Workshop on Gender and Climate Change - June 2019

 The impact of the Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan 

16 -18 June 2019 at SB 50 in Bonn, Germany

AHH, Upper Conference Room


This three day workshop on the impact of the Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan (GAP) will be held during the SB 50 in Bonn, Germany with the below objectives:

  • Provide data and information on the successes and challenges in implementing the Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan (GAP), the short- and long-term impacts, as an input to the review of the LWGP and GAP to be initiated at SBI 50.
  • Provide an opportunity for those Parties and entities who have invested or participated in activities in support of the LWGP and GAP to showcase their action and share experiences.

The format will be a mix of plenary presentations and smaller group work, as well as a poster exhibition that will be available before, during and after the workshop sessions.

Video links and presentations are available in this webpage.

Initial unedited draft informal workshop report.

Please see the programme here.
