How to engage without observer status

Who can attend UNFCCC conferences?  

The secretariat would like to point out that in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 6 of the Convention, Parties to the Convention, United Nations and related organizations and agencies, media and already admitted non-profit observer organizations may attend the sessions of the Convention. Consequently, conferences are not open to the public.

If your organization is not admitted, i.e. does not carry official observer status with the UNFCCC, and you have missed the deadline for admission or if your organization is not eligible for admission, the representatives of your organization might be nominated and confirmed to attend sessions by already-admitted observer organizations who agree for them to be part of their delegation. Visibility on the list of participants will be given to the name of your organization if the nominating organization makes relevant entries in the online registration system when confirming your representatives. Please note that observer organizations must nominate and confirm their representatives by the deadlines that are announced in the notification and/or information note for each conference.

List of all admitted observer organizations: 

For more information on how an organization can be granted observer status in the UNFCCC process, please click here.

How can I follow the UNFCCC process remotely?  

Webcast and press materials are available here.

Recordings of side events are published here.

UN Climate Change on YouTube.

Submissions from non-Party stakeholders

Convention bodies often request written input on views and information on various issues under negotiation. These mandates are extended to organizations without observer status in the UNFCCC. Please find further information on the submission portal web page.


The UNFCCC secretariat has become aware that certain admitted observer organizations are using commercial business model packages to solicit business. As an inducement to sell these packages, potential clients are assured participation at UNFCCC conferences, sessions and meetings through quotas of admitted observer organizations. The UNFCCC secretariat would like to make clear that it does not endorse such practices nor does it charge any fees to anyone for participating in the UNFCCC process. Eligible participants are accredited only by the UNFCCC secretariat who upon issue of badges by the UNFCCC secretariat can enter conference, sessions and meetings venue and participate, subject to the relevant rules and regulations, in the activities organized by the UNFCCC secretariat including the UNFCCC side events and exhibits and UNFCCC Climate Change Studio.
