Capacity-building Momentum for Recovering Better | PCCB Network


The COVID-19 crisis has not diminished the need for climate-related capacity-building efforts; quite the contrary, it has brought to light its significance more than ever before. Higher capacities of various state and non-state actors can lead to better informed decisions, impactful skills, and fit-for-purpose tools for greater climate action. Given multiple realities on the ground, building and strengthening climate capacities at the national, sub-national, and local levels is key to ensure the ability of relevant actors to assess, plan, and act effectively in the face of global crises.

The Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) has continued to connect climate actors, facilitate collaborative capacity-building activities, and foster engaging discussions through virtual means, despite the current limitations. With the postponement of this year's Capacity-building Hub (to be held in conjunction with COP26), the PCCB is planning a series of virtual events, every Wednesday in November to help maintain momentum on capacity-building for climate action.


All capacity-building enthusiasts were invited to join these events, add their voice, and share their experience. These events were led by members of the PCCB Network and looked deeper into these climate-related capacity-building issues:

04 November | Capacity-building for enhancing resilience at the local level

14:00-15:30 CET, Led by ICCCAD and Adaptation Fund

11 November | World café discussion on virtual capacity-building: Do´s, don´ts, and doubts

15:30-17:00 CET, Led by The Climate Group and Climate Chance Association

18 November | NDC enhancement: lessons learned in capacity needs, challenges and opportunities

14:00-16:00 CET, Led by UNEP-DTU Partnership and UNDP

25 November | Keeping Momentum on Capacity-building -the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in 2020*

8:00-9:30 CET, Led by PCCB



This event series built on discussions initiated through previous activities and events of the PCCB Network on the theme of #Recover_Better_Together. Find out more here: