Meetings of the Supervisory Body

Accessibility to meetings

Documents under consideration at meetings of the Supervisory Body:

  • Availability: Documents are made publicly accessible at least two weeks before the meeting.
  • Providing input: Following the publication of the meeting agenda and its annexes, stakeholders are invited to submit their input. There is a one-week window post-publication for providing input on the agenda and annexes via a designated call for input.

Observer registration:

  • Deadline: Interested in attending as an observer? Registration for observer attendance must be completed three weeks prior to the meeting.
  • How to Register: Email to secure your spot.
  • Eligibility: Party representatives and approved UNFCCC observer organizations are eligible to attend, space permitting.
Meeting archives
Meeting Date and venue Documents under consideration Report and related documents

12th meeting
(SBM 012) 

22 - 23 May 2024
Available > > A6.4-SBM012: Meeting report (version 01.1)
A6.4-SBM012-A01: Information note: Guiding questions for the SBM engagement event at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body (SB 60) (version 01.0)
11th meeting
(SB 011)
29 April - 2 May 2024
Bonn, Germany
Available > >
A6.4-SB011 - Meeting report (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A01 - Information note: Workplan of the Accreditation Expert Panel (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A02 - Information note: Workplan of the Methodological Expert Panel (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A03 - Procedure: Appeal and grievance processes under the Article 6.4 mechanism (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A04 - Draft procedure: Article 6.4 activity cycle procedure for programmes of activities (version 02.0)
A6.4-SB011-A05 - Draft standard: Article 6.4 activity standard for programmes of activities (version 02.0)
A6.4-SB011-A06 - Draft standard: Article 6.4 validation and verification standard for programmes of activities (version 02.0)
A6.4-SB011-A07 - Information note: List of registered observers at the eleventh meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A08 - Provisional agenda: 12th meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB011-A09 - Provisional agenda: 13th meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
10th meeting
(SB 010)
26 February-1 March 2024
Bonn, Germany
Available > >

A6.4-SB010 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A01 - Information note: Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2024 (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A02 - Information note: Accreditation expert panel members (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A03Information note: Methodological expert panel members (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A04Procedure: Selection and performance evaluation of experts on the Article 6.4 mechanism accreditation roster of experts (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A05Information note: Further work on the methodological products for the Article 6.4 mechanism (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A06 - Information note: List of registered observers at the tenth meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A07 - Information note: Calendar of meetings for 2024 (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB010-A08Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body eleventh meeting (version 01.0)



Meeting Date and venue Documents under consideration Report and related documents

9th meeting
(SB 009)


8-9 November
14:00-18:00 (CET)

16-17 November
14:00-15:30 (CET)

Available >> A6.4-SB009 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB009-A01 - Recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of Article 6.4 mechanism methodologies (v.01.1)
A6.4-SB009-A02 - Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.1)

8th meeting
(SB 008)


30 October-2 November 2023
Bonn, Germany
Available>> A6.4-SB008 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A01 - Information note: Preliminary workplan of the Supervisory Body 2024 (v. 01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A02 - Procedure: Terms of reference of the Article 6.4 mechanism expert panels (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A03Procedure: Selection and performance evaluation of members of the expert panels under the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A04 - Standard: Article 6.4 activity standard for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A05 - Standard: Article 6.4 validation and verification standard for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A06Procedure: Article 6.4 activity cycle procedure for projects (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A07 - Standard: Transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A08Procedure: Transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A09 - Draft Procedure: Appeal & grievance processes under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A10Draft Tool: Article 6.4 sustainable development tool (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB008-A11Standard: Article 6.4 accreditation (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A12Procedure: Article 6.4 accreditation (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A13 - Draft Recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of Article 6.4 mechanism methodologies (v.09.1)
A6.4-SB008-A14Draft Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.04.1)
A6.4-SB008-A15Information note: List of registered observers at the eighth meeting of the Supervisory Body (version 01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A16Information note: Tentative calendar of meetings for 2024  (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A17Provisional agenda: Virtual ninth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB008-A18Provisional agenda: Tenth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)

7th meeting
(SB 007) 


10-14 September 2023 
Singapore, Singapore

A6.4-SB007 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB007-A01 - Information note: Article 6.4 mechanism two-year business and resource allocation plan 2024–2025 (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB007-A02 - Draft Standard: Article 6.4 mechanism activity standard for projects (v.03.0)
A6.4-SB007-A03Draft Standard: Article 6.4 mechanism validation and verification standard for projects (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB007-A04 - Draft Standard: Article 6.4 mechanism accreditation (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB007-A05 - Draft Procedure: Article 6.4 mechanism accreditation (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB007-A06 - Draft Recommendation: Requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies (v.07.0)
A6.4-SB007-A07 - Draft Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB007-A08Information note: List of registered observers at the seventh meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB007-A09Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body eighth meeting (v.01.0)

6th meeting
(SB 006)


10-13 July 2023
Bonn, Germany 
Available>>   A6.4-SB006 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A01 - Standard: Standard for the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A02 - Procedure: Procedure for the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A03Draft Procedure: Article 6.4 mechanism activity cycle procedure for projects (v.03.0)
A6.4-SB006-A04 - Procedure: Development, revision and clarification of methodologies and methodological tools (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A05 - Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A06 - Information note: List of registered observers at the sixth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB006-A07 - Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body seventh meeting (v.01.0)
5th meeting
(SB 005) 

31 May-3 June 2023
Bonn, Germany
Available>> A6.4-SB005 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB005-A01 - Information note: Guidance and questions for further work on methodologies requirements (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB005-A02 - Information note: Guidance and questions for further work on removals (v.02.0)
A6.4-SB005-A03 - Information note: List of registered observers at the fifth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB005-A04 - Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body sixth meeting (v.01.0)
4th meeting
(SB 004)

7-10 March 2023
Bonn, Germany
Available >> A6.4-SB004 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A01 - Information note: Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2023 (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A02 - Information note: Guidance and questions for further work on removals (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A03 - Information note: Guidance and questions for further work on methodologies (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A04 - Information note: Decision and documentation framework  (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A05 - Information note: List of registered observers at the fourth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A06 - Procedure: Consideration of unsolicited letters to the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A07 - Information note: Calendar of meetings for 2023 (v.01.0)
A6.4-SB004-A08 - Provisional agenda: Supervisory Body fifth meeting (v.01.0)
Meeting Date and venue Documents under consideration Report and related documents
3rd meeting
(SB 003)

3-5 November 2022
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Available >>  SB003 - Meeting report (v.01.2)
Annex 01Information note: Article 6.4 Mechanism resource allocation plan 2023 (v.01.0)
Annex 02Terms of reference: A6.4 Mechanism experts (v.01.0)
Annex 03Recommendation: Activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism (v.01.0)
Annex 04 - Information note: Status of current work on the application of the requirements referred to in chapter V B (Methodologies) of the rules, modalities and procedures (v.01.0)
Annex 05Information note: List of registered observers at the third meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
Annex 06 - Information note: Tentative calendar of meetings for 2023 (v.01.0)
Annex 07Provisional agenda: Fourth meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.1) 
2nd meeting
(SB 002)

19-22 September 2022
Bonn, Germany
Available >> SB002 - Meeting report (v.01.0)                                                 
Annex 01 - Recommendation: Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Body (v.02.0)
Annex 02 - Information note: Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2022-2023 (v.01.0)
Annex 03 - Recommendation: Appropriate levels of the share of proceeds for administrative expenses and its operation (v.01.0)
Annex 04 - Information note: List of registered observers at the second meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
Annex 05 - Provisional agenda: Third meeting of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0) 

1st meeting
(SB 001)


25-28 July 2022
Bonn, Germany
Available >>

SB001 - Meeting report (v.01.0)
Annex 01 - Draft Procedure: Draft rules of procedure of the Supervisory Body (v.01.0)
Annex 02 - Information note: List of registered observers (v.01.0)

