Orientation Session for Youth


The orientation session for youth provided an opportunity for young delegates, especially those who attended for the first time, to receive information from the secretariat on youth-related events to be delivered, as well as other processes relevant for youth during the session. The orientation session provides an opportunity for young delegates to connect with each other.

This session contributes to responding to mandates in Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan (Decision 1/CP,27 para. 59), the Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) (Decision 18/CP.26) and its action plan (Decision 23/CP.27).

Orientation session for youth

58th session of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies

Monday 5 June 2023 

13:15 – 14:45 (CEST)

Meeting Room: Nairobi 1/2/3



Orientation Session for Youth

Meeting Room: Nairobi 1/2/3

13:15 – 13:25

Moderators: Zuzanna Borowska, YOUNGO and Laura Viñuela, UN Climate Change

Welcoming and presentation of objectives of the orientation session.

  • Fleur Newman, Communications and Engagement Division, UN Climate Change

Welcoming remarks

  • Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UN Climate Change

13:25 – 13:35

This segment focused on the UNFCCC negotiation process, including information relevant to observer organizations.

  • Gianluca Crispi, Legal Affairs Division, UN Climate Change
  • Megumi Endo, Communications and Engagement Division, UN Climate Change

13:35 – 13:45

Questions and answers

13:45 – 14:00

The aim of this segment is for the secretariat to provide information about what’s taking place at SB58, how to engage and to provide space to ask questions about the upcoming events and sessions.

  • Donna Lagdameo and Joanna Post, Adaptation Division, UN Climate Change
  • Tracy Tollmann, Intergovernmental Support and Collective Progress Division, UN Climate Change
  • Federico Brocchieri, Transparency Division, UN Climate Change
  • Laura Viñuela, Communications and Engagement Division, UN Climate Change
  • Riddhi Dutta, Means of Implementation Division, UN Climate Change

14:00 – 14:10

Questions and answers

14:10 – 14:20

This segment was used for updates from YOUNGO, Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change and COP 28 Presidency.

  • Xan Northcott, Project Manager, COP28 Youth Climate Champion team
  • Fatou Jeng, Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change
  • Thomas Westhoff, Children and Youth Constituency, YOUNGO

14:20 – 14:30

Questions and answers

14:30 – 14:35

Closing remarks

  • Fleur Newman, Communications and Engagement Division, UN Climate Change

14:35 – 14:45



Did you miss it?

Watch the broadcast on demand here.

Thursday 30 November 2023

12:00 – 13:30 

Location: Meeting Room 7, B1 area, COP 28 Blue Zone


The orientation session aims to provide young delegates attending COP 28 access to information  about what is happening at COP 28 and how to get involved. 

Draft agenda


Orientation Session for Youth

SB 60

Monday 03 June 2024 13:00 – 14:30 CEST

Room Genf, WCCB

Recording available here


Orientation session for youth at SB 60
资料来源: UNFCCC

Youth participation in UNFCCC conferences has been rising steadily over the last years. This includes young representatives of governments, observer organizations and UNFCCC constituencies such as YOUNGO, Indigenous Peoples Organisations, Women and Gender, as well as other Environmental NGOs. This trend is also reflected in the growing number of organizations affiliated to YOUNGO.

This could be due to several factors including the invitation to Parties to include children and youth in their national delegation in Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan (Decision 1/CP,27 para. 59), and the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) work programme (Decision 18/CP.26) and its action plan (Decision 23/CP.27), recognizing youth as agents of change in the climate change process. The establishment of the role of the Presidency Youth Climate Champion (Decision 16/CP.28), is also meant to further enhance this inclusive engagement of young people in the UNFCCC process.

The orientation session aims at providing a space for young delegates attending SB 60, especially those attending for the first time, to be able to ask questions regarding the UNFCCC process, receive information on what is taking place at the SBs and network with other young delegates.

Targeted audience
The orientation session is offered to young delegates (18-35 years old) attending SB 60. Seats will be made available to other delegates depending on room availability.
The target audience includes:
• Participants of the ACE Hub Youth Event
• Youth engaged by the Youth4Capacity Initiative
• Delegates from organizations affiliated to YOUNGO
• Other young delegates attending SB 60, including those coming as part of the national delegations or admitted observer organisations

Presentation here



Orientation Session for Youth


13:00 13:10

Moderators: Saikat Das, YOUNGO and Jevanic Henry, UN Climate Change


Welcome remarks and presentation of objectives of the orientation session

  • Ina Parvanova, Director, Communications and Engagement Division, UN Climate Change



General Information:

  • Megumi Endo, Communications and Engagement Division


Information on thematic topics and where to find information.

  • Maryam Navi, Adaptation Division
  • Bernd Hackmann, Mitigation Division
  • Stefania D’Annibali, Transparency Division
  • Alejandro Kilpatrick, Means of Implementation Division
  • Wiebke Bender, Communications & Engagement Division
  • Heather Maseko, Intergovernmental Support and Collective Progress Division

13:45 14:05

Questions and answers

14:05 – 14:15


  • Leyla Hasanova, COP 29 Presidency Youth Climate Champion
  • Diyana Anchal Gautam, YOUNGO


14:15 – 14:25

Questions and answers

14:25 14:30

Closing remarks

  • Fleur Newman, Communications & Engagement Division, UN Climate Change