PCCB Working Groups

Introduction to the working groups of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building

The four PCCB working groups - their programmes of activities

The PCCB established four internal working groups to support the implementation of its rolling workplan.

  • WG1: Coherence and coordination on capacity-building under and outside the Convention
  • WG2: Cross-cutting issues
  • WG3: Awareness-raising, communications and stakeholder engagement
  • WG4:  Identifying capacity gaps and needs

More information on each is available via the tabs above.


Working Group 1 : coherence and coordination on capacity-building under and outside the convention

The PCCB working group on coherence and coordination on capacity-building under and outside the convention focuses on activities under priority area A under the PCCB’s 2021-2024 workplan:

Enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building under the Convention with a focus on avoiding duplication of efforts, including through collaboration with bodies under and outside the Convention that engage in activities related to capacity-building

This includes facilitating the work of the informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and Paris Agreement (ICG).


  • Facilitating the work of the informal group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement (ICG), including the preparation of all working documents and regular meetings

  • Leading the preparation of a PCCB synthesis report as input into the global stocktake (published in April 2022)

  • Issuing a call for submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders on experience, best practices and lessons learned regarding improving coherence and coordination of capacity-building efforts

  • Members of WG 1 also participate in meetings and events of other bodies and processes and/or provide  inputs, as appropriate, such as in the Expert Group on Action and Support under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage

  • Established and facilitated the work of the informal coordination group for capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement (ICG), including the preparation of all working documents and regular meetings

  • Organized a technical session on 8 November 2021 at the 3rd Capacity-building Hub focusing on key aspects of enhancing coherence and coordination

  • Initiated the preparation of a PCCB synthesis report as input into the global stocktake (to be published in March 2022)

  • Members of WG 1 also participated in meetings and events of other bodies and processes and/or provision of inputs, as appropriate, such as in the Expert Group on Action and Support under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage

  • Created and oversaw constituted bodies events calendar on PCCB webpage
  • Compiled current workplans of constituted bodies and shared them on PCCB webpage
  • Organized a dialogue session at PCCB 4 and a roundtable at the 3rd Capacity-building Hub with constituted bodies and operating entities of the Financial Mechanism with a view to designing and implementing an informal coordination modality for the constituted bodies and defining common areas of interest
Activity Status

Analysis of coherence and coordination gaps and needs related to capacity-building activities under the Convention (technical paper)

On the basis of its interaction and collaboration with other relevant bodies, actors and processes under the Convention to date, and the information contained in the annual compilation and synthesis report on the capacity-building work of bodies established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, and the addendum thereto, the PCCB agreed to prepare an analysis of coherence and coordination gaps and needs related to capacity-building activities under the Convention, and to present it in the form of a technical paper to be annexed to its 2019 technical progress report.

The PCCB considered and agreed on the concept note for the technical paper at its third meeting in June 2019. Following the meeting, working group 1 prepared and disseminated a survey to gather views and perspectives from a broad range of relevant stakeholders on the technical paper, including constituted bodies, operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, UN agencies and other international organizations, and registered observer institutions under the UNFCCC. The survey was then made accessible to interested stakeholders.



Activity Status

Call for submissions from bodies established under the Convention

As its first task, working group 1 prepared the PCCB’s call for submissions from bodies established under the Convention, to address, inter alia:

  • Information related to the 2017/2018 focus area or theme of the PCCB, including for incorporation in the capacity-building portal;

  • Suggestions for further enhancement of the capacity-building portal;

  • Information or suggestions related to the relevant PCCB mandates as outlined above;

The group initiated work on the basis of the background document prepared by the secretariat (PCCB/2017/1/6), as well as inputs received in response to the calls for submissions.




Working Group 2 : cross-cutting issues

The PCCB working group 2 on cross-cutting issues focuses on integrating cross-cutting issues, such as gender responsiveness, human rights, indigenous peoples’ knowledge or youth, across the activities under the PCCB’s 2021-2024 workplan.

External experts

Pertaining to the 5th PCCB meeting and several requests made by meeting observers with regard to supporting the PCCB working groups, the PCCB adopted communication and stakeholder engagement strategies for 2021-2024, which contain in an annex the criteria for opening PCCB working groups to external experts.

Based on these criteria, the PCCB invited the following cross-cutting issue experts (on ACE, gender, human rights, indigenous peoples’ knowledge, and youth) to support the planning stage of the 5th Capacity-building Hub to be held at COP 28.

- Oversee the integration of cross-cutting issues, including gender responsiveness, human rights, indigenous peoples' knowledge and youth across the PCCB's work.

- Lead the final event of the youth-focused PCCB side event series “You(th) in Capacity-building” at the MENA climate weeks in March 2022.

  • Co-organized with the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group an event on “Strengthening gender sensitivity in adaptation under the Convention and the Paris Agreement” on 8 November 2021 at COP 26.

  • Published a free, self-paced online training “An Introduction to Climate Change and Human Rights” jointly developed with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have collaborated in the development of an introductory course on climate change and human rights, with support from Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, implemented by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).
  • Provided substantive guidance on the youth-focused PCCB side event series “You(th) in Capacity-building” at the 2021 UNFCCC regional climate weeks.

  • Worked with the following cross-cutting issues experts for the 3rd Capacity-building Hub:

    Anne Barre, Coordinator Gender & Climate Policy, Strategic Partnerships, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)

    Human Rights
    Amanda Kron, Associate Expert on Climate Change and Environment, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

    Indigenous people’s knowledge
    Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Co-chair, Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP)

    Timothy Damon, Founder & President, Global Youth Development Institute (GYDI)

  • Co-developing with OHCHR an online training tool aimed at building capacity to integrate human rights into climate action.

‘Building capacity for integrating human rights into climate action’
Joint workshop of the PCCB and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
26 June 2019, SB 50, Bonn

Concept note and programme
CIEL presentation
ILO presentation



Working Group 3 : awareness-raising, communications and stakeholder engagement

The PCCB working group on awareness-raising, communications and stakeholder engagement focuses on activities under priority area C under the PCCB’s 2021-2024 workplan:

Promoting awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing, and stakeholder engagement with bodies and relevant actors under and outside the Convention

This includes the annual Capacity-building hubs at COPs, regional engagement of the PCCB, including at UNFCCC regional climate weeks, and follow-up work to the annual Durban Forum on capacity-building held by the SBI, which is aligned with the PCCB annual focus area.

Whilst the PCCB Network is an activity under priority area C in the PCCB workplan, its implementation is managed by a task force consisting of the leads of all four PCCB working group.


  • Lead the organization of the 4th Capacity-building Hub at COP 27

  • Implement the new PCCB communication and stakeholder engagement strategies for 2021-2024

  • Facilitate PCCB outreach and stakeholder engagement at the regional and/or national level, including at the 2022 UNFCCC regional climate weeks

  • Develop digital media and communication strategies for specific PCCB activities

  • Lead PCCB social media activities

  • Organized the 3rd Capacity-building Hub at COP 26

  • Implemented the new PCCB communication and stakeholder engagement strategies for 2021-2024

  • Facilitated PCCB outreach and stakeholder engagement at the regional and/or national level, including through the PCCB side event series “You(th) in Capacity-building” at the 2021 UNFCCC regional climate weeks

  • Developed digital media and communication strategies for specific PCCB activities

  • Led PCCB social media activities

  • Organized the Capacity-building Momentum for Recovering Better series together with the PCCB Network
  • Continued to implement the PCCB’s strategic engagement plan and updating it to reflect latest developments
  • Facilitated PCCB outreach and stakeholder engagement at the regional and/or national level, including through providing guidance and inputs to the work of WG 4 related to implementing PCCB events at UNFCCC regional climate weeks
  • Developed digital media and communication strategies for specific PCCB activities
  • Led PCCB social media activities
Activity Status

Identification of options for enhancement of the Capacity-building Portal
Party and non-Party stakeholders were invited by the PCCB to submit  information and suggestions on the capacity-building portal. In addition, information was drawn from the more extensive compilation of needs and requests related to the capacity-building portal that are contained in the Paris Committee Capacity-building (PCCB) documents, submissions and meeting inputs and are compiled in document PCCB/2018/2/4, annex I.

Background paper on the further development of the web-based capacity-building portal (PCCB/2018/2/4)

Background paper on the maintenance and further development of the web-based capacity-building portal (PCCB/2017/1/5)

Outreach activities, information sharing and cooperation  
Capacity-building portal: complementary resources
These webpages were launched to support the PCCB's mandate to foster global, regional and subnational cooperation and to share available information including through the capacity-building portal. Based on the requests of Party and non-Party stakeholders to present additional information related to capacity-building activities these webpages are intended to complement the capacity-building portal until this additional information can be integrated into an enhanced version of the portal.
PCCB Facebook page
This Facebook page as launched to support the PCCB's mandate to build a platform for continued exchange and communication with other relevant processes and initiatives under the Convention, including through making use of the capacity-building portal.
Launched at COP24
Capacity-building Hub - COP24 Calendar of Events
The Capacity-building Hub was launched to build a platform for continued exchange and communication with other relevant processes and initiatives under the Convention. Experts can meet to exchange and/or present information on-site.
Launched at COP24



Working Group 4 : identifying capacity gaps and needs 

The PCCB working group on identifying capacity gaps and needs focuses on activities under priority area B under the PCCB’s 2021-2024 workplan:

Identifying capacity gaps and needs, both current and emerging, and recommending ways to address them

This includes the development of a toolkit to guide developing countries in assessing capacity gaps and needs related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, activities focused on gathering and promoting the development and dissemination of tools and methodologies for implementing capacity-building activities, and activities on collating and sharing information on experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity.


  • Launch the PCCB toolkit to assist developing countries in assessing capacity gaps and needs to implement the Paris Agreement.

  • Analyse and disseminate findings from 2021 survey under activity B.1. in the PCCB workplan targeted at ICG members to gather information on efforts to address capacity gaps and needs in their areas of work.

  • Analyse and disseminate findings from two calls for submissions under activities B.2 and B.3.1 in the PCCB workplan, including preparation of a technical paper on experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity.

  • Providing substantive guidance and inputs to the work of WG 3 related to organizing the 4th Capacity-Building Hub at COP 27.

  • Conduct a technical session at the 4th Capacity-building Hub on existing key tools and methodologies for implementing capacity-building activities.

  • Finalized the PCCB toolkit to assist developing countries in assessing capacity gaps and needs related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement

  • Conducted a survey under activity B.1. in the PCCB workplan targeted at ICG members to gather information on efforts to address capacity gaps and needs in their areas of work.

  • Launched two calls for submissions under activities B.2 and B.3.1 in the PCCB workplan.

  • Provided substantive guidance and inputs to the work of WG 3 related to organizing the 3rd Capacity-Building Hub at COP 26.

  • Prepared concept note for developing a toolkit or guidance on capacity gaps and needs assessments
  • Organized the final Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day at the Africa Climate Week
  • Supported PCCB regional engagement.
  • Provided substantive guidance and inputs to the work of WG 3 related to organizing the virtual Capacity-Building Momentum series.

PCCB Pilot Exercise and Technical Paper on Capacity Gaps and Needs

At its second meeting (May 2018), the PCCB launched a national-level pilot exercise on assessing capacity gaps and needs related to NDC implementation.

Six of the twelve PCCB members volunteered to undertake such work in their respective countries and regions, namely PCCB members from Burundi, the Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala and Indonesia, as well as Saint Lucia on behalf of the members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States.

PCCB members participating in the exercise reached out to key stakeholders involved in NDC implementation in their respective countries to gather comprehensive information on NDC-related capacity-building needs and gaps, as well as success factors, good practices or lessons learned with regard to closing existing capacity gaps.

The information gathered by the PCCB members fed into a technical paper on capacity-building gaps and needs related to NDC implementation, which also contains recommendations to the COP..

The technical paper was considered and endorsed by the PCCB at its third meeting in June 2019.

Technical Paper on Capacity Gaps and Needs