Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)

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Thirty-fifth meeting of the SCF

Dates: 4 – 6 September 2024

Time: 09:00 – 18:00 (GMT+3)

Venue: Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania

Documents: Provisional agenda and other documents are available here


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2024 SCF Forum
Accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive financing

Dates: 2 – 3 September 2024

Time: 09:00 – 18:00 (GMT+3)

Venue: Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania

Documents: Provisional agenda and other documents available here.

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Draft Guidance to the Operating Entities of the Financial Mechanism

The annual reports of the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility are available (as advance versions). Click here to download the GCF report. Click here to download the GEF report.

Parties and other constituted bodies are invited to provide their submission on the draft guidance to by using this template. 

The deadline for submitting the draft guidance is 21 August 2024 for the GEF and 28 August 2024 for the GCF.



Call for input launched for the 2024 Forum of the SCF

Call for input: The 2024 SCF Forum on accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive finance

Please click here to go to the 2024 SCF Forum website to view the submissions received. 


SCF Regional Webinars 

The SCF organized regional webinars on the second report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement. The webinars was held in three different times to accommodate different regions and time zones:

Africa and Eastern Europe
15:00 (CEST) Friday 17 May 2024

Latin America and the Caribbean
17:00 (CEST) Friday 17 May 2024

Asia and the Pacific
07:00 (CEST) Tuesday 21 May 2024

For recordings and presentation click here


SCF Webinar on Key Technical Reports

On 30 April 2024, the SCF organized a webinar on the following three key technical reports as part of its outreach and stakeholder engagement:

  • Sixth biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows
  • Second report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation
  • Report on common practices regarding climate finance definitions, reporting and accounting methods

Agenda: Please click here to download.
Presentation slides: Please click here to download.


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Call for evidence launched for SCF technical reports in 2024

Call for evidence: Information and data for the preparation of the second report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement

Call for evidence: Information and data for the preparation of the sixth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows

Call for inputs: Information and data for the preparation of the second report on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency of implementation


Technical reports on doubling adaptation finance and clustering types of climate finance definitions in use 

Executive Summary - Report on the doubling adaption finance Report on the doubling of adaption finance Report on Clustering types of climate finance definitions in use



At the sixteenth session of the Conference of Parties (COP), Parties decided to establish a Standing Committee on Finance to assist the COP in exercising its functions in relation to the Financial Mechanism of the Convention. This involves:

*  improving coherence and coordination in the delivery of climate change financing;

*  rationalization of the Financial Mechanism;

*  mobilization of financial resources; and

*  measurement, reporting and verification of support provided to developing country Parties.


Activities of the Standing Committee on Finance
At COP 17, Parties mandated the Standing Committee on Finance to prepare a biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows.
More information related to the Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows


COP 26 requested the SCF to prepare a report in 2022 on progress towards achieving the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion per year to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, for consideration at COP 27.
More information
At COP 19, the Standing Committee on Finance was invited to consider ways to increase its work on the measurement, reporting and verification of support beyond the biennial assessment and overview of financial flows. COP 20 also requested the SCF to further explore how it can enhance its work on the MRV of support.
More information
Parties have mandated the Standing Committee on Finance to provide to the COP draft guidance for the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, with a view to improving the consistency and practicality of such guidance, taking into account the annual reports of the operating entities as well as submissions from Parties. 


The SCF Forum exists for the communication and continued exchange of information among bodies and entities dealing with climate change finance in order to promote linkages and coherence.
The SCF was mandated by the Conference of the Parties (COP), at its 17th session, to organize a Forum. The SCF reports on the Forum in its annual reports to the COP.

2025 SCF Forum - "Accelerating climate action and resilience through financing for sustainable food systems and agriculture" (forthcoming)

2024 SCF Forum - "Accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive climate finance"

2023 SCF Forum - "Financing Just Transitions" 

2022 SCF Forum - "Finance for Nature-based Solutions" (Part II)

2021 SCF Forum - "Finance for Nature-based Solutions" (Part I)

2019 SCF Forum - "Climate Finance and Sustainable Cities" 

2018 SCF Forum - "Climate Finance Architecture - Enhancing collaboration, seizing opportunities" 
Report (Annex III of 2018 SCF annual report)

2017 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Finance for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure"
Report (Annex V of 2017 SCF annual report)
2016 SCF Forum - "Financial instruments that address the risks of Loss and Damage"
Report (Annex III of 2016 SCF annual report)

2015 SCF Forum - "Enhancing coherence and coordination of forest financing"
Report (Annex II of 2015 SCF annual report)

2014 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Adaptation Finance"
Executive Summary (Annex IV of 2014 SCF annual report); Full Report

2013 SCF Forum - "Mobilizing Finance & Investment for Climate Action Now"
Report (Annex II of 2013 SCF annual report)

 More information

COP 19 requested the Standing Committee on Finance to consider, in its work on coherence and coordination, inter alia, the issue of financing for forests, taking into account different policy approaches, and requested the Standing Committee on Finance to focus its soonest possible forum on issues related to finance for forests.
More information
COP 20 requested the Standing Committee on Finance to consider issues related to possible future institutional linkages and relations between the Adaptation Fund and other institutions under the Convention. In this context, the Standing Committee on Finance has called for submissions from members, observers and thematic bodies under the Convention by 8 May 2015.
More information