Global Climate Action at COP 25: full programme

This year, at the United nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid, Spain, Global Climate Action (GCA) will be hosting a versatile set of dynamic events demonstrating how climate action is undertaken on the ground, through the fruitful collaboration of cities, regions, businesses, investors, civil society with governments, so as to implement the Paris Agreement and reach its goals. 

The events will all be held at the Feria de Madrid, where the conference will take place under the Presidency of the Government of Chile and will be held with logistical support from the Government of Spain. They are clustered in several categories: 

Participants in GCA events will represent the spectrum of climate action and will include CEOs, Mayors, Governors and other figureheads from civil society at large. 

The full program includes many events, incorporating a range of formats, such as Davos-style events, roundtable discussions, TED-style talks, video competitions, focus group-style events, demo events, and the Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony.

GCA COP Programme overview


GCA 'Headline' Events:

Climate Action in the Travel and Tourism Sector

Tuesday, 3 December 

Venue: Torres del Paine

The travel and tourism sector contributes one in ten jobs to our world and 10.4% of GDP. It leads economic, trade, employment and development around the world. It is also a sector that contributes around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has the ambition for the sector to become climate neutral by 2050, in collaboration with UN Climate Change, and many companies are already reducing their climate impact. This session will look at what is needed and what is being done by Travel and tourism businesses to achieve that goal.

The 2019 Yearbook & the Climate Action Pathways

Tuesday 4 December

Venue: Torres del Paine

Concept Note

This Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action event, hosted by the High-Level Champions, will highlight inspirational global climate actions, bring key messages from the third edition of the Yearbook of Global Climate Action and present the newly developed Climate Action Pathways to the international community to encourage bold and courageous climate action by Parties and non-Party stakeholders.

Pressing ‘record’ on Climate Action: Data Meeting on Tracking Progress 2020-2023

Thursday 5 December 

Venue: Meeting Room 10, Hall 9

Concept Note

This meeting will present a clear plan on how to track progress towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement, enabling the world to essentially hit the ‘record’ button on climate action and assess whether it is in line with 1.5ºC. By bringing together data and analytics experts, it will define how cooperative and individual climate actions will be tracked so that they appear on the Global Climate Action portal and are utilized by the broader analytical and research community. Opening remarks will be provided by the High-Level Climate Champion for Chile, Gonzalo Muñoz.

Intergenerational Inquiry

Raising Ambition and Empowering Youth to Implement the Paris Agreement

Thursday 5 December

Venue: San Pedro de Atacama

Concept Note

This highlight event of the Young and Future Generations Day provides a platform for youth and decision makers to discuss how young people can accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement. A feature presentation of the event will be the showcasing of results from the Conference of Youth (COY 15) held on 29 November – 1 December pre-COP 25

Award Ceremony Global Youth Video Competition 2019

“Youth Leading Climate Action”

Thursday 5 December
18:00 – 19:30

Venue: Action Hub

This inspirational ceremony will screen top videos by youth and present awards to winners in the three competition categories: Cities and local action to combat climate change; Nature-based solutions for food and human health; and Balancing use of land for people and ecosystems.

This year over 400 videos were submitted by young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from 114 countries. The COY 15 organizers will also receive a climate recognition. Awards will be presented by the Spanish Minister of Environment, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, UNCBD, GEF, UNDP/SGP.

Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action: 1 year after

Monday 9 December
15.00 – 16.30 

Venue: Torres del Paine

Concept Note

The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate, an industry led and driven initiative, is guided by its mission to “drive the fashion industry to net-zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions no later than 2050 in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees”.  This event will highlight the role of the private sector in playing its part to fulfill the goals of the Paris Agreement. 
A key feature of this session will be to present a communique from the Fashion Industry Charter signatories that calls for collaboration between policymakers and the fashion industry.

High-Level Event on Action for Climate Empowerment

Tuesday 10 December


Venue: Torres del Paine

Concept Note

The High-Level event during ACE Day at COP 25 will bring together ministers of environment and education as well as non-Party stakeholders to discuss how to raise ambition and foster implementation of the Paris Agreement through Action for Climate Empowerment.

Global Climate Action and Responsible Business Conduct

Tuesday, 10 December
15:00 – 16:30

Venue: Torres del Paine

Concept Note

This session will discuss actions that companies are expected to take in the face of the current climate crisis. The discussion will highlight linkages between climate action and international expectations and instruments on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC), including expectations under the UNFCCC process.
Panelists will present the business case for climate action and share their views on available tools and instruments to mainstream climate change considerations into core business decision-making processes, including across supply chains.

Global Climate Action: Momentum for Change Showcase Event

Tuesday 10 December

Venue: Action Hub

Concept Note

This Marquee event is a moment of celebration at COP 25 to recognize the 15 winners of the 2019 UN Global Climate Action Award. This event is expected to be one of the most dynamic and exciting events at COP 25, with inspiring speakers, videos, photography, and a musical performance. 

Global Climate Action Plenary Event

Wednesday 11 December

Venue: Plenary

This mandated event will bring together both Parties and non-Party stakeholders to ‘set the stage’ for 2020. It will highlight collaboration, synergies and progress between GCA stakeholders. The event will offer Parties an opportunity to provide their reflections on the achievements of Global Climate Action and expectations after COP25.

Making Food Systems Compatible with the Paris Agreement

Wednesday 11 December

Venue: Side Event Room 6

This event, jointly organized by EAT Foundation and the UN Climate Change secretariat, aims to raise awareness of the role of food systems in addressing both climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. Three food-related winners of the 2019 UN Global Climate Action Awards, the City of Ghent, MAX Burgers and Impossible Foods, will participate in the event. 

