Submissions from Parties to the COP

NEW: The secretariat has launched a new submission portal to enhance the efficiency and transparency in submitting and viewing the information and views from Parties. The new portal replaces the COP submission page previously available on this UNFCCC web site. For previous submissions from Parties considered in 2013 and earlier, please see below.

Please click here to be redirected to the COP submissions of the new portal

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013

Forum and work programme on the impact of the implementation of response measures

Party Date of submission Document
G77 and China 23 November 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013

Matters relating to finance. Work programme on long-term finance

Party Date of submission Document
New Zealand 14 November 2013 Submission
Republic of Korea 14 November 2013 Submission
Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America 16 November 2013 Submission
Philippines on behalf of G77 and China 16 November 2013 Submission
European Union 16 November 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Matters relating to finance. Report of the Standing Committee on Finance

Party Date of submission Document
Philippines on behalf of the G77 and China 16 November 2013 Submission
Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America 18 November 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Matters relating to finance. Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund

Party Date of submission Document
Republic of Korea 14 November 2013 Submission
Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America 16 November 2013 Submission
European Union 16 November 2013 Submission
Egypt on behalf of the African States 18 November Submission
AOSIS 18 November Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Matters relating to finance. Arrangements between the Conference of the Parties and the Green Climate Fund

Party Date of submission Document
Philippines on behalf of G77 and China 16 November 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the Convention.

(deadline 2 September 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 8 November 2013 Submission
AOSIS 30 September 2013 Submission
Bangladesh, Belize, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Gabon, Guyana, Honduras, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Uganda 16 September 2013 Submission

Lithuania and European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States, supported by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

10 September 2013 Submission
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 3 September 2013 Submission
Vanuatu 3 September 2013 Submission
Brazil 2 September 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Information on strategies and approaches for mobilizing scaled-up finance. Decision 1/CP.18, paragraph 67.

(deadline 2 September 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
Canada 9 November 2013 Submission
Norway 7 November 2013 Submission
Japan 22 October 2013 Submission
New Zealand 9 October 2013 Submission
United States of America 7 October 2013 Submission
Lithuania and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States, supported by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia 2 September 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Advancing the goal of gender balance in bodies
Views from Parties on options and ways to advance the goal of gender balance in bodies. Decision 23/CP.18.

(deadline 2 September 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
Indonesia 23 May 2014 Submission
Plurinational State of Bolivia 11 November 2013 Submission
United Arab Emirates 6 November 2013 Submission
Nepal on behalf of the Least Developed Countries Group 29 October 2013 Submission
Cambodia 28 October 2013 Submission
Mexico 18 October 2013 Submission
India 13 September 2013 Submission
Lithuania and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States, supported by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia 12 September 2013 Submission
Ghana 10 September 2013 Submission
United States of America 9 September 2013 Submission
Tajikistan 4 September 2013 Submission
Burundi 3 September 2013 Submission
Marshall Islands 3 September 2013 Submission
Vanuatu 3 September 2013 Submission
Mozambique 2 September 2013 Submission
Kenya 2 September 2013 Submission
Malawi 2 September 2013 Submission
Liberia 2 September 2013 Submission
Jordan 2 September 2013 Submission
Afghanistan 2 September 2013 Submission
Sudan 2 September 2013 Submission
Iceland 8 August 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Fast-start finance:
Developed country Parties were invited by COP 16, decision 1/CP.16, para. 96, to submit to the secretariat for compilation into an information document, by May 2011, 2012 and 2013, information on the resources provided to fulfil the commitment referred to in para. 95, decision 1/CP.16 above, including ways in which developing country Parties access these resources.

(deadline May 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
New Zealand 2 September 2013 Submission
Iceland 14 August 2013 Submission
Norway 12 August 2013 Submission
Liechtenstein 17 July 2013 Submission
Australia 6 June 2013 Submission
Submission (updated 24 February 2014)
United States of America 3 June 2013 Submission
Japan 31 May 2013


Canada 29 May 2013

Submission (EN)
Submission (FR)

Ireland and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States 29 May 2013


Switzerland 7 May 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Views from Parties on long-term finance

(deadline 21 March 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
China 17 May 2013 Submission
Nauru on behalf of the Alliance of Small Islands States 29 April 2013 Submission
Republic of Korea 11 April 2013 Submission
India 8 April 2013 Submission
Indonesia 25 March 2013 Submission
Norway 22 March 2013 Submission
Japan 21 March 2013 Submission
Nicaragua 21 March 2013 Submission
Saudi Arabia 20 March 2013 Submission
Uzbekistan 20 March 2013 Submission
Ireland and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States, supported by Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia 19 March 2013 Submission
Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and
the United States of America
18 March 2013 Submission
Thematic and expert bodies under the Convention
Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (CGE) 12 April 2013 Submission
Standing Committe on Finance (SCF) 12 April 2013 Submisison
The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) 3 April 2013 Submission
Adaptation Committee 20 March 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2013
Elements in the development of the further guidelines for the fifth review of the financial mechanism:
Views and recommendations from Parties for consideration by the Standing Committee on elements in the development of the further guidelines for the fifth review of the financial mechanism

(deadline 1 March 2013)

Party Date of submission Document
Nepal on behalf of the Least Developed Countries Group 22 April 2013 Submission
India 8 April 2013 Submission
Philippines 9 March 2013 Submission
Indonesia 8 March 2013 Submission
Pakistan 1 March 2013 Submission
Ireland and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its member States, supported by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia 1 March 2013 Submisison
Algeria 28 February 2013 Submission

Submissions from Parties to the COP in 2012
Fast-start finance:
Developed country Parties were invited by COP 16, decision 1/CP.16, para. 96, to submit to the secretariat for compilation into an information document, by May 2011, 2012 and 2013, information on the resources provided to fulfil the commitment referred to in para. 95, decision 1/CP.16 above, including ways in which developing country Parties access these resources.
(deadline May 2012)

Party Date of submission Document
United States of America 04 May 2012 Submission
Liechtenstein 07 May 2012 Submission
Canada 11 May 2012 Submission (English)
Submission (French)
Switzerland 16 May 2012 Submission
New Zealand 17 May 2012 Submission
Denmark and the European Commission
(on behalf of the European Union and its member States)
25 May 2012 Submission
Japan 29 May 2012 Submission


20 July 2012 Submission
Australia 22 August 2012 Submission
Norway 21 November 2012


Other submissions
In-session submissions from Parties at COP 18
Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Iran (Islamic Republic of), El Salvador, Nicaragua, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Maldives and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 28 November 2012  Draft decision on arrangements between the Conference of the Parties and the Green Climate Fund
African States 3 December 2012 Draft decision on  arrangements between the Conferenceof the Parties and the Green Climate Fund