Review of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its GAP

At COP 28 Parties agreed that the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP will be initiated at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024 - identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken – and conclude at its SBI 61 in November 2024 (Decision 15/CP.28). 

Below you will find more information on the final review.



At COP 25 Parties agreed a 5-year enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan (Decision 3/CP.25).

At COP 26 Parties adopted the Decision 20/CP.26. The Decision includes, among other, aspects of the review of the Gender Action Plan implementation. 

At COP 27 Parties concluded the intermediate review of the implementation of the gender action plan that started at SB 56 in June 2022. The review included amendments to some deliverables and three new activities in priority areas C and E (Decision 24/CP.27)

At COP 28 Parties agreed that the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP will be initiated at the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024 - identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken – and conclude at its SBI 61 in November 2024 (Decision 15/CP.28). 

Parties, United Nations entities, the UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations are all invited to provide inputs to inform the review process. The secretariat prepared a synthesis report on the submissions, organized a workshop at SBI 60 and prepared a workshop summary report.

At SBI 60, the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP was initiated –  identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP, and further work to be undertaken. The draft conclusions proposed by the Chair are available here.


gender at cop 28 - training for NGCCFP

The final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme and its GAP initiated on the sixtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, in June 2024, identifying progress, challenges, gaps and priorities. 

Parties, United Nations entities, the UNFCCC constituted bodies and relevant organizations are all invited to provide inputs that will inform the review process. They will reflect on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the GAP and on future work to be undertaken.

Submissions are uploaded to the submission portal -by 31 March 2024- (Decision 15/CP.28).

final review LWPG and its GAP - banner

To support the review process, the secretariat organized a webinar to provide details on the review and submission process and for Parties and non-Party stakeholders to have an opportunity to raise their questions.




Livestream and recording in Eng, Spa and Fr here


Presentation is available here

Template for submission - gender - GAP

The UN Climate Change secretariat developed this template to support you in drafting your submission and better capturing your inputs. The document, available both in Word and Excel formats, contains sections to capture your initiatives under the five GAP priority areas and other activities that support the objectives of the GAP, as well as forward-looking segments.



Download the word form here 

Download the excel form here 


Using the template is voluntary. Parties and non-Party stakeholders may use the format they deem appropriate.

After completing your submission, you are invited to upload it in PDF format in the UNFCCC submissions portal.

Gender - synthesis report

Progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan, and future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change (FCCC/SBI/2024/11)

This report synthesizes inputs submitted on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan, categorized by deliverable or output for each activity under the gender action plan, and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change, with a view to informing the final review of the implementation of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan. The synthesis of future work on gender and climate change encompasses proposals for a new work programme on gender and gender action plan, including reflections on its structure, priority areas and activities.


Gender workshop at SB 60

The workshop to discuss the synthesis report on the submissions with focused regional-level and global-level discussions took place in June 2024.

Agenda and more information is available here>.

New! Summary report by the secretariat: In-session workshop on progress, challenges, gaps and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change.

questions and answers - Q&A - gender - GAP

1. Who can do a submission?

  • Parties
  • United Nations entities
  • The UNFCCC constituted bodies
  • Relevant organizations.


2. How do I request access to the submission portal?

If you do not have an account yet, follow the below step to have access:

  • For Parties to be able to upload a submission, their National Focal Point should submit a request here.
  • Organizations with observer status can request here via their Designated Contact Point the access to upload a submission.
  • Non-Party stakeholder without observer status are invited to send their submissions to the UNFCCC secretariat by email to Received submissions will go through a clearing process and cleared submissions will then be published in the Submission and Statement Portal. Check the guidelines here.

Please see further information here>>>. 


3. How to do a submission?

In the submission portal, search 'gender' with the selected tag 'open', or search by key words, e.g. 'gender action plan'. Then please click 'start submission'. Select your file(s) and click ' submit'.


submission portal - gender action plan - GAP
















4. Can I upload a submission in any language?

Submissions can be uploaded in the six official UN languages, namely: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.


5. Can I upload a file in any format?

Files in pdf format are preferable, but you can also upload files in Word and Excel formats. 


6. Can I upload multiple files at once?

Yes, upload of less than 10 MB per file are optimal.


7. What should I do if I have issues related to the submission portal?

For any issues related to the submission portal or the uploading process, please contact If possible, share a screenshot and details on the issue.


8. What can I do if the deadline passed?

As per Decision 15/CP.28, para. 3, submissions made after the deadline will be taken into account by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation during discussions at its sixtieth and sixty-first sessions. Therefore, you can still submit it via the submission portal. However, late submissions may not be reflected in the synthesis report on submissions.


9. Can I send my submission to the Gender team instead of uploading it to the submission portal?

No. As established in the UNFCCC process and for transparency, all submissions must follow the process and be uploaded to the submission portal. If desired, the submission document(s) can also be shared by email to the Gender team.


10. In order to make a submission, is it mandatory to use the template that is made available by the secretariat in this webpage?

No, the secretariat developed this document to support you in drafting your submission and better capturing your inputs. The template contains sections to capture your initiatives under the five GAP priority areas and other activities that support the objectives of the GAP, as well as forward-looking segments. Its use is voluntary.


11. What can I do if I have questions regarding the template?

Feel free to contact


12. If I miss the webinar, where can I find the recording?

The recording of the webinar is available in this webpage.


13. Will the synthesis report be presented during SB60?

The synthesis report will be published in May. The secretariat will provide a brief outline of the synthesis report at the usual virtual information session that is scheduled to happen before SB60.


14. How can Parties and non-Party stakeholders support the dissemination of the call for submissions?

The call for submission and the review website could be shared through your network.


15. For the Parties that haven’t submit their GAP yet are they allowed to submit their progress, challenge, gaps and priorities based on ingoing activities?

There is no requirement to submit national gender action plans to the secretariat or to the UNFCCC. It is entirely up to Parties how they implement aspects of the LWPG and its GAP. Irrespective of where Parties and entities are in the implementation or consideration of the implementation, all submissions from Parties and organizations that are engaging in the LWPG and its GAP in any way are welcome.


16. Any advice to avoid very extensive submissions?

The secretariat is making available the word and excel templates. The excel template allows more flexibility in putting in multiple entries under one deliverable or activity. When working on the submission, it could be useful to group initiatives under activities. It is entirely up to Parties and non-Party stakeholders the level of details to provide in the submission.


17. For organizations that have activities across multiple countries, is there a preference that are rolled together, or report each country individually?

If there is a distinction between countries and the outcomes and outputs, it can be presented individually. However, it can also be rolled up and add the mention of the countries involved in the activity undertaken.

