Gender and Climate Change – In-session events – June 2024
gender workshop SB 60
Credit: Amira Grotendiek


At COP 28 Parties agreed that the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP will be initiated at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024 - identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken – and conclude at its SBI 61 in November 2024.

Parties, United Nations entities, the UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations are all invited to provide inputs to inform the review process. The secretariat prepared a synthesis report on the submissions, organized a workshop at SBI 60 and prepared a workshop summary report.

The final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP was initiated at SB 60 –  identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken. The draft conclusions proposed by the Chair are available here.


Information on the review process is available here>

Gender and climate change at SB 60

The below mandated event took place during SB 60 in the context of the implementation of the gender action plan of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender:

In-session workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change. Agenda and details below.


Synthesis report: Progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan, and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change (FCCC/SBI/2024/11)

New! Summary report by the secretariat: In-session workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change.

Information session on gender SB 60 - banner




The secretariat organized a virtual information session on 21 May 2024 to provide further information on what can be expected on gender and climate change at SB 60.​

Draft agenda

Welcome Remarks

Agenda presentation

UNFCCC Gender Team

Presentation UNFCCC process


Gender and Climate Change at SB 60

UNFCCC Gender Team

Gender Beyond the Review:

  • NDC 3.0 process
  • UAE – Belém work programme
  • NCQGCF  
  • JTWP
  • IPCC


Priorities for SB60 Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)

Women’s Environment and Development Organization and Women and Gender constituency 

Q&A and closing remarks

UNFCCC Gender Team 


Did you miss it? Check the recordings and presentation below


Also available in Spanish and French



Q&A from the session

Question Answer
SB58 had a lovely Chair's Scenario Note - is one planned for SB60? Thank you! The joint note of the SB Chairs will be published by the end of this week or latest early next week.  The note will outline their approach for the sessions of SBs in June

¿Pueden participar observadores en las sesiones de negociación del SB60?

Can observers participate in SB60 negotiating sessions?

Contact groups are open to observers. Informal consultations are in most cases also open to observers. Observers, however, can only make an intervention during those contact groups and informal consultations if Parties agree.

CSOs that are admitted as observers can participate in a COP. CSOs not admitted as observers may also participate by being nominated and confirmed to participate by an already-admitted observer organisation. More information is available here: 

¿El taller del  LWPG estará también abierto a los observadores en la SB60?

Will the LWPG workshop also be open to observers at SB60?

The workshop will be open to all participants. The regional level discussions will be open to Parties only.
Thank you, a question for Diana - are there any findings from the IPCC report that she would recommend to operationalise through the new Work Programme and GAP? I would need to get a bit more familiar with the WP and GAP in order to answer this question, will be happy to check.
Please can we have the names of our Facilitators? Some of us are taking notes for report The list of co-facilitators/co-Chairs will be made available on the session pages (SBSTA 60 and SBI 60 pages once the nominees are agreed at the Opening Plenary of SB 60 on Monday 3 June (by Parties).
Is the IPCC's Gender Action Team working on mainstreaming gender considerations in the work done under the 7th cycle? We will most likely address this in our forthcoming Expert Meeting on Gender, Diversity and Inclusivity. This meeting may arrive at relevant recommendations. The GAT itself is focusing on operational aspects of gender in the work of IPCC and not on scientific content of IPCC work. Further processes to enhance mainstreaming gender considerations in our scientific work will be very useful (e.g. relevant scientific literature, science reviews, etc). Furthermore, if more relevant experts can be nominated for our upcoming AR7 scoping meeting (nominations open until June 7th), that will also help this.
I can predict this answer, but is it possible to get a rough idea when gender negotiation sessions will be held? First week? Second? All the weeks? :) The negotiations will not clash with the workshop and are likely to be in both weeks.
Can we draw up a Btr gender that will be mandatory every 2 years on the basis of progress in the PAG's priority areas and facilitate transparency in climate financing? The information presented in the BTR depends on the individual Parties. There are specific provisions in the MPGs underlining where gender related information can be captured (i.e. decision 18/CMA.1, para. 109). Parties can provide relevant information at various sections in the BTRs, as per their policies.
Mishy, are the meetings you mentioned taking place tomorrow and 28th open for people to join? If yes, can you please share the details to register/join? Registration available here. 

¿Cómo puede un observador acompañar a un grupo de trabajo de la circunscripción de género?

How can an observer accompany a gender constituency working group?

Non-party can join our advocacy list by filling this form.



Links shared during the event:







Gender workshop SB60_Kiara Worth

In-session workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change

New! Summary report by the secretariat

In-session workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change.


SBI 60

3-5 June 2024, Bonn, Germany

Meeting room: Bangkok

Introduction and mandate                      


Decision 15/CP.28 mandates the initiation of the final review of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender (LWPG) and its gender action plan (GAP)[1] at SB 60. It invited Parties, United Nations entities, the UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations, in accordance with their respective mandates and priorities, to submit their inputs on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change.

The secretariat was requested to prepare a synthesis report on the submissions[2] and to organize a workshop at SB 60 to discuss the synthesis report, with focused regional-level and global-level discussions and requested the secretariat to prepare a summary report reflecting the discussions held at the workshop.

In this two-and-a-half-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and views on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP. They will also be able to exchange views and discuss priorities for the future work on gender and climate change.






Monday, 3rd June 2024

10:00 – 11:00


Available here

11:00 – 13:00 (Parties only)



Wien 1/2


Wien 3




15:00 – 18:00


Available here

Tuesday, 4th June 2024

10:00 – 13:00


Available here

15:00 – 18:00

Available here

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

10:00 – 13:00


Available here


  • Presentations made by the secretariat will be based on the synthesis report on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change. The report reflects what has been reported in submissions and what has been reflected in regular reports by the UNFCCC.
  • Supporting documents will be available on this website.

Expected Outcome

  • Participants reflect on and discuss progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change
  • Participants engage in global-level discussions. Party delegates will engage in regional-level discussions
  • Participants identify opportunities for enhancing implementation, linkages and relevant actors


Relevant documents

The following documents may be useful during the workshop:

3/CP.25 enhanced lima work programme and its gender action plan

Decision 3/CP.25

Gender Action Plan - Decision 3/CP.25 (FCCC/CP/2019/13/Add.1) and amendments agreed in Decision 24/CP.27 (FCCC/CP/2022/10/Add.3) and 15/CP.28 (FCCC/CP/2023/11/Add.2)


Synthesis report on Progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan, and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change.

Synthesis report

Initiatives to implement the GAP, as reported in the submissions on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, categorized by deliverable or output for each activity under the GAP



Templates, working documents and upload links for rapporteurs are available under each relevant corresponding session in the agenda below.


Speakers and facilitators profiles


Monday 3 June 2024

Presentation here

Time and location


Opening plenary

10:00 – 10:10

Opening and welcome by the SBSTA Vice-Chair and co-facilitators for agenda item 17, SBI 60 (gender and climate change)

10:10 – 10:50
Plenary, Bangkok

Scene setting and framework for collective work during the workshop

  • Format: Presentation by the moderator, Soma Chakrabarti Fezzardi, followed by presentation by the Secretariat
  • Short Q&A

10:50 – 11:00
Plenary, Bangkok

Introduction to regional level reflections

  • Format: Presentation by Moderator

Regional level reflections (Parties only)

11:00 - 13:00

Breakout group discussions (please see room allocation for each group)

Group 1: Americas and the Caribbean




Group 2: Asia & Pacific





Group 3: Europe & Central Asia



Wien 3

Group 4: Africa and Middle East

Wien 1/2

  • Objective: exchange views on challenges, priorities, and opportunities for enhancing implementation, to inform the consideration of progress and needs in each element of the GAP priority areas in the next sessions
  • Guiding questions:

(i) How well do the challenges, gaps and priorities identified reflect the situation in your region? (ii) Considering the reality of your region, is something missing?  (iii) What type of action at the international, regional and national level would be helpful to enhance implementation in your region?

Format: Roundtable/square set up, moderated discussion with one or two moderator/s to be identified by the group. Parties only.

🗺️ Map of the venue available here. 

13:00 – 15:00

Lunch break

Reflection on progress and future I

15:00 – 16:00


Reflections on progress: capacity-building, knowledge management and communication; gender-balance, participation and women’s leadership; monitoring and reporting - I

  • Presentation by the Secretariat on status of implementation, based on the synthesis report
  • Reflections by stakeholders implementing the GAP:
    • Ermira Fida, Deputy Secretary, IPCC
    • Mwanahamisi (Mishy) Singano, WEDO
    • Venge Nyirongo, UN Women 


16:00 – 16:10

Time to split into groups

16:10 – 18:00


Reflections on progress and future: capacity-building, knowledge management and communication; gender-balance, participation and women’s leadership; monitoring and reporting - II

Objective: collective reflection on progress in these areas, considering guiding questions and including separate considerations on international, regional and national levels of implementation:

  • Format: World café, 3 stations, facilitators rotate between stations
  • Guiding questions: keeping in mind key priorities and challenges identified in the regional discussions, consideration of existing GAP activities and outputs:
    • what worked: how did existing activities support the objective of the related priority area?
    • what has not worked: is there anything that was unhelpful, did not work as intended and should be avoided?
    • what is needed to enhance implementation at the international, regional, national or local levels? (Who, What, Where, When, How)
  • Supporting material: capture in a template what worked, what has not worked, and what is needed.
  • Output: a rapporteur (Party delegate) to be identified by each group will capture key points of the discussion in a reporting template and submit the template to the secretariat

📝 Materials:


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Presentation here

Time and location


10:00 – 10:05


Opening and welcome (Moderator)

Reflections on progress and future II

10:05 – 11:00


Reflections on progress and future: coherence; gender-responsive implementation and gender-responsive means of implementation- I

  • Presentation by the Secretariat on status of implementation, based on the synthesis report
  • Reflections by stakeholders implementing the GAP:
    • Verania Chao, UNDP
    • Young Hee Lee, Adaptation Fund
    • Rohemir Ramírez-Ballagas, PCCB


11:00 – 11:10

Time to split into groups

11:10 – 12:55

Reflections on progress and future: coherence; gender-responsive implementation and gender-responsive means of implementation- II

Objective: collective reflection on progress in these areas, considering guiding questions and including separate considerations on international, regional and national levels of implementation:

  • Format: World café, 3 stations, facilitators rotate between stations
  • Guiding questions: considering the existing GAP activities and outputs, participants are asked to (individually for a few minutes in the first round) and then in the group reflect on the below:
    • what worked: how did existing activities support the objective of the related priority area?
    • what has not worked: is there anything that was unhelpful, did not work as intended and should be avoided?
    • what is needed to enhance implementation at the international, regional, national or local levels? (Who, What, Where, When, How)
  • Supporting material: template to capture what worked, what has not worked, and what is needed.
  • Output: rapporteur will capture key points of the discussion in a reporting template (Survey Monkey), discussion highlights will be presented on day 2

📝 Materials:

12:55 – 13:00


Closing morning session

13:00 – 15:00

Lunch break

15:00 – 16:00

Reflections on progress and future

Presentations, moderated by the Moderator

  • Facilitator capacity building, knowledge management and communication
  • Facilitator gender balance, participation and women’s leadership
  • Facilitator coherence
  • Facilitator gender-responsive implementation
  • Facilitator gender-responsive means of implementation
  • Facilitator monitoring and reporting

16:00 – 16:05

Time to change panel

Reflections on future work on gender and climate change

16:05 – 16:35


Reflections on future work on gender and climate change– linkages and complementarities to support achieving the objectives of the GAP

Presentation by the secretariat, followed by Menti

  • Linkages within the UNFCCC process, divided between:
    • Linkages to reporting cycles (e.g. GST)
    • Linkages to constituted bodies and work programmes
  • Linkages with other conventions and processes

16:35 – 16:45

Health break

16:45 – 18:00


Reflections on future work on gender and climate change – considering the role of the stakeholders listed in the GAP

  • Presentation by the secretariat
  • Presentation by some representatives of stakeholders listed in the GAP
    • Young Hee Lee, Adaptation Fund
    • Venge Niyrongo, UN Women
    • Radha Wagle, FWG LCIPP
  • Menti and open discussion

📝 Materials:


Wednesday 5 June 2024

Presentation here

Time and location


10:00 – 10:05


Opening and welcome (Moderator)

Reflections on future work on gender and climate change

10:05 – 11:05

Theory of change

Format: Presentation and exercise

•           The theory of change as a tool to reflect on how and why a desired change is expected to happen by mapping out the steps needed to achieve it and the underlying assumptions

11:05 – 12:45

Future work on gender and climate change – looking back to chart a way forward

  • Participants will recap discussion that happened in the previous two days to consider the questions: 
    • In terms of the work programme, what, if anything, should be changed to ensure it is conducive to effective implementation?
    • Is there anything in terms of the work programme structure or its elements that is missing?

Format: Presentation and individual reflection in plenary facilitated by Menti


📝 Materials:

12:45 – 13:00


Closing by the SBI Chair





[1] See Decision 3/CP. 25, including its annex, and the informal document presenting the gender action plan agreed under the Lima work programme on gender adopted at COP 25 with the additions agreed during the intermediate review of the implementation of the gender action plan at COP 27 and the amendments and additions agreed at COP 28.

[2] The synthesis report is available at the dedicated webpage on the review of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its GAP:


National Gender and Climate Change Focal Points (NGCCFP) held a networking meeting on 5 June 2024. 

There are several side events focused on gender and climate change that took place at SB60 (filter by category: 'gender').





