Report of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Conference of the Parties.

This report contains information on the outcomes of the work of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), including its meetings, in 2014. The report also contains: (i) a list of the members of the SCF; (ii) the summary and recommendations by the SCF on the 2014 biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows; (iii) the executive summary of the technical paper on the fifth review of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention; (iv) the executive summary of the report on the SCF forum on mobilizing adaptation finance; (v) annotated suggestions for elements of draft guidance to the Global Facility submitted by members of the SCF; (vi) inputs received from the Adaptation Committee and the Technology Executive Committee with regard to draft guidance to the operating entities; (vii) a list and timelines of ongoing activities related to measurement, reporting and verification of support under the Convention; and (viii) the workplan of the SCF for 2015.

Item 12(b) of the provisional agenda
Matters relating to finance
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance
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