Observer organizations at COP 29
COP 29

UN Climate Change Conference - COP 29

11 to 22 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan.

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UN Flag
资料来源 UN Photo

In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 6 of the Convention, Parties to the Convention, United Nations and related organizations and agenciesmedia and non-profit observer organizations with observer status may attend the sessions of the Convention. Consequently, everyone wishing to attend the conference must be registered accordingly and in possession of a conference badge. Organizations without observer status and individuals can find further information here.

Registration is managed through the Online Registration System (ORS). The secretariat’s usual practice is to post official information for upcoming sessions, including registration timelines, on the UNFCCC website well in advance of the start date of the sessions. You can find current information on the Notifications page of the UNFCCC website.

ORS will open upon issuance of the notification/information note which contains the nomination and confirmation deadlines. Designated Contact Points (DCP) of admitted NGOs must nominate and confirm representatives through ORS by the given deadlines. Late nomination and confirmation of representatives after these deadlines will not be accepted.

                                                                                                  ORS timeline overview

For further information and guidance on the nominations and confirmation process and using the system, please refer to the ORS User Manual.

For technical assistance when using the system, please contact the UNFCCC support team using the ORS Support Form.

Registration on-site (for duly registered observers)

Duly confirmed delegates through ORS must obtain a conference badge at registration counters on-site. Further details are published in the information for participants for the respective sessions.

UNFCCC events are guided by the highest ethical and professional standards, and all participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards each other while attending or being involved with any UNFCCC event.

Code of conduct for UNFCCC events

The Code of Conduct applies to all participants at a UNFCCC event, that is, all persons attending (regardless whether in person or virtually) or involved in any capacity at a UNFCCC event, including in its set up or delivery. By attending or being involved in any capacity at a UNFCCC event, participants agree to abide by the UNFCCC Code of Conduct.

Further, the below guidelines and regulations are set in place to promote a harmonious atmosphere supportive of discussions and negotiations at intergovernmental meetings and to encourage the effective participation of observers in the process:

Date Title
19 January 2024 Message to Parties and Observers - Appointment of the President-Designate and Lead Negotiator COP 29/CMP 19/CMA 6
24 June 2024 Notification to admitted IGOs and NGOs  - COP 29/CMP 19/CMA 6

*This table is a selection of communications on COP 29 to observer organizations. Please also consult the full list of communications to observer organizations here.

Details on COP 29 briefings for observers will be shared in the coming weeks.

Details on the COP Presidency's open dialogue with Parties and NGO Constituencies will be shared in the coming weeks.

Details on advocacy actions at COP 29 will be shared in the coming weeks.


The UN Climate Change secretariat has become aware that certain admitted observer organizations are using commercial business model packages to solicit business. As an inducement to sell these packages, potential clients are assured participation at UNFCCC conferences, sessions and meetings through quotas of admitted observer organizations.

The UN Climate Change secretariat would like to make clear that it does not endorse such practices nor does it charge any fees to anyone for participating in the UNFCCC process.

Eligible participants are accredited only by the UN Climate Change secretariat and, upon issue of participant badges by the secretariat, can enter conference, sessions and meetings venues and participate in the activities organized by the secretariat including the UNFCCC side events and exhibits. This is subject to the relevant UNFCCC rules and regulations.
