Work programme of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is mandated to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session (see decision 6/CP.16, paragraph 3). Below is the LEG work programme for 2024-2025. A printer-friendly version is available here.


(i) Update and expand the mapping of available funding for adaptation to cover sources other than those under the Financial Mechanism, and disseminate the findings of the mapping widely, including through technical support and training activities

(ii) Facilitate the development of project concepts and proposals for accessing funding from the AF, the GCF, the LDCF and other sources by addressing the obstacles faced, including by conducting regional training workshops, providing direct support to the LDCs, holding NAP Expos and implementing other relevant initiatives, taking into account challenges in participation of the Pacific LDCs in the regional training workshops

(iii) Convene a meeting with the AF, the GCF, the GEF and relevant organizations at NAP Expo 2024 to identify ways to assist the LDCs in addressing the challenges, gaps and needs that the LDCs continue to face in accessing funding for implementing NAPs and provide recommendations to SBI 60

(iv) Identify the challenges faced by the LDCs in initiating and/or completing the process of accrediting direct access entities and gaining approval of projects by their direct access entities by conducting surveys of the LDCs in collaboration with the GCF, and include the findings thereon in the report on LEG 46 to SBI 61 

(i) Offer direct support to the LDCs in formulating and submitting their first NAP by 2025 or in updating and submitting an existing NAP, including by reviewing draft NAPs

(ii) Identify the challenges, gaps and needs faced by the LDCs that are yet to formulate their first NAP, including by conducting surveys with the LDCs, the GCF and relevant organizations, and provide recommendations to SBI 60 on how to address them

(iii) Support the LDCs in addressing data gaps in the context of NAP formulation through further developing the NAP data initiative and identifying links to relevant data products, such as those of GEO, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and WMO, and communicating those links on NAP Central

(i) Catalyse partner organizations to support the LDCs in establishing and maintaining an effective and iterative national process that supports the ongoing formulation, implementation, review and update of NAPs 

(ii) Provide support to the LDCs, including through training, for formulating and implementing NAPs, with a focus on addressing priority capacity gaps and capacity-building needs related to collecting data, accessing funding, implementing NAPs and establishing monitoring and evaluation systems 

(iii) Provide support and advice to the LDCs on addressing the guiding principles of the process to formulate and implement NAPs, including by sharing best practices and lessons learned

(i) Finalize the development of the technical guidelines for the implementation of NAPs, doing so in a timely manner considering the urgency to assist the LDCs in expeditiously transitioning from NAP formulation to implementation

(ii) Update the technical guidelines for the formulation and implementation of NAPs, reflecting the provisions of decision 2/CMA.5 on the global goal on adaptation as well as the best available science, including the AR6, while ensuring coherence with the technical guidelines for the implementation of NAPs and taking into account the experience of the LDCs with the original technical guidelines for the formulation and implementation of NAPs and supplementary materials

(iii) Identify ways to assist the LDCs in promoting transformational adaptation in their NAPs, including through technical discussions at NAP Expos and other events

(iv) Continue to engage stakeholders, such as organizations, regional centres and networks, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, the private sector and youth, in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, including in addressing emerging areas from the targets of the global goal on adaptation

(i) Support the assessment of progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs by the COP and the CMA by producing annual progress reports and convening in 2024, in collaboration with the AC, a meeting of Party experts to assess progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, and preparing a report on that meeting for consideration at SBI 60

(ii) Expand the scope of the PEG M&E tool to include metrics on the outcomes and impacts of adaptation efforts in the context of NAPs 

(i) Continue to document the experience, including challenges and obstacles, of the LDCs and direct access entities in accessing funding from the GCF for adaptation, and include in relevant LEG meeting reports information on ongoing efforts of the LEG to address capacity gaps and capacity-building needs related to accessing funding for formulating and implementing NAPs

(ii) Continue to collaborate with the GCF, the GEF (via the LDCF) and the AF on promoting the integration of NAP priorities into relevant country programming instruments and on expanding the pipeline of projects from the LDCs related to implementing NAPs 

(i) Continue to maintain the roster of national and regional experts from the LDCs who can support the formulation and implementation of NAPs, and promote use of the roster by organizations supporting the LDCs in the formulation and implementation of NAPs as a way of promoting the expertise of the LDCs

(ii) Continue to develop training materials on the PA ALIGN tool for use in supporting the LDCs in implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement, in collaboration with other constituted bodies and relevant organizations

(iii) Hold regular dialogues with the LDCs during LEG meetings and events to update them on available support and discuss how to effectively align activities under programmes that they may be developing with the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022–2031

Collaborate with other constituted bodies and UNFCCC programmes (especially the AC, the Consultative Group of Experts, the FWG of the LCIPP, the NWP, the PCCB, the SCF and the WIM Executive Committee) on activities related to NAPs, the LDC work programme, gender and response to mandates from the SBI, the COP and the CMA

(i) Organize a global NAP Expo annually and collaborate with organizations on organizing regional NAP Expos, peer learning events and other outreach activities, as necessary

(ii) Continue to develop NAP Central as a repository for NAPs and NAP-related information and knowledge, including information on progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs and experience, best practices and lessons learned from that process, as well as adaptation solutions and technical guidelines

(iii) Analyse AF, GCF and LDCF project documents and other sources of information to compile case studies showcasing approaches, methodologies and tools used in achieving particular adaptation outputs and outcomes, and share the compilation through NAP Central and at relevant NAP-related events

(iv) Continue to hold a side event at each session of the SBI to communicate the work of the LEG and facilitate interaction with Parties, in particular the LDCs
