CCKIOSK Climate Talk Series Theme: Time for Action

03 December 2005




Social marketing approach for stakeholder adaptation to climate change
Stakeholder segmentation, capacity gaps, specially designed products for key stakeholder groups, surveys that help to identify what stakeholders know, how they feel and how they behave towards climate change and its links to biodiversity, desertification and ozone depletion, are all part of an innovative approach to public education and outreach for adaptation to climate change.

Mr. Edmund Jackson
Environmental Services Coordinator
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines




Climate proofing the Netherlands
Regional climate change should not be seen only as a threat- it will generate new opportunities for large-scale innovations by institutions and across sectors.

Prof. Dr. Pavel Kabat
Chair and Science Director
Water and Climate Center National Research Programme Climate Change & Spatial Planning

17:00- 17:30

Lessons from Katrina in addressing extremes in the developing countries

Dr. Paul V. Desanker
Chair, Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)
Malawi Delegation

Ms. E. Clark Knighton Seipt
Graduate Research Assistant
Penn State University


17:30- 18:00

Greening sacred spaces: challenges and opportunities for energy efficiency for religious buildings

Ms. Joy Kennedy
Ecological Justice Coordinator
Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives

