Course D: Technical review of the information on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity building support provided to developing countries

Course D focuses on how to review the information reported on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity-building (FTC) support provided and mobilized to developing countries under Articles 9-11 of the Paris Agreement. This course is mandatory for new experts to participate in this thematic area of the TER.

Below you will see the 4 lessons that Course D has, which will help you understand the key concepts and principles guiding the review process of the FTC. It will take approximately 190 minutes to complete this course.

  • Lesson 1: Cross-cutting information on FTC support
  • Lesson 2: Financial Support
  • Lesson 3: Technology development and transfer
  • Lesson 4: Capacity-building

Please click below button to download the offline PDF version.

Registration for the 4th examination period will open on 5 August 2024

If you have finished “Course D: Technical review of the information on financial, technology development and transfer and capacity building support provided to developing countries” and your nomination to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts if approved by the National Focal Point, you are ready to register for the examination period which will take place between 5 to 25 August 2024. The registration link provided below will soon become active We encourage you not to take more than 3 exams per examination period, there will be many examination opportunities during 2024.
