Capacity-building: Constituted Bodies and Operating Entities

Adaptation Committee (AC)

The AC provides technical support and guidance to developing countries in two main areas: adaptation action and means of implementation, which encompass finance, technology and capacity-building.The main focus of its work was providing support and guidance on NAPs in close collaboration with the LEG and with support from the AC NAP task force and the AC led the technical examination process on adaptation, which focused in 2019 on adaptation finance

The AC promotes discussion on enhanced action on adaptation prior to 2020 in the context of the technical examination process on Adaptation, and develops information products and tools to increase access by developing countries to technical information on a spectrum of adaptation-related areas.

Selected AC activities  and materials:


CDM Executive Board

The CDM Executive Board provides capacity-building support to a wide range of stakeholders, including designated national authorities (DNAs), to promote the use of the CDM as a tool for monitoring, reporting and verifying emission reductions as well as to monitor sustainable development co-benefits of CDM project activities and programmes of activities. Regional training events on the CDM are offered through the regional collaboration centres (RCCs). The CDM Executive Board also organizes global DNA forums as well as Nairobi Partnership working sessions during the regional carbon forums.

Selected activities:


Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)

The CGE supports Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties) in enhancing their capacity to prepare their national communications (NCs) and biennial update reports (BURs).

In addition, the CGE supports experts nominated to the UNFCCC roster of experts to conduct the technical analysis of BURs.

The CGE organizes regional hands-on training workshops, which contribute to enhancing the technical knowledge of experts from non-Annex I Parties and enable the exchange of views, lessons learned and experience relating to the process and preparation of NCs and BURs and to the preparation of national greenhouse gas inventories.

Selected CGE activities, tools and materials:


Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

To enhance understanding of and promote comprehensive risk management, the Executive Committee undertakes a wide range of awareness-raising, outreach and information-sharing activities.

The Fiji Clearing House for Risk Transfer and its interactive platform RISK TALK, launched at COP 23, bridges the worldwide supply of know-how about risk management and risk transfer and the needs of vulnerable countries and communities.

Selected activities:


Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

The LEG provides technical guidance and support to the least developed countries (LDCs) on aspects related to adaptation planning and implementation.

The LEG, including through the support of its national adaptation plan (NAP) technical working group, conducts regional training workshops, which contribute to strengthening the capacity of countries to formulate and implement NAPs, and regional NAP Expos, which provide the opportunity for a wide range of actors and stakeholders to exchange experience on advancing the process to formulate and implement NAPs and to foster partnerships.

The LEG, in collaboration with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) secretariat, also provides technical guidance on accessing funding from the GCF for the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Selected LEG activities:


Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)

SCF addresses capacity-building  issues mainly in the context of SCF forums, which provides a platform for a wide range of stakeholders to discuss topics of interest related to climate finance and promote linkages and coherence in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.

The SCF, in request by COP, also prepare the Biennial Assessment which contributes to better knowledge on and understanding of the geographical and thematic balance of climate finance flows and how adaptation and mitigation needs can be met most effectively by climate finance.

Selected activities:


Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)

The TEC regularly addresses capacity-building issues, including those related to the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies, to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The CTCN recently established a new capacity-building module to help countries develop a pipeline of concept notes on climate technology implementation. It also organizes through its partner agencies webinars and runs a secondment programme to enhance participants’ understanding of climate technology implementation and knowledge transfer.

The CTCN organizes regional forums to strengthen linkages between CTCN national designated entities and designated national authorities of the Green Climate Fund, and workshops to discuss country priorities and strengthen synergies to accelerate technology transfer at the national level.

At national level, the CTCN runs an Incubator Programme to support LDCs in implementing climate actions, and undertakes capacity-building activities as part of its provision of technical assistance to developing countries that submit requests through their CTCN national designated entities.

In 2018 the CTCN conducted 46 capacity-building activities at the global, regional and national level. 

The TEC and the CTCN  also work side by side and intensified their collaboration in 2018 in order to enhance the work of the Technology Mechanism. They advanced their work on research, development and demonstration, focusing on identifying ways to catalyse finance for climate technology incubators and accelerators for the innovation of climate technologies in developing countries.

The TEC and the CTCN, in collaboration with the GCF, organized a thematic dialogue and published a technical report and a policy brief to inform financiers and policymakers of existing opportunities for catalysing finance.

Joint activities:

Selected TEC activities and materials:

CTCN capacity-building activities:

Global level:

Regional level:

National level:


UNFCCC Funds - Adaptation Fund (AF)

The AF’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance aims to help strengthen the capacity of national and regional implementing entities to receive and manage climate financing, particularly through the Fund’s Direct Access modality, and to adapt and build resilience to counter changing climate conditions in sectors ranging from agriculture and food security to coastal zones and urban areas.

The AF also offers technical assistance grants for its national implementing entities (NIEs) to help strengthen their capability to address and manage environmental and social risks and gender considerations.

It also organizes readiness workshops to raise awareness and enable the exchange of information on the Adaptation Fund’s environmental, social and gender policies.

Selected activities:


UNFCCC Funds - Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The majority of the GEF’s climate change mitigation projects address institutional capacity-building, the development of national reports such as NCs and BURs, the enhancement and transfer of technologies and the enhancement of enabling conditions.

In climate change adaptation, GEF projects support institutional development and strengthening, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, the development of national climate change programmes, the implementation of adaptation measures, research and systemic observation through climate information systems, and public awareness and education programmes.

The GEF supports the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment and the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention, including by providing financial resources to non-Annex I Parties, in particular African States, the least developed countries and small island developing States.

The GEF also established the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) and its Global Coordination Platform, aimed at enabling coordination, maximizing learning opportunities and fostering knowledge-sharing to facilitate transparency enhancements.

The GEF Gender Partnership promotes an enhanced knowledge base on gender, collaboration and learning.

The GEF manages the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT), which was established at COP 21 to help strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of non-Annex I Parties to meet the enhanced transparency requirements defined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 the GEF secretariat approved one global project and 29 national projects.

Selected activities:


UNFCCC Funds - Green Climate Fund (GCF)

The GCF, in the context of its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, provides financial support to developing countries in UNFCCC-defined priority areas for capacity-building including:

  • institutional capacity-building;
  • enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment;
  • national climate change programmes;
  • vulnerability and adaptation assessment;
  • capacity-building for the implementation of adaptation measures;
  • and education, training and public awareness.

It provides support to its national designated authorities and national focal points to prepare their strategic frameworks, including country programmes, and to develop GCF programme pipelines on mitigation and adaptation.

The GCF supports countries in developing country-specific strategic frameworks for engagement with the GCF, building on existing strategies and plans.

The fund also provides support for the formulation of national adaptation plans and provides guidance to countries on the formulation of adaptation planning and readiness proposals.

The GCF organizes an annual workshop to facilitate the engagement between the GCF secretariat and the accredited direct access entities, build their knowledge base to improve project design, enhance peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, strengthen the capacity of entities and countries, and build partnerships to address climate change.

Selected activities:


This page provides a general overview of capacity-building activities undertaken by constituted bodies and operating entities. Past and upcoming capacity-building related events can be found in the UNFCCC Calendar List (Select 'Capacity-building' under the 'Theme' dropdown menu). 

The AC provides technical support and guidance to developing countries in two main areas: adaptation action and means of implementation, which encompasses finance, technology and capacity-building. The main focus of its work was providing support and guidance on NAPs in close collaboration with the LEG and with support from the AC NAP task force. The AC led the technical examination process on adaptation, which focused in 2019 on adaptation finance.

The AC promotes discussion on enhanced action on adaptation prior to 2020 in the context of the technical examination process on adaptation, and develops information products and tools to increase access by developing countries to technical information on a spectrum of adaptation-related areas.


Selected Activities:
"Adapting to a changing climate" (Video Documentary)
Expert meeting on national adaptation goals
Technical Expert Meeting 2018
Adaptation Finance Bulletin
Toolkit for engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
Toolkit for a gender-responsive process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) at COP 25
Overview report on 25 years of adaptation under the UNFCCC

Toolkit for a gender-responsive process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process at COP 25

Workshop on accessing the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme of the Green Climate Fund for adaptation


The CDM Executive Board provides capacity-building support to a wide range of stakeholders, including designated national authorities (DNAs), to promote the use of the CDM as a tool for monitoring, reporting and verifying emission reductions as well as to monitor sustainable development co-benefits of CDM project activities and programmes of activities. Regional training events on the CDM are offered through the regional collaboration centres (RCCs). The CDM Executive Board also organizes global DNA forums as well as Nairobi Partnership working sessions during the regional carbon forums.

Selected activities:
Regional Collaboration Centres (RCCs)
CDM News
Side event at COP 24 - Experience gained and lessons learned from the CDM
CDM work under the Nairobi Framework Partnership
RCC Global Forum meeting
20th Global DNA Forum report

The CGE supports Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties) in enhancing their capacity to prepare their national communications (NCs) and biennial update reports (BURs).

In addition, the CGE supports experts nominated to the UNFCCC roster of experts to conduct the technical analysis of BURs.

The CGE organizes regional hands-on training workshops, which contribute to enhancing the technical knowledge of experts from non-Annex I Parties and enable the exchange of views, lessons learned and experience relating to the process and preparation of NCs and BURs and to the preparation of national greenhouse gas inventories.

Selected Activities:

CGE webinar for the Asia Pacific Region on Transitioning from the revised 1996 to 2006 IPCC GLs for national GHG inventoriesCGE webinar for the Asia Pacific Region on Transitioning from the revised 1996 to 2006 IPCC GLs for national GHG inventories

CGE webinar for the African and the Eastern European Regions on Transitioning from the revised 1996 to 2006 IPCC GLs for national GHG inventories

CGE webinar for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region on Transitioning from the revised 1996 to 2006 IPCC GLs for national GHG inventories

CGE webinar series
E-learning course on the preparation of NCs
Electronic database e-Network
Three regional hands-on training workshops for Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean

Technical handbook for developing country Parties on preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement

Three regional hands-on training workshops for Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean

Update of the training materials on reporting information on constraints and gaps, and related finance, technology and capacity-building needs and support received

Technical tool to facilitate non-Annex I Parties’ preparation for and participation in the international consultation and analysis process

Second Pilot informal forum at COP 25

The CTCN recently established a new capacity-building module to help countries develop a pipeline of concept notes on climate technology implementation. It also organizes through its partner agencies webinars and runs a secondment programme to enhance participants’ understanding of climate technology implementation and knowledge transfer.

The CTCN organizes regional forums to strengthen linkages between CTCN national designated entities and designated national authorities of the Green Climate Fund, and workshops to discuss country priorities and strengthen synergies to accelerate technology transfer at the national level.

At the national level, the CTCN runs an Incubator Programme to support LDCs in implementing climate actions, and undertakes capacity-building activities as part of its provision of technical assistance to developing countries that submit requests through their CTCN national designated entities.

In 2019, the CTCN conducted 27 capacity-building activities at the global, regional
and national level. At the global level, the CTCN Secondment Programme welcomed its tenth
participant in 2019, continuing to provide early- and mid-career professionals from Network
organizations with the opportunity to contribute to the strategic and operational work of the
CTCN while enhancing their understanding of climate technology implementation and
knowledge transfer

Selected activities:
Global level:
Summer school
CTCN webinars
Two parallel sessions at the 2019 NAP Expo
CTCN Secondment Programme
Regional level:
Regional Forums
CTCN workshops and other events
NDE forums on the margins of the Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and Caribbean Climate Weeks.
Workshop on accelerating clean energy transformation in partnership with the private sector
National level:
Incubator Programme
Technical assistance

The LEG provides technical guidance and support to least developed countries (LDCs) on aspects related to adaptation planning and implementation.

The LEG, including through the support of its national adaptation plan (NAP) technical working group, conducts regional training workshops, which contribute to strengthening the capacity of countries to formulate and implement NAPs, and regional NAP Expos, which provide the opportunity for a wide range of actors and stakeholders to exchange experience on advancing the process to formulate and implement NAPs and to foster partnerships.

The LEG, in collaboration with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) secretariat, also provides technical guidance on accessing funding from the GCF for the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Selected Activities:
Progress, need for continuation and terms of reference of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Synthesis report by the secretariat (2020).
Stocktaking meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group.  Report by the Secretariat (2020).
The 37th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the Secretariat (2020).
NAP Expo 2019
LDC Portal
NAP central hub
Technical guidance and support to countries in order to advance their formulation and implementation of NAPs
Open NAPS - LDCs (Policy brief)


Recognizing the need to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts
of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate
change, COP 21 established the LCIPP to support the exchange of experience and sharing of
best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner.

The FWG was established as a constituted body at COP 24 with the objective of
further operationalizing the LCIPP and facilitating implementation of its three functions
related to knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policy and action.

In 2019, the FWG developed an initial two-year workplan for implementing the
functions of the LCIPP, which comprises three initial activities focused on capacity-building
for engagement. It organized a number of informal dialogues between representatives of
constituted bodies on the three functions of the LCIPP, designed to enhance coherence of
work under the LCIPP and build the capacity of constituted bodies seeking to engage local
communities and indigenous peoples in their work.

Selected Activities:
Informal dialogues between representatives of constituted bodies on the three functions of the LCIPP (i.e. knowledge, capacity-building for engagement and climate change policies and actions)
Thematic event on integrating indigenous and local knowledge into adaptation action at COP 25, organized jointly with the AC, the LEG and the Nairobi work programmec

Created in 2015, the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) addresses current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and further enhancing capacity-building in developing countries. The mission of the PCCB is to identify capacity gaps and needs and potential solutions, including enhancing the coherence and coordination of capacity-building efforts related to climate change. The PCCB fosters collaboration between actors at all levels (local, national, regional and global), strengthening networks and partnerships to enhance synergies and promote knowledge- and experience-sharing.

During its reporting period, the PCCB undertook a number of capacity-building
activities in line with its mandates. Most prominently, and building on the outcomes of the
1st Hub, held at COP 24, the PCCB hosted the 2nd Capacity-building Hub at COP 25, where
a rich diversity of voices, experience and topics relevant to the work of the PCCB on climaterelated
capacity-building was represented. Over seven thematic days, the PCCB hosted over
60 events with the involvement of more than 260 experts and 210 institutions, including other
constituted bodies. There were over 1,200 on-site participants in the Hub, and it reached an
even wider audience online.

The PCCB collaborated with the SCF to strengthen capacity related to climate finance
for cities. At the invitation of the SCF, the PCCB provided detailed technical input and
guidance to the SCF regarding the content and organization of two capacity-building sessions
at the 2019 SCF Forum and supported the sessions directly through moderation and
In addition, the PCCB formed a new partnership with the Adaptation Fund Board
secretariat and the CTCN to raise awareness of available readiness and capacity-building
support for adaptation. At COP 25 the partnership launched a bulletin that provides
information on the readiness and capacity-building support available to developing countries
for accessing adaptation finance under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. The
partnership hosted one side event at SBI 50 and one at COP 25.

Please go to their webpage for detail information on the activities. 


SCF addresses capacity-building issues mainly in the context of SCF forums, which provide a platform for a wide range of stakeholders to discuss topics of interest related to climate finance and promote linkages and coherence in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.

The SCF, as requested by COP, also prepares the Biennial Assessment which contributes to better knowledge and understanding of the geographical and thematic balance of climate finance flows and how adaptation and mitigation needs can be met most effectively by climate finance.

Selected activities:
2020 report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement (Webinar) 
2020 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, including information relevant to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement.
SCF Forums 
Third Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows
Climate finance and sustainable cities
Call for evidence 2020

The TEC regularly addresses capacity-building issues, including those related to the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies, to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The TEC and the CTCN  also work side by side and intensified their collaboration in 2018 in order to enhance the work of the Technology Mechanism. They advanced their work on research, development and demonstration, focusing on identifying ways to catalyse finance for climate technology incubators and accelerators for the innovation of climate technologies in developing countries.

The TEC and the CTCN, in collaboration with the GCF, organized a thematic dialogue and published a technical report and a policy brief to inform financiers and policymakers of existing opportunities for catalysing finance.

Joint activities:
Thematic dialogue on incubators and accelerators
Regional technical expert meeting: Efficiency in industry
Selected activities:
TT Clear
TEC briefs
TNA E-learning course
Workshop on South-South and Technological Cooperation for Climate Action and Sustainable Development: for Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean
TEC and the WIM Executive Committee jointly expert dialogue on technologies for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in coastal zones at SB 50
Report on enhancing endogenous capacities and technologies
Lessons learned and good practices in conducting TNAs and implementing their results

The AF’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance aims to help strengthen the capacity of national and regional implementing entities to receive and manage climate financing, particularly through the Fund’s Direct Access modality, and to adapt and build resilience to counter changing climate conditions in sectors ranging from agriculture and food security to coastal zones and urban areas.

The AF also offers technical assistance grants for its national implementing entities (NIEs) to help strengthen their capacity to address and manage environmental and social risks and gender considerations.

It also organizes readiness workshops to raise awareness and enable the exchange of information on the Adaptation Fund’s environmental, social, and gender policies.

Selected activities:
Climate Finance Ready online platform
Readiness Programme for Climate Finance
Readiness events and seminars
NIE seminar
Five-day country learning exchange in Chile
Regional climate finance workshop for Central African countries

The majority of the GEF’s climate change mitigation projects address institutional capacity-building, the development of national reports such as NCs and BURs, the enhancement and transfer of technologies, and the enhancement of enabling conditions.

In climate change adaptation, GEF projects support institutional development and strengthening, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, the development of national climate change programmes, the implementation of adaptation measures, research and systemic observation through climate information systems, and public awareness and education programmes.

The GEF supports the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment and the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention, including by providing financial resources to non-Annex I Parties, in particular African States, the least developed countries and small island developing States.

The GEF also established the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) and its Global Coordination Platform, aimed at enabling coordination, maximizing learning opportunities, and fostering knowledge-sharing to facilitate transparency enhancements.

The GEF Gender Partnership promotes an enhanced knowledge base on gender, collaboration, and learning.

The GEF manages the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT), which was established at COP 21 to help strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of non-Annex I Parties to meet the enhanced transparency requirements defined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 the GEF secretariat approved one global project and 29 national projects.

Selected activities:
Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT)
GEF Gender Partnership
GEF Academy
Global Support Programme for Preparation of National Communications and Biennial Update Reports by non-Annex I Parties
Intermediate Review of the Implementation of the Work Programme

The GCF, in the context of its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, provides financial support to developing countries in UNFCCC-defined priority areas for capacity-building including:

  • institutional capacity-building;
  • enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment;
  • national climate change programmes;
  • vulnerability and adaptation assessment;
  • capacity-building for the implementation of adaptation measures;
  • and education, training and public awareness.

It provides support to its national designated authorities and national focal points to prepare their strategic frameworks, including country programmes, and to develop GCF programme pipelines on mitigation and adaptation.

The GCF supports countries in developing country-specific strategic frameworks for engagement with the GCF, building on existing strategies and plans.

The fund also provides support for the formulation of national adaptation plans and provides guidance to countries on the formulation of adaptation planning and readiness proposals.

The GCF organizes an annual workshop to facilitate the engagement between the GCF secretariat and the accredited direct access entities, build their knowledge base to improve project design, enhance peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, strengthen the capacity of entities and countries, and build partnerships to address climate change.

Selected activities:
Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme
Structured Dialogues
The Project Preparation Facility