Constituted Body meetings and events
Webinar: Capacity-building for recovering better together; Supporting NDC implementation and enhancement
01 Oct. 2020
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual event
Capacity-building, Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
Constituted Body meetings and events
Webinar: Capacity-building for recovering better together; Supporting NDC implementation and enhancement
01 Oct. 2020
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual event
Capacity-building, Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
Recoering Better Together - speakers list


The impacts of COVID-19 outbreak have been widely experienced to varying degrees, around the world, across sectors, and among different groups. In many cases, they have added a layer of distress on top of previously existing crises, thereby jeopardizing the stability of social and economic circumstances, particularly for the most vulnerable. On a brighter side, this crisis has also brought to light encouraging stories of resilience, solidarity, and leadership among local communities, businesses, networks, cities, and nations.

In moments of uncertainty like now, it is of paramount importance to make sure we do not lose the sight of our common goal: a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future. As asserted by António Guterres, UN Secretary General, recovery from the coronavirus crisis must lead to a better world. The UNFCCC and PCCB, and members of the PCCB Network, are determined to do their bit by keeping the momentum going and encourage all climate actors collaborating in capacity building efforts to join this endeavor.

After concluding an inspiring project titled #Recover_Better_Together, the PCCB Network is ready to take another step in sharing experiences, good practices, and lessons learned from climate-related capacity-building efforts in 2020 by different climate actors. This year is a defining moment for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and many believe that the widespread efforts for an economic recovery is a window of hope to alter the path of development for the better, towards a climate-resilience new normal.


This webinar looked deeper into capacity-building related experiences, approaches and lessons learned by members of the PCCB Network, particularly in the context of the implementation of NDCs and the process for revising and updating them in 2020. The event brought together a diverse range of stakeholders–capacity-building providers, entities in charge of NDC planning and implementations, and representatives from non-state actors. Bringing in various experiences and perspectives, capacity-building practitioners provided insights in response to three main questions:

  1. What are existing and emerging capacity-building expertise, needs, and approaches for effective contributions to a more sustainable recovery?
  2. What have been success and failure stories of capacity-building efforts in adapting to the COVID-19 context across different sectors and regions?
  3. How have the adjustments associated with COVID-19 changed the way capacity-building programmes and activities will be designed, delivered, and assessed in the months to follow?


WRI is a global research non-profit organization, focusing on climate as one of the urgent global challenges that must be addressed to reduce poverty, grow economies and protect natural systems. In this session, WRI shed light on emerging capacity challenges and adjustments that governments are facing to sustain and boost their climate efforts when updating and implementing their NDCs, and integrating such efforts into the recovery plans. This presentation included the experience from the NDC Partnership.

GIZ is Germany’s service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. The GIZ Support project for the implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA), in this event, shared examples of improving and adapting capacity building efforts, as well as their work in delivering support to countries for NDC enhancement and transparency.

CDKN is a southern-led global knowledge network whose knowledge services focus on making information and learning on climate compatible development easier to access and use. In so doing they support country-driven climate action that provides enhanced quality of life to poorest and most vulnerable to climate change. In the webinar they discussed emergent best practices on the way in which capacity building is designed and implemented within CDKN.


Time Description of segments
Opening and welcome

Panel discussions

Changes and modifications in type and modes of delivery for CB efforts: experiences and good practices from government, capacity-building providers, and non-state actors.


Open discussions and interactive session

Moderated roundtable

An overview of opportunities and challenges for capacity-building activities in 2020 and beyond


Wrap up and closing