Case studies
Country Title of Case Study Submission's date  Keywords
Philippines Beyond Adaptation: Restoring ecosystems and livelihoods in post climate-related disaster events in the Philippines 25-Apr  
Vanuatu Non-Economic Loss & Damage to Vanuatu’s Coastal Ecosystems and Community Livelihoods from Slow Onset Events 25-Apr  
Australia A triple disaster event series in Vanuatu: Cascading and compounding impacts of climate change. Supplementary content for the Case Study submitted by the Government of Vanuatu. 25-Apr  
Samoa Tropical Cyclone Evan - Samoa 25-Apr  
Morocco Morocco's experience of loss and damage management and finance: The case of drought 25-Apr  
Senegal State of the sea 25-Apr  
Nepal and Bhutan Melting glaciers and changing snow cover 25-Apr  
 Ethiopia Prolonged drought in Borana 25-Apr  
Uganda Rapid Case study on financing loss and damage in Uganda 25-Apr  
Fiji The development of Fiji’s national planned relocation arrangements and associated financing mechanism 26-Apr  
Peru Loss and damage associated with tropical glaciers in Peru: Importance of the National Inventory of Glaciers 26-Apr  
Marshall Islands Loss and Damage Transitional Committee Submission 27-Apr  
Finland The Sámi in Finland and climate change 28-Apr  
EU Forest fires in Europe 28-Apr  
Spain Coverage of extraordinary risks arising from climate change: The spanish "extraordinary risk insurance". 28-Apr  

Case Study on Financing Loss and Damage: Hurricanes Eta and Iota

Vanuatu Incorporating a consideration of Climate Impacts on Human Rights into the Design of the Loss & Damage Fund: Insights from Vanuatu 7-July  


Organization Title of Case Study Submission's date  Keywords
Malawi Centre for Community Water Resources Management and Sanitation Malawi's major loss and damage over 5-10 years due to cyclones and climate change factors 13-Apr  

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF), Trócaire Malawi, CISONECC

Locally-Led Loss & Damage Programming in Malawi: How Scotland Spent its COP26 Pledge to Loss & Damage 25-Apr  

Climate Refugees

Climate-Driven Loss and Damage in Kenya


Climate-Driven Loss and Damage in the Lake Chad Basin

Ground Truth Solutions, ICCCAD and IIED The role of communities in resource allocation and MEL: Bangladesh 25-Apr  
SEEDS, India

Akshvi: Digital Wallets to record climate loss and damage. Meeting loss and damage funding gaps, improving delivery of need based assistance at local level.


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Funding needs for addressing human mobility in the context of loss and damage in West African cities 25-Apr  

Mercy Corps and the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance

Breaking the cycle: Practical solutions to unlock climate finance for fragile states 25-Apr  

Oxfam America and La Ruta del Clima

Community Perspectives: Loss and Damage in Cahuita, Costa Rica 25-Apr  
DanChurchAid Actalliance

Case study on financing loss and damage - Experiences from DanChurchAid and partners in Mali


Loss and damage related to floods, droughts, and storms in Cambodia

Coral Restoration Consortium

Examples of Economic Evaluations and Funding Mechanisms

Oxfam International

Case Studies on Financing Loss and Damage to Land


Developing country financing on loss and damage: Public insurance mechanisms to address loss and damage in Sri Lanka


UN World Food Programme (WFP)

Delivery of anticipatory actions to at-risk communities ahead of worsening drought conditions in Ethiopia


Providing access to livestock insurance for pastoralists in the Somali Region of Ethiopia

UC Santa Cruz USGS The social and economic benefits of coral restoration in Puerto Rico 28-Apr  

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

Today and tomorrow initiative  5-May  
SLYCAN Trust Visual evidence generation and showcasing to support the mobilization of finance for addressing climate-induced loss and damage 5-July  
Oxfam in Pakistan Stories from Province Sindh, Pakistan 13-July  
AMCDD: Moroccan Alliance for Climate and Sustainable Development Losses and Damages related to Floods in Morocco  25-July  
ICCCAD, BRAC, and Climate Bridge Fund Climate Bridge Fund: A funding mechanism enabling locally-led action on loss and damage for climate-vulnerable communities in Bangladesh 13-Aug  

