The SCF Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions (Part I)


The Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) provides a platform for a wide range of climate finance stakeholders, including from governments, climate funds, financial institutions, civil society, think tanks and the private sector, to exchange information and promote linkages and coherence in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.

The SCF agreed to organize the 2021–2022 Forum on the topic of “Finance for Nature-based Solutions” and this agreement was welcomed by the Conference of the Parties at its 25th session. The preparatory work of the Forum is co-facilitated by two SCF members: Ambassador Mohamed Nasr (Egypt) and Ms. Fiona Gilbert (Australia).

The Forum will be organized over two years: Part I will be organized in 2021 in a hybrid format and Part II will be organized in-person in 2022. Outcomes of Part I will inform the discussions of Part II and the SCF will submit a summary report on the Forum to the COP in 2022.

Synthesis report on the submissions and case studies received from Parties and observers

Under the guidance of the co-facilitators, the secretariat prepared a synthesis report on the submissions and case studies received from Parties and observers in response to the call in 2020 for inputs to inform the Forum. Click here to download the report.

Part I of the SCF Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions (2021)

Part I of the Forum was held on 15–16 October 2021, in conjunction with the 26th meeting of the SCF (11–14 October 2021). 

Forum programme: Please click here to see the Forum programme.

Forum report: Please click here to see the high-level summary report of the Forum.

If you have any questions on the Forum, please contact the SCF at


YouTube On-demand Links 

15 October 2021
16 October 2021

Forum programme

15 October 2021 (Day 1)



(10 mins

     1.  Welcome by the Standing Committee on Finance

The SCF co-chairs and Forum co-facilitators will welcome participants and provide an overview of the Forum.

Moderator: Ayman Shasly (SCF Co-Chair) and Ambassador Mohamed Nasr (SCF member and Forum co-facilitator)


(25 mins)

     2. High-level segment

High level officials from developed and developing countries and the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat will make opening remarks

Moderator: Fiona Gilbert (SCF member and Forum co-facilitator)

  • H.E. Mahmoud Mohieldin,bio Special Envoy on Financing 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • H.E. Sussan Ley,bio Minister for the Environment, Australia
  • H.E. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC (Video message)

(50 mins)

     3. Scene-setting presentations and discussions

Keynote presentations on emerging trends and issues on nature-based solutions (NbS) (30 mins)

Moderator: Ambassador Mohamed Nasr

  •     Concept and science of NbS; unlocking its potential to address climate change
        Stewart Maginnis,bio Deputy Director General Programme, IUCN Presentation
  •     Overview of financial flows relating to NbS
        Ivo Mulder,bio Head of Climate Finance division, UNEP (In-person) Presentation
  •     Country experiences in implementing NbS
        Patrick Payet,bio Principal Secretary of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Trade and Economic Planning, Seychelles Presentation

Q&A with speakers and participants (20 mins)

(50 mins)

 4.  Brainstorming session on financing nature-based climate actions

Participants will be invited to engage in group discussions on the importance of NBS with regards to climate actions and the limitations; needs and priorities of developing countries relating to nature-based climate actions and; challenges and opportunities in financing nature-based climate actions.

Moderator: Ivan Zambrana (SCF member)

    Group (1): NbS for climate adaptation and resilience
                     Discussion leader: Jyoti Mathur-Filipp,bio Director of Implementation and Support Division, Secretariat of the  Convention on Biological Diversity (In-person)

    Group (2): NbS for climate mitigation
                     Discussion leader: Natalia Alekseeva,bio Innovations for Sustainability Workstream Leader, Food and Agriculture Organization

    Group (3): NbS for cross-cutting activities
                     Discussion leader: Vositha Wijenayake,bio Executive Director, SLYCAN Trust  


(30 mins)

Report back from breakout group moderators & plenary discussions


(15 mins)


(50 mins)

     5.  Panel discussion on catalyzing nature-based climate actions in developing countries

This session will provide an overview of enablers required to plan for and implement nature-based climate actions in developing countries. It will highlight country experiences in applying NBS into national climate change strategies and development plans and in enhancing the engagement of stakeholders at all levels of government. It will also highlight how robust monitoring of outcomes can improve credibility of NBS.

Moderator: Gabriela Blatter (SCF member)

  • Andrea Santos, Secretary of the Brazilian Panel on Climate Change (In-person)
  • Catherine Monagle,bio Senior Programme Manager, International Savanna Fire Management Initiative
  • Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics. College of the Atlantic, USA.
  • Gustavo Fonseca, Director of Programs. The Global Environment Facility
  • Bernd-Markus Liss,bio Head of Section Climate Change and Climate Policy, GIZ


(10 mins)
Wrap-up of day 1

16 October 2021 (Day 2)



(10 mins)

     1.  Opening of day 2 and recap of day 1


(50 mins)

     2.  Panel discussion on mobilizing public and private finance for NbS

This session will highlight sources of international and domestic public finance for NbS, as well as innovative financial instruments that can be utilized. It will focus on enabling environments needed to scale-up private sector investments and encourage the private sector to be more actively engaged in NbS. 

Moderator: Zaheer Fakir (SCF member)

  • Syed Mujtaba Hussain,bio Senior Joint Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan
  • Suzanne Rihal,bio  CDC Biodiversité, Nature 2050 program
  • Andrew Mitchell,bio Global Canopy Programme


(60 mins)

      3.  Breakout discussions

Building upon the panel discussions, participants will be invited to engage in group discussions on opportunities and challenges, as well as lessons learnt and best practices in mobilizing finance for NBS.

Moderator: Ali Waqas (SCF member)

Group (1): Sources and channels of public finance for NbS
                 Discussion leader: Mariama Williams,bio Principal consultant, Integrated Policy Research Institute and Director, Institute of Law and Economics, Jamaica

Group (2): Ways to further catalyze private sector investment and engagement in NbS
                 Discussion leader: Ingrid Coetzee, Director, Biodiversity, Nature & Health, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability


(30 mins)

Report back from the breakout group moderators & plenary discussions


(15 mins)


(60 mins)

     4.  Panel discussion on accessing climate finance for nature-based climate actions

This session will highlight developing countries’ experience in preparing nature-based climate change projects and accessing international climate finance. It will bring in perspectives from project developers in developing countries, as well as national and international financial institutions on how to match the needs of developing countries on nature-based climate actions with the financial and technical support.

Moderator: Diann Black Layne (SCF member)

  • Zerihun Getu Mekuria, Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation, Ethiopia
  • Meena Raman, Head of Programmes, Third World Network Presentation
  • Tobias Skovbjerg Gräs,bio Policy Advisor, World Farmers’ Organization
  • Veronica Galmez Marquez, Ecosystems Management Senior Specialist, GCF Presentation


(15 mins)

     5.  Closing of the Forum Part I

  • The co-facilitators will share their reflections on the key outcomes of the Forum Part I and how the Part II in 2022 could build upon the findings of the Part I.

Last updated on 3 August 2022
