Methodological issues under the Paris Agreement on transparency

The Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines (MPGs) were adopted in the Katowice Climate Package through decision 18/CMA.1 sets the rules for the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement. The CMA further requested the SBSTA to develop, pursuant to the MPGs, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its third session, the following:  

(a) common reporting tables for the electronic reporting of the information in the national inventory reports of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases;  

(b) common tabular formats for the electronic reporting of the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contributions under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement;  

(c) common tabular formats for the electronic reporting of the information on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity-building support provided and mobilized as well as support needed and received under Articles 9–11 of the Paris Agreement;  

(d) outlines of the biennial transparency report, national inventory document, and technical expert review report pursuant to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support; and  

(e) training programme for technical experts participating in the technical expert review. 

Parties met in 2019 to advance their discussions on these matters. Since 2020, the SBSTA Chair has organized a series of informal events and consultations to enable successful completion of the mandated work at COP26.


All delegates interested in joining remotely must have completed the Virtual ID check or have acquired a COP 26 badge at the venue in Glasgow. To find and join your meetings you will need to login to the COP 26 platform The workshop will be included on the COP26 platform in advance of the meeting.

Context to the event

At the closing of the SBSTA May-June session, many Parties highlighted the importance of engaging, particularly in-person, in further technical work on methodological issues under the Paris Agreement prior to their arrival in Glasgow, particularly on the common reporting tables and formats referred to in paragraph 12 of decision 18/CMA.1.This message was reinforced by many Parties during the July Ministerial meeting hosted by the COP26 Presidency in London and during the pre-COP26 in Milan (30 September–2 October 2021), as well as during various bilateral consultations held by the SBSTA Chair and Presidencies over the past few months.

Time Discussion
11:00 - 11:10 Opening remarks by the SBSTA Chair and the COP Presidencies
11:10 - 12:35

CRT for the electronic reporting of GHG inventories

Based on the examples of CRT as contained in the Co-Facilitators’ informal note from June 2021, and replicated in the SBSTA’s Chair information note, participants will be given the
opportunity to consider the common reporting tables and provide their views on how to enhance the CRT so that they adequately reflect the objectives and reporting provisions in the MPGs.

Please find the presentation.

12:35 - 12:50 Break
12:50 - 14:15

CTF for the electronic reporting of information for tracking progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs

Based on the examples of CTFs for the structured summary captured in Co-facilitator’s Informal notes from June 2021, participants may wish to provide their views on whether the
CTF for the structured summary – tracking progress made in implementing and achieving the NDC–is designed in a way to accommodate all types of NDCs, qualitative and
quantitative indicators, and different formats of information necessary to track progress (i.e. numerical and descriptive).

Working examples of the CTF for the structured summary

14:15 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:30

CTF for the electronic reporting of information on FTC

Based on the examples of CTF as contained in the Co-Facilitators’ informal note from June 2021, and replicated in the SBSTA’s Chair information note, participants may wish to provide their views on a) presentation of information on climate-specific finance amounts and grant equivalent amounts, if grant equivalent value is reported on a voluntary basis, in relevant tables; b) the purpose and role of footnotes, documentation boxes and notation keys in each example CTF; c) presentation of disaggregated information on type of support and/or use, impact and estimated results, if applicable; and d) consistent classifications across CTFs applicable for relevant parameters (e.g. sector, status of activity, climate-specific amounts etc.).    

Compilation of CTFs for FTC support 

16:30-16:45 Closing remarks

More information is available in the Concept Note.

Please find the related information note.

Part I: Enhancing understanding on reporting of GHG inventories and transparency of action

Additional information available here.

Part II: Enhancing understanding of reporting on transparency of support, submitting national
reports and training of review experts

Additional information available here.


Concept note for the workshop

Information note

Part I: Possible options for the common reporting tables of the national inventory reports of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases. 

Additional information available here.

Part II: Possible options for the common tabular format of the structured summary for tracking progress of nationally determined contributions.

Additional information available here.

Part III: Possible options for the common tabular format for reporting information on financial, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building support.

Additional information available here.

SBSTA chair held the informal consultation to provide a space for Parties to jointly reflect on the state of play on the SBSTA item on methodological issues under the Paris Agreement, to highlight the key take away messages from the informal dialogues on transparency conducted during the Climate Dialogues, and to exchange views on opportunities to advance the technical work in the lead-up to the first in-person session of the SBs this year.

Additional information available here.


Part I on possible approaches for further consideration of common reporting tables for greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

Further information is available here.

Part II on possible approaches for further consideration of common tabular format for the structured summary.

Further information is available here.

Part III on possible approaches for further consideration of common tabular formats for information under Articles 9–11 of the Paris Agreement.

Further information is available here.


Information event on experience with reporting quantitative and qualitative information in biennial and biennial update reports relevant for tracking progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contributions.

Addtional information is available here.

Information event on experiences and perspectives on the compilation of greenhouse gas inventories and on the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties.

Additional information is available here.


Contact group established for all sub-items, co-chaired by Mr. Xiang Gao (China) and Ms. Helen Plume (New Zealand).

In session documents

Contact group established, co-chaired by Mr. Xiang Gao from China and Ms. Helen Plume from New Zealand.

In-session documents
