Is there a training programme to become an expert reviewer of BTRs and what is the timeline for development?
Yes, the training program for BTR reviewers is being developed by the secretariat pursuant to decision 5/CMA.3. This training programme includes four courses. Course A ‘’General and cross-cutting aspects for the technical expert review under the ETF under the Paris Agreement’’ will be available on 1 March, 2023 in this link. The remaining courses will be available by September 2023 pursuant the decision 5/CMA.3, para.33.
Who can take the training courses?
The training courses are open to everyone who would like to obtain knowledge and become familiar with the technical expert review process. There is no prerequisite to taking the self-paced online course or for downloading the handbooks for offline self-paced learning.
Which are the requirements to take the examinations?
To take the exam, you need to be nominated by National Focal Points to the Roster of Experts and be registered for the relevant exam period.
Which are the mandatory examinations for all expert reviewers?
All experts, both new and experienced, will need to take and pass the examination corresponding to Course A. For further information, refer to section "Which courses and examinations do you need to take?" above.
If I’m already an experienced reviewer, do I need to take all examinations?
In light of para. 8 of Annex VII of decision 5/CMA.3, some courses and their examinations are not mandatory for the experts who have already participated in training programmes and related technical reviews under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention.
For the review of national GHG inventory reports, experts who meet the following requirement do not need to take sub-courses of B.1 and relevant sectors (B.2-B.6) before participating in the TER under the ETF:
- Passed the exams of mandatory reviewers training courses on GHG inventories, and
- Took part in the technical reviews of GHG inventories under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention.
For the review of the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs, the following courses are mandatory for all experts:
- Sub-course C-1 on description of the NDCs, and
- Sub-course C-2 on tracking progress of the NDCs.
Additionally, those experts who meet the following conditions do not need to take sub-course C.3 on mitigation policies and measures, actions before participating in the TER under the ETF:
- Passed the course of targets and of policies and measures and their effect of BR/NC training program, and
- Took part in the technical reviews of target and mitigation policies and measures and their effect under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention.
Experts who meet the following conditions do not need to take sub-course C.4 on GHG emissions projections before participating in the TERT under the ETF:
- Passed the course of projection of GHG emissions and removals of BRs/NCs training programme, and
- Took part in the technical reviews of GHG emission projections under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention.
Lastly, for the review of the information of FTC provided, the experts who meet the following conditions do not need to take Course D. FTC support provided:
- Passed the course of FTC support provided of the BR/NC training programme, and
- Took part in the technical reviews of FTC support provided under the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention.
What do I need to be considered as an experienced reviewer?
An expert is considered an experienced reviewer, if the expert has passed the relevant training course and participated in the technical review process under the Convention.
Do you have a deadline to complete the course?
Given that the courses are self-paced learning, there are not specific deadlines to complete the courses. However, the experts are strongly encouraged to complete the courses as soon as possible and register for the examination.
For further FAQs about the operationalization of the ETF please check here.
For further FAQs about the logistics and administration of the Course A examinations for expert reviewers, please click here.