Compendium on comprehensive risk management approaches

The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism decided in February 2016 to develop a paper-based compendium on comprehensive risk management (CRM) approaches as part of the implementation of its initial two-year workplan. At its first meeting in August 2019, the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management provided further feedback into the draft compendium, leading to its finalization in September 2019.


Guidance by the Executive Committee to the UNFCCC secretariat for developing the paper-based compendium included:


Paper-based compendium, also available electronically

Intended audience

Broad (e.g. practitioners, policy-makers, academics, knowledge brokers, etc.) at all levels


Short overview and collection of examples (not attempting to draw a comprehensive landscape) at all levels (sub-national, national, regional and international) with geographic representation at global scale

Linkages with other activities


The revision and finalization of the compendium was part of the implementation of the five-year workplan of the Executive Committee:

Strategic workstream (c) of the five-year workplan of the of the Executive Committee

Enhanced cooperation and facilitation in relation to comprehensive risk management approaches (including assessment, reduction, transfer and retention) to address and build long-term resilience of countries, vulnerable populations and communities to loss and damage, including in relation to extreme and slow onset events, inter alia, through: emergency preparedness  including early warning systems; measures to enhance recovery and rehabilitation and build back/forward better; social protection instruments, including social safety nets; and transformational approaches

Activity 2(b)

To collect feedback and provide advice on revisions to the compendium on CRM

Expected result

Revised compendium