UN events
Enhancing adaptation action through knowledge: SBSTA informal event on the Nairobi work programme
23 May 2022
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UN events
Enhancing adaptation action through knowledge: SBSTA informal event on the Nairobi work programme
23 May 2022
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

Information on how to join: Meeting invite will be shared with UNFCCC national focal points and NWP partners. Please contact NWP@unfccc.int for more information.

Broadcast link in YouTube is available here: https://youtu.be/DHPnmFz3Jkc

Enhancing Adaptation Action through knowledge

Countries need practical, actionable knowledge to ramp up efforts to achieve the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

Moving forward, the NWP can narrow the gap between knowing about adaptation and enhancing action for adaptation. NWP can do this through a shift towards providing specific, actionable knowledge targeted to those who enact adaptation action.

Overview and Context

The SBSTA Chair will convene an informal event with Parties, NWP partners and knowledge users to discuss elements that can feed positively into the NWP stocktake at SBSTA 56.

The SBSTA at the 56th session will take stock of the operational and institutional modalities of NWP. The stocktake will assess the performance and effectiveness of the NWP in responding to knowledge needs relevant to the implementation of the Paris Agreement with a view to strengthening its operational and institutional modalities for scaling up adaptation action through knowledge. SBSTA 52–56 proposed guiding questions and modalities to inform the stocktake.


The event will offer participants deeper insight about the NWP work since SBSTA 48 and gather their feedback about guiding questions for the NWP stocktake (see agenda). These questions relate to:

  1. Lessons learned under the NWP in scaling up adaptation action in countries;
  2. Lessons learned, gaps, opportunities and challenges associated with the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP in assisting Parties in implementing the Paris Agreement;
  3. Insights from partnerships about support needed to deliver specific, actionable knowledge to those who enact adaptation action
Time (CEST) Agenda Speakers
14:00-14:05  Opening by the SBSTA Chair Tosi Mpanu Mpanu
14:05-14:10  Objectives Julio Cordano (moderator)
14:10-14:15  How has work under the NWP enhanced climate adaptation action through knowledge? Rojina Manandhar (secretariat)
Discussion with Parties, UNFCCC constituted bodies and NWP partners:

Guiding questions:

  1. How has work under the NWP enhanced adaptation through knowledge?
  2. How has the NWP supported constituted bodies in assisting Parties in implementing the Paris Agreement, including in relation to supporting their activities in addressing knowledge gaps related to capacity-building, finance and technology?
  3. How are countries engaging under the NWP and communicating their adaptation knowledge needs and how could their engagement be strengthened?
  4. What are the lessons learned, gaps, opportunities and challenges associated with the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP in assisting Parties in implementing the Paris Agreement?
Facilitated discussion with all participants
15:10-15:25  Discussion: Strengthening the NWP to support the needs of Parties Facilitated discussion with all participants
15:25-15:30  Closing remarks



Information about the NWP stocktake

SBSTA 52-55 agreed on the following modalities to inform the stocktake:

  • Inviting Parties, constituted bodies, NWP partner organizations, and other relevant organizations to submit views on the performance and effectiveness of the NWP in addressing knowledge needs relevant to implementing the Paris Agreement via the submission portal by 31 March 2022: submissions are available here
  • Requesting the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on the submissions above for consideration at SBSTA 56 (to be available soon)
  • Requesting the secretariat to prepare a report summarizing the outcomes of the work under the NWP since SBSTA 48 for consideration at SBSTA 56 (available here)

SBSTA 52-55 agreed to apply a comprehensive and transparent approach to the stocktake, taking into consideration lessons learned by countries and regions and with the engagement of Parties, NWP partner organizations, and non-Party stakeholders to ensure an effective outcome.

The annual progress report of the NWP (2022) is available here: https://unfccc.int/documents/470332

Background on the NWP

Work under the Nairobi work programme (NWP), the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, currently identifies adaptation knowledge gaps and works with its partners to supply information about those domains of knowledge. NWP can take a strategic, systematic and sustained engagement with Parties, constituted bodies and NWP partners to enhance adaptation action through knowledge. By evolving its modalities, the NWP can enhance its work through delivering specific, actionable knowledge targeted to those who enact adaptation action.

The NWP works with its network of over 450 partner organizations, to enhance implementation of adaptation action by closing adaptation and resilience knowledge gaps identified by Parties, in particular developing country Parties, including the LDCs and SIDS, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

The NWP has facilitated the scaling up of adaptation action in the following ways:

  • Curating and sharing relevant knowledge in collaboration with NWP partner organizations and thematic expert groups in various thematic areas, and subregions and countries;
  • Curating and sharing knowledge relevant to adaptation-related mandates arising from the Paris Agreement, and informing adaptation policies and actions through long-term strategic engagement with the constituted bodies
  • Addressing knowledge gaps and needs of developing countries related to the process of formulating and implementing NAPs through long-term strategic engagement with the LEG.