Technology Executive Committee

Strengthening climate technology policies


How has the Technology Executive Committee enhanced climate technology development and transfer? This page provides an overview of the committee's activities and performance under the four workstreams of its rolling workplan for 2023 - 2027.

As the committee advances its work on these workstreams, and implement joint activities with the CTCN as envisaged under the joint work programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023 - 2027, relevant information on the results will be published in this space.

Details about the development and progress of work across different activities of the TEC is reguarly discussed at the TEC meetings, and captured in relevant meeting documents.

Infomation relating to the the committee's activities and performance in the thematic areas of work under its rolling workplan for 2019-2022, are available here.

A list of activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee since its inception until 2018 can be seen here.