 December 2011

The SBSTA adopted conclusions contained in FCCC/SBSTA/2011/L.26 and the COP adopted decision at its seventeenth session. At its thirty-fifth session, the SBSTA welcomed documents prepared for the session and also welcomed the report on the joint SBSTA/SBI in-session workshop to consider those outcomes of the Nairobi work programme most relevant to the SBI.

The decision requests the SBSTA to reconsider, at its thiry-eighth session, the work areas of the Nairobi work programme with a view to making recommendations to the COP at its nineteenth session on how best to support the objectives of the work programme; this process would further inform the organization of potential future areas of work that could also support the scientific and technical work under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, as appropriate. The COP invites Parties and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 17 September 2012,  their views on potential future areas of work under the Nairobi work programme and requests the secretariat to compile those submissions into a miscellaneous document for consideration by SBSTA 38.

The decision further requests the SBSTA to consider, at its thirty-ninth session, relevant information and advice on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change arising from the implementation of the Nairobi work programme for consideration by relevant bodies under the Convention.

The decision further requests the secretariat to:

  • Organize a technical workshop on water and climate change impacts and adaptation strategies before SBSTA 37;
  • Organize a technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change before SBSTA 38;
  • Prepare a compilation of case studies on national adaptation planning processes, including tools and approaches used for the prioritization and implementation of actions by SBSTA 37;
  • Continue the development of user-friendly knowledge products and outputs, and enhance the dissemination of information and knowledge products developed under the Nairobi work programme;
  • Further engage stakeholders.

During the SBSTA session, the fifth Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum was held on Tuesday 29 November from 18:00-21:00. It was attended by about 70 participants representing Parties and Nairobi work programme partner organizations. The Forum included an interactive format and focused on coordinating efforts to advance adaptation actions. Discussions were held under three themes: making use of strategic communication for adaptation; technical support for national adaptation plans; and applying monitoring and evaluation approaches, experimentation and shared learning.

6 - 17 June 2011

At its thirty-fourth session, the SBSTA welcomed a report on the progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change; and a compilation of further views and information on the effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme in fulfilling its objective, expected outcome, scope of work and modalities.

The SBSTA also welcomed the engagement of and contributions by organizations in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme.  It encouraged the secretariat to continue its efforts to further engage relevant organizations. 

The SBSTA concluded its review of the work programme, and requested the secretariat to undertake interim activities under the Nairobi work programme, including:

The SBSTA agreed to consider, at its thirty-fifth session, possible areas of further work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change under the Nairobi work programme, including, inter alia, consideration of potential activities as outlined in the annex I of the report of the SBSTA on its thirty-fourth session, with a view to defining the duration and activities for its next phase.

The SBSTA invited Parties and relevant organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 19 September 2011, their proposals for upcoming activities under the Nairobi work programme, taking into consideration the information included in the annex. It requested the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document for consideration by the SBSTA at its thirty-fifth session. (FCCC/SBSTA/2011/MISC.6 and FCCC/SBSTA/2011/MISC.6/Add.1

During this SBSTA session, an informal workshop was held by Nairobi work programme partners on 7 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany, with the objective of:

  • Providing participants with an update on work accomplished under the NWP and the programme's upcoming activities;
  • Creating an interactive space for exchange between parties and partners of the NWP on issues of shared concern; and
  • Co-producing a set of lessons learned and recommendations on the basis of the experiences of Parties and partners of the NWP.

A report on the informal meeting is available here.


30 November - 4 December 2010

At its thirty-third session, the SBSTA welcomed the engagement of and contributions by organizations in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme. It encouraged the secretariat to continue its efforts to further engage relevant organizations. The SBSTA commenced the review of the work programme at its thirty-third session, agreed to continue the review and to complete it by its thirty-fourth session. While the review is underway, Parties agreed to continue activities under the Nairobi work programme. To inform the review of the work programme, Parties and relevant organizations are requested to submit to the secretariat, by 28 March 2011, further views and relevant information on progress made and gaps as well as views on new activities that may be needed to achieve the objective and expected outcomes of the work programme.

Without prejudging the outcome of the review, the SBSTA noted that progress has been made towards meeting the objective of the Nairobi work programme and achieving its expected outcomes. It also noted that additional effort is needed to assist all Parties to improve their understanding and assessment of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation and make informed decisions on the implementation of practical adaptation actions and measures, and to assist Parties to enhance the capacity of relevant decision makers and stakeholders to better utilize the information and tools provided by the work programme. In this connection, the SBSTA also requested the secretariat to continue the dissemination of the information products produced under the Nairobi work programme. Adopted conclusions are contained in this document. Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 32 and 33 can be found in document FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.7.

During this SBSTA session, a Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum was held on Monday 6 December 2010 from 18:00-20:30. It was chaired by the SBSTA Chair, Mr. Mama Konate, and was attended by over 60 participants representing Parties and Nairobi work programme partner organizations. Participants exchanged perspectives on progress made and further needs for knowledge management and learning in support of enhanced action on adaptation, particularly within the context of the Nairobi work programme. They also took stock of relevant ongoing and planned activities by partner organizations. A summary note of the discussions is available here.

31 May - 11 June 2010

At SBSTA 32, Parties noted the work of the NWP in advancing scientific and technical knowledge on adaptation, impacts and vulnerability; and in engaging stakeholders, catalysing action, and disseminating relevant information and knowledge. Parties also noted the importance of continuity of such activities and invited Parties and organizations to submit views and information on the effectiveness of the NWP to the secretariat by 16 August 2010. These submissions will be compiled into a miscellaneous document to inform discussions at the informal meeting to take place in early September 2010. The adopted conclusions are found in paragraphs 11-20 of document FCCC/SBSTA/2010/6. Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 31 and 32 can be found in document FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.2.

During this SBSTA session, a Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum was held on Friday 4 June 2010 from 18:00-20:30. It was chaired by the SBSTA Chair, Mr. Mama Konate, and was attended by over 80 participants representing Parties and Nairobi work programme partner organizations. The participants engaged in in-depth discussions on the various aspects of the implementation of the Nairobi work programme. A summary note of the event can be found here.


8-12 December 2009

At SBSTA 31, Parties welcomed progress made in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme and in the direct engagement of, and the contributions provided by, a wide range of organizations in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme. Please see paragraphs 14-19 of the SBSTA 31 report (FCCC/SBSTA/2009/8). Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 30 and 31 can be found in document FCCC/SBSTA/2009/INF.5.

1-12 June 2009

At SBSTA 30, Parties adopted conclusions to continue progress, including further engaging diverse stakeholders in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme and expanding outreach to relevant stakeholders at community, national and regional levels. See SBSTA report FCCC/SBSTA/2009/3 (paragraphs 7-16). Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 29 and 30 can be found in document FCCC/SBSTA/2009/INF.3.

During the meeting in Bonn, a side event was held to discuss the needs, challenges and opportunities for the second phase of the implementation of the Nairobi work programme. Information is available from the Workshops and Meetings page of the NWP.

1-12 December 2008

At SBSTA 29 (see report FCCC/SBSTA/2008/13) in Poznan, Parties welcomed the progress made up to the twenty-eighth session of the SBSTA (as reported in the summary report FCCC/SBSTA/2008/12) and expressed appreciation to organizations that have undertaken or are planning to undertake action in support of the Nairobi work programme. Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 28 and 29 can be found in document FCCC/SBSTA/2008/INF.5. The SBSTA highlighted the importance of, and the further potential for, partnerships and dialogues between information providers, users and decision-makers and consideration by these entities of the information from the Nairobi work programme in implementing their activities. The SBSTA invited all stakeholders to share the outcomes of activities implemented in line with the programme with the SBSTA. The SBSTA also considered the need for a group of experts and invited Parties to expand the roster of experts to include all areas of the programme. The SBSTA agreed to continue consideration of this matter at its thirty-second session.

The SBSTA provided the SBI with information and advice emerging from the first phase so as to assist Parties in the consideration of relevant agenda items on adaptation under the SBI (Annex 1, FCCC/SBSTA/2008/13)

During the meeting in Poznan, a forum of focal points of organizations participating in the Nairobi work programme and Parties was convened by the chair of the SBSTA, and the SBSTA noted with appreciation this forum. See summary

2-13 June 2008

At SBSTA 28, Parties adopted conclusions on the second phase of the Nairobi work programme, agreeing on activities up to the end of 2010. SBSTA 28 report FCCC/SBSTA/2008/6 (paragraphs 7-74). Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 27 and 28 can be found here.

7-9 April 2008

At the UNFCCC informal meeting of representatives from Parties on the outcomes of completed activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. The views of Parties on further activities for the next phase of the programme were considered. Parties requested the secretariat to strive to engage experts and representatives of relevant organizations in order to consider the outcomes of the activities completed prior to this meeting. Parties agreed to reconsider the possible need for a group of experts at COP 14 in Poznan.


3-14 December 2007

At COP 13/SBSTA 27 in Bali, Parties welcomed progress made in implementing the Nairobi work programme and considered the possible need for a group of experts and the role that this group could play in the implementation and further development of the Nairobi work programme, and noted the views by Parties included in document. Views on the group of experts FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.25.

Parties requested the secretariat to strive to engage experts and representatives of relevant organizations in the informal meeting of representatives from Parties to consider the outcomes of the activities completed prior to this meeting. Parties agreed to reconsider the possible need for a group of experts at COP 14 in Poznan. (SBSTA 27 report FCCC/SBSTA/2007/16 (paragraphs 9-21)). Progress made under the Nairobi work programme between SBSTA 26 and 27 can be found here.

During the meeting in Bali, the secretariat convened a forum of focal points of organizations participating in the Nairobi work programme. See summary (133 kB)

7-18 May 2007

SBSTA 26 - Initial progress made under the Nairobi work programme between can be found here.


6-14 November 2006

At SBSTA 25, in Nairobi, Parties adopted conclusions relating to the "Five-year programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change". COP 12 renamed the five-year programme of work to the "Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change" and activities were initiated (SBSTA 25 report FCCC/SBSTA/2006/11 (paragraphs 11-71))

18-26 May 2006

At SBSTA 24, the SBSTA considered the Five-year programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. SBSTA 24 report FCCC/SBSTA/2006/5 (paragraphs 10-16 and Annex I)

An initial list of organizations and institutions active in areas relevant to the five-year programme of work was drawn up. Initial list FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.3

13-15 March 2006

Informal Meeting of Representatives from Parties to further elaborate a draft indicative list of activities for the five-year programme of work of the SBSTA on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, Vienna, Austria, 13 -15 March 2006, Vienna, Austria. Nine initial activities for the period up to SBSTA 28 (June 2008) were proposed by Parties responding to the sub-themes in decision 2/CP.11.

28 November - 9 December 2005

At SBSTA 23, Parties requested the secretariat to compile a list of organizations and institutions active in areas relevant to the programme of work and to organize an informal meeting by the twenty-fourth session of the SBSTA to further elaborate the indicative list of activities of the programme of work.

At COP 11, Parties adopted the Five-year programme of work of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, Decision 2/CP.11. The SBSTA also considered a draft indicative list of activities for the programme of work and agreed to further consider and elaborate the list.

17-19 October 2005

Informal Workshop on the development of a 5-year programme of work, Bonn, Germany.

At SBSTA 22, Parties had requested the secretariat to organize an informal workshop before its twenty-third session to facilitate the development of the programme of work.

19-27 May 2005

At SBSTA 22, Development of a 5-year programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, Bonn, as requested by the COP by its decision 1/CP.10.


6-17 December 2004

At COP 10, following consideration of the IPCC Third Assessment Report by the SBSTA, the COP, by its Decision 10/CP.9, requested the SBSTA to initiate work on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and to focus on exchanging information and sharing experiences and views among Parties on practical opportunities and solutions to facilitate the implementation of the Convention.

Following workshops on this agenda item, the COP, by its decision 1/CP.10, requested the SBSTA to develop a structured five-year programme of work of the SBSTA on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change, which would address the following issues: methodologies, data and modelling; vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, measures and actions; and integration into sustainable development in the context of the terms of reference of the SBSTA as referred to in Article 9 of the Convention.

At SBSTA 21, a workshop was held on the application of methods and tools, including regional models, for assessing impacts and vulnerability and adaptation; and on the linkages between adaptation and sustainable development, Buenos Aires, Argentina, as requested by the SBSTA, at its twentieth session. SBSTA 21 report FCCC/SBSTA/2004/13 (paragraphs 8-12)

16-25 June 2004

At SBSTA 20, the in-session workshop to explore sustainable development opportunities and solutions, and vulnerability and risk as they relate to impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, was held as requested by the SBSTA at its nineteenth session.


1-13 December 2003

At COP 9, Parties requested the initiation of work on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change, and scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation and to focus on exchanging information and sharing experiences and views among Parties on practical opportunities and solutions to facilitate the implementation of the Convention, Decision 10/CP.9.

At SBSTA 19, Pre-sessional consultations on the IPCC Third Assessment Report to provide information and share experiences to facilitate the development of two new agenda items, as requested by the SBSTA, at its eighteenth session.
