Informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement (ICG)


The informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement (ICG) provides a conducive space for representatives of constituted bodies, operating entities and relevant processes under the Convention and the Paris Agreement to coordinate climate change related capacity-building plans and activities, and allow for better sharing of information, coherence, and identification of opportunities. The PCCB 2021-2024 workplan sets out regular coordination meetings of the ICG including on the margins of existing sessions. 

The ICG is managed by working group 1 of the PCCB and further consists of nominated representatives of the Action for Climate Empowerment process, Adaptation Committee, Adaptation Fund Board secretariat, Climate Technology Centre and Network, Consultative Group of Experts, Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender, Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage, Facilitative Working Group of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, Global Environment Facility secretariat, Green Climate Fund secretariat, Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures, Least Developed Countries Expert Group, Nairobi Work Programme, Standing Committee on Finance and Technology Executive Committee.


Six ICG capacity-building e-booklets launched at the 5th Capacity-building Hub on 4th December 2023 at COP 28.

ICG survey for 'stakeholders"Responses welcome until 15 September 2023.