Constituted Body meetings and events
6th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SB 006)
10 - 13 Jul. 2023
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn
Constituted Body meetings and events
6th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SB 006)
10 - 13 Jul. 2023
Bonn, Germany
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn

Meeting report and approved documents - SB 006 meeting webcast 

A6.4-SB006 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A01 - Standard: Standard for the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A02 - Procedure: Procedure for the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A03Draft Procedure: Article 6.4 mechanism activity cycle procedure for projects (v.03.0)
A6.4-SB006-A04 - Procedure: Development, revision and clarification of methodologies and methodological tools (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A05 - Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A06Information note: List of registered observers at the sixth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A07Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body seventh meeting (v.01.0)

Agenda and documents under consideration 

1. Agenda and meeting organization

1.1. Opening

1.2. Adoption of the agenda

Under consideration
A6.4-SB006-PA - Proposed agenda
A6.4-SB006-AA - Annotated agenda  

2. Governance and management matters

2.1. Membership issues

Article 6.4 Supervisory Body - Conflict of interest statements (overview table)

2.2. Strategic planning and direction

Under consideration
A6.4-SB006-AA-A01 - Information note: Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2023

2.3. Matters related to the Article 6.4 mechanism

Under consideration
A6.4-SB006-AA-A02Draft: Standard and procedure for transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism 
A6.4-SB006-AA-A03 - Draft procedure: Article 6.4 mechanism activity cycle procedure for projects
A6.4-SB006-AA-A04 - Draft standard: Article 6.4 mechanism activity standard for projects [Advance video presentation]
A6.4-SB006-AA-A05 - Draft procedure: Development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools [Advance video presentation]
A6.4-SB006-AA-A06 - Draft procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baseline development
A6.4-SB006-AA-A07 - Concept note: Proposals and options to operationalize baseline contraction factor, avoid 'lock-in levels of emissions' and address leakage in the draft recommendation on requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies
A6.4-SB006-AA-A08 - Draft recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies  
A6.4-SB006-AA-A09 - Information note: Compilation of the public inputs on removal activities under the Article 6.4 mechanism
A6.4-SB006-AA-A10 - Concept note: Availability of Article 6.4 mechanism DOEs
A6.4-SB006-AA-A11 - Concept note: Establishment of Article 6.4 mechanism DNA forum

A6.4-SB006-AA-A14 - Information note: Draft elements for the recommendation on activities involving removals
Presentation - Article 6.4 mechanism registry and [Advance video presentation]


3. Relation with stakeholders   

Under consideration
A6.4-SB006-AA-A12 - Concept note: Engagement with the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform and its Facilitative Working Group
A6.4-SB006-AA-A13 - Concept note: Consideration of the gender action plan

4. Other matters

5. Conclusion of the meeting

Documents under consideration at meetings of the Supervisory Body:
The documents to be reviewed at each meeting will be publicly available at least two weeks before the meeting. Once the agenda and related annexes (i.e., documents for consideration) are made public, stakeholders are encouraged to provide input on the topics covered in the annotated agenda and related annexes. A public call for input will be open for one week to facilitate this process.

Accessibility to observers:
The deadline for registering as an observer for a meeting of the Supervisory Body is three weeks before the meeting. To view the list of meetings scheduled for 2023, please refer to the notification link provided below. To register, please contact: supervisory-body@unfccc.int. Representatives from Parties and observer organizations admitted to the UNFCCC are eligible to attend the meeting as observers, subject to space availability.

Notification - Meetings of the Supervisory Body for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement