2013 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance

Mobilizing Finance and Investment for Climate Action Now

Full programme of the Forum

Click on icons for videos  and biographies  of speakers

  • Overview of the need for urgent action on the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events and associated costs;
  • Overview of climate finance institutions and work under the UNFCCC;
  • Overview of the wider climate finance architecture, including multilateral, bilateral and national finance institutions;
  • Overview of current climate finance flows, both public and private.


  • Diann Black-Lane & Stefan Agne Image
    Standing Committee on Finance


Questions and Answers:  Image

  • Discuss the underlying opportunities, challenges, barriers and factors that determine investment decisions and/or the allocation of financial resources in mitigation activities, including a brief overview of current trends.

  • Among other key questions, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on why investments in clean technologies still lag behind those in fossil fuel intensive technologies.

Panel composition:
  • Roundtable discussion with a Q&A session between the audience and the panel.

Facilitator :
  • Syed Mujtaba Hussain Image
    Deputy Secretary, Government of Pakistan

  • Hugh Sealy  ImageImage
    Vice-Chair, Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board,
    Professor, Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, St. George’s University, St. George’s, Grenada

  • Abyd Karmali  Image - Image 
    Managing Director, Global Head of Climate Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

  • Vikram WidgeImageImage 
    Head, Climate Finance & Policy, International Finance Corporation

  • Jose Juan Gomez  Image
    Lead Financial Markets and Climate Change Specialist, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division, Inter-American Development Bank
     The role of national development banks (English)
     The role of national development banks (Spanish)

Questions and Answers: Image
  • Show-casing of concrete experiences in developing and implementing policies, strategies and activities, as well as necessary measures or steps to accelerate the mobilization of finance for mitigation at the national and regional level.

  • Discussion of cases of private sector engagement and partnerships to support mitigation activities

Panel composition:
  • Brief presentations from panellists, followed by round table discussion with a Q&A between the audience and panellists.


  • Neeraj Prasad Image - Image
    World Bank Institute


Questions and Answers: Image
  • Overview of existing opportunities, challenges, barriers and factors that determine financial flows for adaptation activities, including a discussion on the overall financial needs, as well as possibilities for increased private investment involvement.

Panel composition:
  • Brief presentations from panellists, followed by round table discussion with a Q&A between the audience and panellists.


  • Naderev Saño  Image
    Co-Chair, UNFCCC/LTF work programme


  • Juan Hoffmaister  Image - Image
    Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bolivia; Adaptation Committee member and representing the Chair of the Committee

  • Carlos Fuller  Image - Image
    International and Regional Liaison Officer, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

  • Smita Nakhooda  Image - Image
    Research Fellow, Climate and Environment Programme, Overseas Development Institute

  • Saliha Dobardzic  Image
    Climate Change Specialist, LDCF/SCCF Secretariat (GEF)

Questions and Answers:  Image
  • Show-casing of concrete experiences in developing and implementing policies, strategies and activities, as well as necessary measures or steps to accelerate the mobilization of finance for adaptation at the national and regional level.

  • Discussion of cases of private sector engagement and partnerships to support adaptation activities.

Panel composition:
  • Brief presentations from panellists, followed by round table discussion with a Q&A between the audience and the panel.


  • Stefan Agne Image
    European Commission


Questions and Answers: Image
  • Discuss which actions of the GCF, MDBs, NDBs, as well as local governments, would be considered most helpful by local investors. The presentations as well as the discussion will be guided along a set of questions and the main opinions.

Panel composition:
  • Brief opening statements by the facilitator and panellists, followed by round table discussion with a Q&A between the audience and the panel.



Questions and Answers:  Image
  • Stock-taking of existing guidelines and process under the UNFCCC and on-going initiatives for tracking climate related financial flows by other institutions.

  • Discussion on potential approaches taken by recipient countries and other relevant actors to account for climate and responsible investments.

Panel composition:
  • Roundtable discussion with a Q&A between the audience and the panel.


  • Dennis Tirpak Image
    World Resource Institute


  • Strategic perspective revisited

  • Presentation of key conclusions and recommendations


  • Stefan Agne  Image
    Standing Committee on Finance


  • Federico Ramos de Armas Image
    State Secretary of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Government of Spain

  • Christiana Figueres  Image
    Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

  • Neeraj Prasad  Image
    World Bank Institute

  • Diann Black-Lane Image
    Standing Committee on Finance
