Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Informal dialogues on transparency under the SBSTA. Part I. Possible approaches for further consideration of common reporting tables for greenhouse gases emissions inventory
24 Nov. 2020
11:30h - 14:30h
Virtual event
Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Informal dialogues on transparency under the SBSTA. Part I. Possible approaches for further consideration of common reporting tables for greenhouse gases emissions inventory
24 Nov. 2020
11:30h - 14:30h
Virtual event

1.  Background

Decision 18/CMA.1 on the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support requests the SBSTA to develop Common Reporting Tables (CRT) for the electronic reporting of the information referred to in chapter II (National inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases) of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs), taking into account the existing common tabular formats and common reporting formats and pursuant to the MPGs.

To maximize advance of understanding on this matter, and minimize disruption and delay stemming from the COVID-19 pandemics, the SBSTA Chair requested the secretariat to convene an informal dialogue among Parties to explore possible approaches for further consideration of CRT tables. This dialogue follows the information event “Experiences and perspectives on the compilation of greenhouse gases inventories and on the use of reporting tables and reporting tools by developing and developed country Parties” (20 November 2020).

2.   Objectives

The dialogue has as a main objective, enhancing the understanding of the key elements for designing the CRTs for preparing and reporting of GHG inventories, consistent with the MPGs of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), and enhancing of the understanding of the key elements to be discussed in completing the technical work on the tables, in particular contributing to:

  • Enhancing the understanding on further work and possible approaches to preparing a CRT consistent with the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs);
  • Discussing the challenges, opportunities and possible solutions in compiling and reporting information in the CRT;
  • Exchanging views and ideas on the possible design of CRT and challenges and practical solutions for the options to implement flexibility provisions contained in the MPGs in common reporting tables.

3.   Proposed programme

The informal dialogue will be opened by the SBSTA chair and will feature a short introductory presentation by the secretariat followed by Parties' presentations of views on the main topics related to the CRT development, taking into consideration previous experience with reporting approaches by developed and developing Parties. To facilitate the discussion, a set of guiding questions will be considered.

Guiding/driving questions:

  • Which reporting provisions in the MPGs are not adequately covered by current reporting tables (CRF tables and other formal reporting tables, and would require technical adjustments?
  • How and where could the options for flexibility provisions be applied to cross-cutting, sectoral and/or background CRTs?
Time Topic - Presenter

Opening remarks

Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, SBSTA Chair

Parties’ presentations {5 min each} followed by discussions

Part I - CRTs for reporting and use of calculation methodologies for specific sectors

  • Switzerland
  • Kenya
  • Canada

Part II - Practical approaches to implement the flexibility options

  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • Denmark
  • China

Closing remarks

Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, SBSTA Chair

Contact: Vitor Gois Ferreira (VGoisFerreira@unfccc.int), Tina Gottschick (tgottschick@unfccc.int)