Artificial Intelligence


Technology Mechanism Initiative on Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action

The #AI4ClimateAction Initiative aims to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful technological tool for advancing and scaling up transformative climate solutions for mitigation and adaptation action in developing countries with a focus on least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS).

As the policy and implementation arms of the Technology Mechanism, the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) are joining forces on this Initiative to provide a space for policy discussions, awareness raising, and exchange of knowledge and experience among stakeholders on developing and deploying climate solutions powered by AI as well as to support capacity-building efforts to leverage emerging digital technologies and devise locally-led solutions harnessing AI.

The Initiative is guided by the Technology Mechanism Joint Work Programme, including the TEC’s and CTCN’s common areas of work on national systems of innovation, water-energy-food systems, energy systems, buildings and resilient infrastructure, business and industry, and technology needs assessments. More specifically, activities under the Initiative will be developed to support the implementation of the TEC rolling workplan (2023-2027) and the CTCN Programme of Work (2023–2027).

To further inform the work under the #AI4ClimateAction Initiative, the TEC, in 2023, convened regional consultations with national climate technology focal points, civil society, academia and business at the UNFCCC Regional Climate Weeks.

At COP 28, Parties adopted a decision on enhancing climate technology development and transfer through the Technology Mechanism, requesting the TEC and the CTCN to implement the Initiative and to enhance awareness of artificial intelligence and its potential role in, as well as its impacts on, the implementation of the outcomes of technology needs assessments and the joint work programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023–2027.

Also at COP 28, the TEC, in collaboration with the COP 28 Presidency, organized a high-level event on AI for climate action. At this event, the TEC, together with Enterprise Neurosystem, launched the AI Innovation Grand Challenge as a climate innovation competition to drive new AI applications for climate mitigation and adaptation action in developing countries, in particular in LDCs and SIDS. The Call for Submissions is now open until 12 August 2024 here.

In April 2024, the TEC and the CTCN Advisory Board finalized the Workplan for the Technology Mechanism Initiative on AI for Climate Action (2024-2027) and agreed to proceed with carrying out respective activities.