
气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)简介

            按照2018年联合国卡托维兹气候大会(COP 24)以来的惯例,COP 27主席国将在11月6日—18日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的联合国气候变化大会主会场内搭建气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)圆形会场。

            《公约》秘书处负责组织气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)活动方案。


            气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)的核心宗旨是举办在形式和内容上都明显不同于缔约方会议期间其他传统会议的活动,并为非缔约方利害关系方提供一个包容性、参与性和透明的中心舞台。

            气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)是一个动态的活动空间,参与者有机会举办与具体气候行动项目和倡议相关的各种活动。活动形式包括脱口秀、特别发布会、气候行动解决方案竞赛获奖者公告、游戏、互动活动、教育节目或数字演示,所有活动都专门关注或旨在推动实际的气候行动,并为观众提供发言机会。



            在气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)举办活动需要提出申请。每个机构最多可以提交两个不同的申请。



            在气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)将于11月8日(星期二)下午至11月17日(星期四)举办活动,11月13日(星期日)除外。每天的活动将整点开始,最多持续40分钟,以便进行场地清洁和整理。

            在气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)的活动将列入缔约方会议每日日程,可在《公约》网站上查阅,并在整个会议期间在闭路电视上滚动播放。



            在气候行动中心(Climate Action Hub)的活动不是邀请制,缔约方会议任何登记参与者(包括政府代表、民间社会、企业代表、地方政府代表、媒体成员、投资者、艺术家等)均可免费参加,以确保活动的包容性和参与性。



14.00 Climate Technology Centre Network The next generation of Climate Tech Entrepreneurs
15.00 United Nations University Sparking Change: Film and Science Together for Desirable Urban Futures
16.00 Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation, Karlstad University The Climate Long Game
18.00 Scaling-up Nutrition Nutrition and Climate Financing: How to Walk the Talk
19.00 Spirit of football One Ball, One World


10.00 Doconomy Democratizing Climate Action
11.00 Carbonsink Carbon projects: From Community-Based to Community-Owned
12.00 World Resources Institute Locally Led Action: Solutions from the Ground
14.00 APCO Worldwide Green Sukuk Marketplace – Realizing the Potential of Islamic Finance for Climate Action
15.00 Financial Times Financial Times Talks Climate Finance
16.00 Centre for 21st Century Issues African Women For Climate Finance
17.00 Climate Champions and partners Leveraging the African Insurance Industry to Create Resilient African Economies


10.00 Reboot the Future We Are Antarctica
11.00 Centre for Climate Repair, Cambridge What Will it Take to Avoid Arctic Tipping Points?
12.00 Commonwealth Innovation Use of Earth Observation Data for Enhancing Climate Finance Access
13.00 COP27 Presidency Egyptian Initiative on Green and Smart Projects
14.00 Climateworks Foundation Introducing the Carbon Call 
15.00 BBC Studios and Minecraft Education Inspiring the Next Generation: BBC's Frozen Planet II and Minecraft
16.00 Wageningen University & Research Youth Initiatives in Nature-based Solutions
17.00 International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences Youth Action: Empowering Local Agripreneurs through International Agreements
18:00 UNFCCC

Race Against Climate Change: Accelerating the Transition to Zero Emission Mobility


10.00 World Resources Institute Buildings Showdown
11.00 Athletics Kenya Accelerating Climate and Air Quality Actions through Athletics
12.00 Cresmi / UCL  Climate Resilience of Workplaces in Egypt
13.00 COP 27 Presidency Egyptian Initiative on Green and Smart Projects
14:00 Living Future Europe Living Futures: Storms or Starlight
14.00 Bauhaus Univertity Local Approaches to Dealing with Textile Waste
16.00 Rolls Royce Engineering Activism: Engineering Activism: Catalysing Change in the Face of the Climate Crisis
17.00 Global Fashion Agenda Alliances for a New Era: Decarbonising the Fashion Supply Chain 
18.00 Apparel Impact Unlocking The Trillion-Dollar Fashion Decarbonisation Opportunity


10.00 International Coalition on Climate and Agriculture Promoting Ecological Farming to Address the Climate Crisis
11.00 TREEO Scaling Up Carbon Dioxide Removals via Single-Tree Monitoring Technology
12.00 Gaia The Earth Foundation A trillion Dollar Opportunity for Regenerative Action in India
13.00 COP27 Presidency Egyptian Initiative on Green and Smart Projects
14.00 Sajida Foundation Session on Locally-led Adaptation
15.00 Australian Aid: The Australian Water Partnership Australian Water for Development Community Acting for Climate

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Enabling Peaceful Resilience in a New Era of Risk
17.00 World Economic Forum How to Enhance the Amazon’s Ecosystems and Economies
18.00 SUEZ Digital Solution for Reducing Heat Island Effects in Cities, The example of Downtown Cairo 


10.00 UN Global Compact Water Action Hub Accelerating Collaboration: The Water Action Hub 4.0 Launch
11.00 UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate Realizing Resilience: A Pragmatic Path for Companies and Communities
12.00 Sabesp Fostering resilient urban development: Application of ecosystem services by local government
13.00 COP27 Presidency Egyptian Initiative on Green and Smart Projects
14.00 National Institute of Urban Affairs - India A Platform to Aggregate the Ecosystem Services Offered by Urban Waterbodies
15.00 Aspen Institute Building African Climate Resilience Through Women’s Entrepreneurship
16.00 The Generation Equality Forum Feminist Action for Climate Justice: Engage with Grassroots Organizations Community Methodologies
17.00 Women Engage for a Common Future  Gender Just Climate Solutions Award


10.00 BBC Fact-based Storytelling versus Misinformation
11.00 United Nations University Beyond Classrooms: Education as a Mechanism for Community Climate Action
12.00 Planet / Microsoft / The Nature Conservancy Global Renewables Watch: Measuring the World's Clean Energy Resources from space
13.00 COP27 Presidency  Egyptian Initiative on Green and Smart Projects 
14.00 World Economic Forum / Accenture The Journey from Coal to Clean: a World Tour
15.00 International Energy Agency Rising Awareness of Key Mitigation Challenges through Gamification
16.00 Arup How to Scale Offshore Wind? Building an Equitable Ocean Economy 
17.00 Net Zero Technology Centre Net Zero Technology: Barriers and Innovation Priorities


10.00 Google Arts Calling in Our Corals
11.00 The Ocean Agency Hope for Coral Reefs 
12.00 Delta Foundation Science & Practice: Exploring Ocean Resilience and Blue Carbon Initiatives
13:00 Sustainable Ocean Alliance SOA Mena Youth Climate Action Plan
14.00 Lloyd's Register Foundation Driving Safer, Resilient Ocean Economies through New Open-source Data Tools
15.00 ArchiREEF  How 3D Printing in Terracotta Restores Coral Reefs 
16.00 The Ocean Race Connecting Climate Action and Ocean Rights, Human Rights and Corporate Rights


10.00 ADEME Riding the Heatwaves in Mediterranean Cities
11.00 Union Cycliste Internationale How to Create a Cycling City
12.00 OX Delivers OX Delivers Climate Action in Sub-Saharan Africa
14.00 Cities Alliance   Tackling Urbanization, Climate and Poverty in Cities through Circular Economy (City / human)
15.00 Arup  Why Location Matters - Shaping City Growth to Cut Carbon
16.00 Environas  Recovery Spaces for Walkability
17.00 Future Cleantech Architects Building Our Future: Innovative Technology to Decarbonize the Cement Industry

