First meeting of the Structured Expert Dialogue of the second periodic review (session 2)
03 - 05 Jun. 2021
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Ambition and Collective Progress
First meeting of the Structured Expert Dialogue of the second periodic review (session 2)
03 - 05 Jun. 2021
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Ambition and Collective Progress

Note by the co-facilitators

Draft agenda

Part 1: 3 June  (15:00-18:00 hrs, CEST)

Video recording (youtube)

Themes 1 and 2



Poster session

Exchange between registered participants and poster contributors 

All posters are listed below


Opening remarks and introduction of the summary report of the 2020 roundtable by the SED2 co-facilitators




Presentations by experts:

Current state of the global climate and progress in providing climate services, WMO


Adam Scaife, WMO


New scenarios compatible with the LTGG, and information on mitigation and adaptation gaps, UNEP

Anne Olhoff, UNEP


Net Zero by 2050: a Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, IEA


Tom Howes, Mechthild Wörsdörfer, IEA


Agriculture, food security and the LTGG, FAO


Martial Bernoux, FAO

  Brief introduction by poster presenters  


General discussion

All participants and experts, guided by the questions listed in paragraph 13 of this information note



Part 2: 4 June (16.00-18.00 hrs, CEST)

Video recording (youtube)

Themes 1 and 2





Presentations by experts:

Biodiversity and climate change: Lessons from GBO-5, CBD



David Cooper, CBD




Desertification and land degradation and their impact on natural ecosystems and food security, UNCCD


Barron Joseph Orr, UNCCD
  Health impacts associated with the LTGG, WHO Kristie Ebi and Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, WHO
  Supporting climate action with systemic impacts, GEF Chizuru Aoki, GEF


General discussion 

All participants and experts (name of experts to be added), guided by the questions listed in paragraph 13 of this information note


Part 3: 5 June (16.00-18.00 hrs, CEST)

Video recording (youtube)

Themes 1 and 2




Presentations by experts:

Supporting climate action, GCF


Juan Pablo Hoffmaister, GCF


Supporting climate action,  World Bank

Stephen Hammer, World Bank


Supporting climate action,  UNCTAD


Richard Kozul-Wright, UNCTAD


Technology needs assessments and action plans to achieve the Paris Agreement, UNEP/DTU

Sara Trærup, UNEP/DTU 


Achieving the LTGG through circularity: the role of capacity building in the transition to a circular economy, UNIDO


Stephan Sicars, UNIDO


General discussion 

All participants and experts (name of experts to be added), guided by the questions listed in paragraph 13 of this information note



Closing remarks by SED2 Co-facilitators



List of posters

Day 1, 3 June 2021, 15:00-16:00 (CEST)


World energy transitions – 1.5C Pathway

Dolf Gielen, IRENA

How nuclear technologies will deliver low carbon energy to balance global emissions and removals by 2050

Bertrand Magne, Henri Paillere, IAEA

Achieving the long-term global goal through circularity: the role of capacity building in the transition to a circular economy

Paula Ávila Hernández, UNIDO

The impact of COVID-19 and the greenness of recovery packages on climate change mitigation scenarios

Bas van Ruijven, IIASA

Balancing global sources and sinks means lower economic costs in the long-term without relying on net-negative emissions

Keywan Riahi, Volker Krey, IIASA

Agriculture, food security and land use in the national climate plans

Krystal Crumpler, FAO

The ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: Sea level rise and implications for low lying islands, coasts and communities

Roderik van de Wal, Robert Deconto, Ben Marzeion, IPCC

Impacts of the changing cryosphere in a warming world: a mountain perspective

Heidi Steltzer, IPCC

Net zero by 2050: A roadmap for the global energy sector - A special report by the International Energy Agency

Araceli Fernandez Pales, Stéphanie Bouckaert, Sara Moarif, IEA