First meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management
Date Thursday 29 August - Friday 30 August

German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Tulpenfeld 6, 53113 Bonn, Germany

The expert meeting will bring together members of the TEG-CRM involved in the implementation of the Strategic workstream (c) of the five-year workplan of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM Excom). The TEG-CRM is composed of 17 members organised along the overarching three themes: CRM approaches, observation and risk assessment and risk profile.

Strategic workstream (c) of the five-year workplan of the Executive Committee is to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to comprehensive risk management (CRM) approaches (including assessment, reduction, transfer and retention). This enhanced cooperation and facilitation aims at addressing and building long-term resilience of countries, vulnerable populations and communities to loss and damage, including in relation to extreme and slow onset events, inter alia, through:

  • Emergency preparedness, including early warning systems;
  • Measures to enhance recovery and rehabilitation and build back/forward better;
  • Social protection instruments, including social safety nets; and
  • Transformational approaches.

The objective of the first meeting of the TEG-CRM is to engage in discussion, exchange ideas and co-develop its plan of action on enhanced cooperation and facilitation on comprehensive risk management. More specifically the meeting will focus on the following:

  1. Introduce experts and learn from their experience/work in relation to strategic workstream (c) on CRM;
  2. Stocktake the UNFCCC processes on the WIM, the WIM Excom workplan and CRM outputs to date;
  3. Engage in discussion and exchange ideas on a plan of action, potential contributions from experts and available resources; and
  4. Consider the agenda for the first stakeholder workshop on capacity-building for enhanced risk assessment and observation in the context of loss and damage scheduled to take place in late October 2019.


Agenda Item

Day 1 Thursday 29 August 2019

8:30 - 9:00

Registration and Informal Networking

9:00 - 9:15

Welcome and Opening

  • Welcome by Excom member of the TEG-CRM and DIE

9:15 - 11:00

Session 1: Setting the scene and introduction of TEG-CRM members

  • Introduction of the WIM, Excom and an overview of relevant work of the Excom to date

Presentation on "Comprehensive Risk Management in the Context of Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage" by Le-Anne Roper, co-facilitator (Presentation)

  • Each member introduces the relevant work of his/her organization    

Mr. Stefan Rösner, DWD (Presentation)

Intended Output: TEG-CRM members are familiar with each other and reflect on relevant expertise and strengths of each organization in relation to the envisioned activities of the TEG-CRM.

11:00 - 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:00

Session 2: Science and Policy related to Climate Risk Management and Loss and Damage

  • Exchange of views on emerging climate risks, learnings and knowledge gaps from the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC and Special Reports (30mins)

Ms. Zinta Zommers, UNDRR, IPCC Lead Author (Presentation)

Mr. Reinhard Mechler, IIASA (Presentation)

Intended output: Heightened awareness on science for risk-informed planning and action

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 15:30

Session 3: Work-planning of the TEG-CRM

  • WIM Excom members of the TEG-CRM introduce 1) vision and a possible structure of the plan of action, and 2) the modality of the session.
  • Stocktake on inputs shared at session 1.
  • Breakout session in three Working Groups focused on establishing milestones and steps to implement activities 2, 4, and 5 of workstream (c) of the WIM Excom workplan.

Presentation on vision and possible structure of the plan of action by Christoph von Stechow, co-facilitator (Presentation)

Intended output: Common vision, milestones and plans to implement the activities identified under workstream c.

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30

Session 3: Work-planning of the TEG-CRM (continued)

  • Reporting on the outcomes of breakout group discussions
  • Plenary Discussion on overlapping and/or missing elements, if any

Intended output: Common vision, milestones, and plans to implement the activities identified under workstream c.

Day 2 Friday 30 August 2019

9:00 - 11:30

(rolling coffee break)

Session 4: Finalizing a draft plan of action and identifying priority events/milestones for TEG-CRM plan of action

  • Outline of Day 2 by the co-facilitators
  • TEG-CRM fine-tuning the plan of action from Day 1 for overall coherence and to achieve the desired vision (checking also against the overall objective of the WIM), focusing on:
    • Synergies, complementarities with ongoing efforts, potential partnerships
    • Identifying lead/co-leads for each milestones of the draft plan of action
  • Communications within the TEG-CRM on the progress of its plan of action.

Intended output: A final draft plan of action of the TEG-CRM and agreement of the immediate next steps.

11:30 - 12:30

Session 5: Finalizing an agenda for October 2019 workshop on capacity-building for observation and risk assessment in the context of loss and damage

  • TEG-CRM provisional agenda for the October 2019 workshop, focusing on:
    • Objective, sessions and format
    • Relevant stakeholders, indicative types of participants and experts.

Intended output: Provisional agenda for the October 2019 workshop

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:15

Session 5: Finalizing an agenda for October 2019 workshop on capacity-building for observation and risk assessment (continued) in the context of loss and damage (continued)

  • Continued plenary discussion on the provisional agenda for the October 2019 workshop, focusing on:  
    • Outreach to participants and experts.
    • Next steps

Intended output: Provisional agenda for the October 2019 workshop

15:15 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00

Session 6: Next Steps and Close

  • Agree on the tentative timing of the next meeting
  • AOB


Closure of the Meeting

The expert meeting will be organized in six sessions over the two days, featuring presentations and interactive discussions among TEG-CRM members.

The expert meeting will bring together the TEG-CRM, composed of 17 members organized along the overarching three themes.