Training of greenhouse gas inventories review experts

The courses of the training programme are intended to train review experts for the technical review of information reported under the Convention related to GHG inventories by Annex I Parties.

The courses of the training programme are mandatory for any expert with relevant GHG inventory experience, who has not previously participated in GHG inventory reviews.

Each trainee taking the basic course will be required to study the general module and one sector-specific module. Trainees are allocated to sector-specific modules based on their previous experience in national GHG inventories and the needs of the inventory review process.

All courses are available online for a 9-week study period. During this period, trainees are expected to dedicate time to complete and follow the online courses. For trainees with limited access to Internet, the secretariat can provide off-line versions of the training material. The working language for the training is English. A good command of this language is required for participating in the training programme. Following completion of the online courses, trainees are required to take the on-line mandatory examinations.

New review experts of GHG inventories must pass the general examination and a sectoral examination before participating in expert review teams. Those who successfully complete the requirements will be invited to participate in centralized or in-country reviews under the Convention, working alongside experienced review experts.


The course, in its general module, covers a comprehensive introduction to the new “Guidelines for the technical review of information reported under the Convention related to greenhouse gas inventories, biennial reports and national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention” in the part related to the GHG inventory reviews, an overview of the “Guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, Part I: UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual greenhouse gas inventories”, guidance on procedures and approaches for the technical review of GHG inventories and general IPCC inventory guidance with the application of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

The course, in its individual modules, covers specific aspects of the review of the energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture; land use, land-use change and forestry; and waste sectors. This course also provides guidance on drafting substantive review reports that are consistent among review teams and reader friendly.

  • Target audience: New and experienced review experts of GHG inventories.
  • Type of course: Type of course: Online without instructors.

The course provides general guidance, procedures, and specific aspects for the review of emission estimates performed using complex models and higher tier methods, in particular tier 3 methods. For this course are implemented two optional self-check electronic examinations, one for the LULUCF sector and the other for all the other IPCC sectors.

  • Target audience: Lead reviewers and review experts of GHG inventories.
  • Type of course: On-line without instructors.

The course covers cross-cultural communication and conflict avoidance and provides tools to improve the work of expert review teams and facilitate teamwork.

  • Target audience: Lead reviewers and review experts of GHG inventories.
  • Type of course: On-line without instructors.