Subsidiary Body events
Thirteenth meeting of the Research Dialogue
01 - 02 Jun. 2021
13:00h - 01:00h
Virtual event
Subsidiary Body events
Thirteenth meeting of the Research Dialogue
01 - 02 Jun. 2021
13:00h - 01:00h
Virtual event

Addressing climate change requires understanding of the interconnectedness between all parts of the Earth’s system – climate system (ocean, atmosphere, land), nature and people. The thirteenth meeting of the research dialogue explored some of the latest knowledge on climate system dynamics, the role of nature, and building understand of climate change impacts and risks and implications for decision making. The meeting explored two themes:

Theme 1 (1 June) Climate system dynamics and modelling: New knowledge and its implications for decision making.
Theme 2 (2 June) Resilience for and by nature: Building knowledge and understanding to weave the protection and restoration of nature into decision making on mitigation and adaptation

The meeting consisted of dialogue and poster sessions which took place over two days on 01-02 June 2021.

Moderated dialogue sessions took place at 17:30-19:30 each day. Recordings of each day are linked in the sidebar.

Poster sessions took place at 16:30-17:30 each day via a virtual platform. The posters are available to view below.


Day 1, 01 June 2021 - Theme 1: Climate system dynamics and modelling: New knowledge and its implications for decision making


Virtual poster session for registered participants



Dialogue Part 1

Chair: SBSTA Chair


Opening remarks



The World Climate Research Programme: Future Climate Research

Mike Sparrow, WCRP


Science for Society: CORDEX

Daniela Jacob, WCRP


Navigating climate projections for decision making at regional and local level

Ted Shepherd, University of Reading, UK





New Climate and Adaptation Science and Implications for Decision Making

Cynthia Rosenzweig, WASP





Insights from recent mitigation pathways and related activities by the scientific community

Keywan Riahi, IIASA


Country-level experience of incorporating scientific information for decision making and needed future directions for science and scientific capacity building

(Mr Isaac Glassie-Ryan delivered an oral presentation)

Ajani Alleyne, Jamaica and Isaac Glassie-Ryan, Cook Islands, on behalf of AOSIS





Concluding remarks



Day 2, 02 June 2021 - Theme 2: Resilience for and by nature: Building knowledge and understanding to weave the protection and restoration of nature into decision making on mitigation and adaptation


Virtual poster session for registered participants



Dialogue Part 2

Chair: SBSTA Chair


Opening remarks



Current and projected relationships between climate change and biodiversity and system risks

Hans-Otto Pörtner, IPCC


Nature-based Solutions to climate change – relevance, scope, and future directions

Minna Epps, IUCN





Potential synergies between mitigation and adaptation for the land sink and how to evaluate opportunities and tradeoffs

Philippe Ciais, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), France


Potential synergies between mitigation and adaptation for the ocean carbon sink and how to evaluate opportunities and tradeoffs

Minhan Dai, Xiamen University, China





Going beyond what works in climate: Science and data for decision making and being future-fit

Jyotsna Puri, IFAD





Concluding remarks



List of posters

Day 1, 01 June 2021 - Theme 1: Climate system dynamics and modelling: New knowledge and its implications for decision making

16:30 - 17:30, 01 June 2021

Advances in estimating and tracking the remaining carbon budget

Joeri Rogelji, IIASA

Integrating impacts in mitigation pathway analysis reinforces need for ambitious climate action

Franziska Piontek, PIK, and Johannes Emmerling, CMCC

Balancing global sources and sinks under the Paris Agreement decreases overall feasibility concerns but requires faster mitigation early on

Bas van Rujiven and Elina Brutschin, IIASA, and Silvia Pianta, CMCC

Understanding the impact of methane on the climate and human systems

Nathan Borgford-Parnell and Drew Shindell, CCAC, UNEP Secretariat

Improved modelling of permafrost thaw strengthens case for more ambitious emission cuts to meet Paris targets

Pierre Friedlingstein, Sophie Hebden, Gustar Hugelius, Tatiana Ilyina, Ted Schuur, Merritt Turetsky, Future Earth

Findings from the Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project

Junichi Tsutsui, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan

Climate Change Information for Risk Assessment and Decision Making

Erika Hayami, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Aya Takatsuki and Atsushi Minami, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT)

A framework for complex climate change risk assessment: How to increase clarity regarding the interactions that generate risk, including the role of adaptation and mitigation responses

Nicholas P. Simpson and Christopher H. Trisos, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Characterization of the Climate System, from past to the future for risk assessment

Maxx Dilley, Amir Delju and Ilaria Galo, WMO

Climate Services for Adaptation: Case studies

Veronica Grasso, Nakiete Msemo, and Maxx Dilley, WMO GFCS


Day 2, 02 June 2021 - Theme 2: Resilience for and by nature: Building knowledge and understanding to weave the protection and restoration of nature into decision making on mitigation and adaptation

16:30 - 17:30, 02 June 2021

Adjusting land mitigation pathways improves the assessment of global climate progress

Giacomo Grassi, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

Land-based mitigation potentials within the agenda for sustainable development

Stefan Frank, Mykola Gusti, Petr Havlík, Pekka Lauri, Fulvio DiFulvio, Nicklas Forsell, Tomoko Hasegawa, Tamás Krisztin, Amanda Palazzo and Hugo Valin, IIASA

State and future of boreal forest natural climate solutions

Julia Pongratz, LMU Munich

Enhancing Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Co-Benefits with NOAA's Blue Carbon Inventory Project

Alec Shub and Lisa Vaughan, NOAA, Stephen Crooks, Silvestrum Climate Associates

Outcomes of nature-based solutions for biodiversity & ecosystem health

Isabel Key and Nathalie Seddon, University of Oxford, UK

Building knowledge to weave the protection and restoration of coastal Blue Carbon ecosystems into decision making on mitigation and adaptation to climate change

Elisabetta Bonotto and Kirsten Isensee, IOC-UNESCO

Vida Manglar: Scientific and traditional mangrove knowledge in practice

Paula Cristina Sierra-Correa, Invemar

The use of environmental services information by social forestry communities and forest management units to support improved forest management in Aceh, Indonesia

Jay H. Samek, Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services, Michigan State University, USA

Local perception as scientific evidence for managing blue carbon ecosystems for climate mitigation and adaptation

Ryo Kohsaka, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan

Overview and perspectives of Nature-based Solutions in climate and biodiversity governance

Nan Zeng and Li Huo, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Qihui Gao, Yuanyuan Qin, and Xiang Gao, National Center for Climate Change Strategy, and International Cooperation (NCSC)