Background documents

Regional workshop in promoting international collaboration to facilitate preparation, submission and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions in Asia
13 - 15 August 2013, Singapore

 Information note (188 kB)
 List of participants (130 kB)
 Workshop Report (276 kB)


 Day 1

 Part I: Context for NAMAs

  Status of negotiations on NAMAs (177 kB)

 UNFCCC secretariat 

 Knowledge sharing platforms that support the design and implementation of NAMAs

 LEDS Global Partnership Regional Platform 

  UNDP/UNFCCC/UNEP Risoe NAMA Guidance Document (514 kB)


Country presentations


 Staus of China's Regional Emission Trading Programs: Progress and Challenges (977 kB)


  Context of Singapore's NAMA - Case Studies (1179 kB)


Part II: Institutional arrangements

  Instituional attangements for NAMAs (751 kB)


  A frameworks to Facilitate Evaluation of NAMAs at the National Level(738 kB)


 Country presentations

  Korean Emission Trading Scheme - Background and Future Plan (285 kB)

 South Korea's ETS                  

 Establishing robust institutional arrangements for NAMAs


  Sustainable Urban Transport Initiative - Pilot supported NAMA in Indonesia (883 kB)


 Day 2

Part III: Financing and Support

 Mobilizing climate investment: project preparation and financing(988 kB)

UNEP Risoe                                

 Panel Discussion


 Japan's Experience with Supporting NAMAs in a MRV manner and
The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)


Country presentations


  Cook Islands'presentation of its NAMA seeking support (1251 kB)

 Cook Islands

Part III: Financing and Support cont.

 International NAMA Facility - Supporting the Implementation of NAMAs - Selection process and criteria (544 kB)                                                                                            

German Federal Ministry for the Environment.   Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety                            

 Additional information on NAMA Facility


  NAMA Facility information (195 kB)


  Template for NAMA Support Project Outlines (102 kB)


  Delivery Organisation Criteria (58 kB)


Country presentations


  Enabling Policy Environments for Climae Finance (172 kB)

Cambodia and UNDP joint presentation

 Part IV: Measurement, reporting and verification

Country presentations

 Donor-recipient in setting up national MRV system in Indonesia: Lessons learnt and challenges ahead (1269 kB)


  Towards NAMA/MRV readiness in Vietnam (448 kB)


 MRV tools


  CDM: Potential linkages between CDM and NAMA (680 kB)

 UNFCCC secretariat

  Assessing GHG impacts of NAMAs: Overview of WRI GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard (774 kB)


  Results-Based Approach to mitigation: The GEF experience with NAMAs(1049 kB)

 Global Envornment Facility

 Day 3

 Part VI - Overview of the Registry

 The NAMA Registry (696 kB)                             

 UNFCCC secretariat       

 Part VII Role of NAMA registry in facilitating mitigation actions

 The NAMA governance structure in Lebanon


 Part VIII: responsibilities and Challenges of NAMA Approvers

  The NAMA Approver role (206 kB)                                      

 UNFCCC secretariat