Climate Technologies for Sustainable Mobility

Transport is responsible for 24% of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, about three-quarters of which are from road vehicles. Most developed countries remain locked-in to the dominance of privately-owned, fossil fuel powered vehicles. At the same time, vehicle ownership rates are quickly increasing in many developing countries. Without addition of strong climate policy mixes, global transport emissions are expected to grow further.

To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, and the Sustainable Development Goals, significant transitions in the transport sector are required to promote safe, age- and gender-responsive, affordable, accessible and sustainable mobility systems. There is a need for enhanced development of low-carbon transportation technology, and a corresponding need for strong gender-responsive climate and innovation policies to support them.


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This paper:

  • Provide an overview of the technologies and their state of play, including information on their technology readiness and potential climate change mitigation impacts;

  • Briefly summarize some social, institutional, economic and business opportunities related to their development and effective deployment; and

  • Identify innovative policy options, opportunities and challenges for policymakers to effectively support the deployment of these technologies

The overall objective of this report is to identify and analyze the development, diffusion and impacts of advanced decarbonization technologies for sustainable road transport


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This TEC brief:

  • Sheds light on and raise awareness of gender inequalities and differences in urban mobility;

  • Responds to an urgent need to address gender concerns and experience as an integral dimension of planning, designing, implementing and using sustainable low-carbon mobility technologies, infrastructure and services; and

  • Contributes to the development of high-quality and technology-related gender-responsive urban mobility solutions