Report of the Standing Committee on Finance
Agenda item

COP 26

8 (b). Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance


8 (a). Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance

2021 session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation

12. National adaptation plans

This report presents information on the work of the Standing Committee on Finance in 2020, its workplan and the outcomes of the activities undertaken. It contains a revised timeline and outreach plan for the fourth (2020) Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows; information on progress in preparing the first report on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement; information on progress in preparing for the next Standing Committee on Finance Forum, on finance for nature-based solutions; the workplan of the Standing Committee on Finance for 2020–2021; and a list of the members of the Committee.