
Support for implementing climate technology activities

Poznan Strategic Program on Technology Transfer

Through the Poznan strategic program (PSP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) provides funding to climate technology development and transfer activities. The program has supported countries to undertake technology needs assessments (TNAs), develop technology pilot projects and implement hundreds of climate projects with objectives related to climate technologies. 

Countries created the PSP in 2007, when the Conference of the Parties (COP) requested the GEF to elaborate a strategic programme for scaling up the level of investment for technology transfer. This was undertaken with the aim of helping developing countries to address their needs for environmentally sound technologies. In 2008, the GEF Council approved a strategic programme on technology. The programme had three windows: 

  • Technology needs assessments

  • Piloting priority technology projects linked to TNAs

  • Dissemination of GEF experience and successfully demonstrated environmentally sound technologies

COP 14 renamed this programme the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer. In 2010, the GEF submitted to the COP a plan for the PSP’s long-term implementation. This plan contained five elements: support for climate technology centres and a climate technology network; piloting priority technology projects to foster innovation and investments; public-private partnership for technology transfer; TNAs; and GEF as a catalytic supporting institution for technology transfer. 

Evaluation of the Poznan strategic programme

In 2018, the TEC updated the evaluation of the PSP focusing on the climate technology and finance centers and the pilot projects supported by the GEF under the PSP. The TEC provided key messages and recommendations to SB50 on the program. Read the TEC’s policy messages here. 

GEF reports

Below you can find GEF reports on the implementation of the Poznan strategic program.