Host an event at Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 - Expression of Interest

The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) is now open for receiving Expressions of Interest to host an event at the climate week. National, regional and local governments, the private sector, investors, youth organizations, science organizations, universities and schools, cooperatives, Indigenous Peoples organizations, filmmakers, media and other stakeholders are welcome to submit their event proposals.

Hosted by the government of Panama in Panama City, the Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 takes place from 23 to 27 October 2023.

The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week seeks to facilitate and accelerate the region’s response to the climate crisis. The climate week offers opportunities for presenting new ideas, taking part in lessons learned, and finding opportunities for working together. We welcome diverse applications from stakeholders working in the region and ask that all submissions align with one or several of the four thematic tracks that the climate week will focus on:

  • Energy systems and industry
  • Cities, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, and transport
  • Land, ocean, food, and water
  • Societies, health, livelihoods, and economies

The 2023 Regional Climate Weeks provide a timely opportunity for policymakers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to share climate solutions, overcome barriers, realize opportunities and ultimately take concrete action that will allow us to course-correct and achieve the Paris Agreement goals and objectives.

LACCW 2023 is hosted by:
Logo Panama
Host an event
Two women speaking at an event at Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week

Events held at Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 provide opportunities for participants to share experiences and engage in dialogues on challenges and opportunities faced by the region to better address climate change issues. Events can serve as catalysts for climate action, provide a platform for knowledge sharing and can be important connectors for projects and people across the region and the world.  


There are two types of events open for applications:

  • Side events (1 hour)
  • Action Hub events (30-minutes)

Before applying, please read the event criteria below. 

Only organizations with shortlisted proposals will be contacted for further processing. 

Important: Applications that don’t fulfil criteria or are incomplete will not be considered. Multiple application requests from the same organization shall not have the same content or speakers. Applications must be submitted in English, however, it is important to note that approved events can be conducted in Spanish. Spanish-English interpretation services will be available but cannot be guaranteed for all events. Interpretation to other languages, if required, must be provided by the organizer of the event at their own expense.

Deadline for applications: 21 July 2023, 23:00 Panama (UTC-5)


Note: This year, the Action Hub will be located in the most central area of the venue, where participants can meet, congregate and network over coffee and lunch. The Action Hub is ‘the’ space for dynamic and creative climate action events such as musical performances, TED-style talks, film screenings, technology demonstrations, project presentations, and more. 

If you'd like to host a 30-minute event in the Action Hub, please use the application form in the above link. Please read the Action Hub guidelines below before submitting your application. 

Map of Latin America

Here you will find more information on each of the four tracks supporting each track and the principles that should guide event development. 

The events to be organized during Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week will be structured around the following four tracks: 


  1. Energy systems and industry 
  2. Cities, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, and transport 
  3. Land, ocean, food, and water 
  4. Societies, health, livelihoods, and economies  

The events organized and delivered under all the tracks are expected to: 

  • Contribute substantively to the 1st global stocktake process by identifying region-relevant actions and timelines, which will be necessary to accelerate the progress needed to keep the 1.5C trajectory reachable.

  • Enable and support the dissemination of valuable good practices and lessons learnt, facilitating the identification of impactful initiatives for replication or inspiration at local, subnational, national and regional levels.   

  • Provide a platform that fosters constructive dialogues between Parties and non-Party stakeholders, creating opportunities to explore partnerships and /or strengthening networks in the regions.

  • Provide insights for enhancing the engagement of non-Party stakeholders, including regional and local governments, the private sector, investors, youth, science, academia, Indigenous Peoples, and others, thereby increasing effectiveness and active participation.

Find more detailed information on each of the four tracks and the principles that should guide event development here

Innovation Hub

The Action Hub is the space for dynamic and creative climate action events. It is an inclusive and participatory platform for anyone to showcase their work in the region to a regional and global audience. The timeslots are a maximum of 30 minutes and provide organizations with the unique opportunity to share their initiatives, announcements, case studies, videos and more at Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week.

Where: An open stage with seating usually located in a central area where participants congregate and network.

Format: The events included in the Action Hub program will adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Events will not exceed 30 minutes, including Q&A and wrap-up.
  2. 3 speakers max and organizers shall ensure geographic and gender balance among their speakers.
  3. Events will be innovative in format and will avoid negotiation-style, technical PowerPoint presentations and panel discussion formats. They may take the format of, for example, TED-style talks, short film screenings followed by interactive conversations involving the audience, announcements relating to outstanding concrete climate actions, presentations of concrete climate action including demonstrations/prototypes and results of the undertaken climate action, media talk-shows, interactive debates involving the audience on-site and online, how-to events, interactive games involving knowledge or examples of climate action, etc.
  4. Events will be participatory, inclusive, interactive, lively, and dynamic, involving the audience as much as possible.


  1. Events will demonstrate tangible climate action and/or highlight opportunities for climate action.
  2. Events will fall under one of four tracks (read more about the tracks here):
    • Energy systems and industry
    • Cities, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, and transport
    • Land, ocean, food, and water
    • Societies, health, livelihoods, and economies

To be considered for an event slot in the Action Hub, the organizer(s) must apply online for an event before the deadline. Applications will be reviewed against the set of criteria described in these guidelines. Applicants may be contacted with questions and requests for additional information and/or resubmission. Once the selection process has concluded, only shortlisted applicants will be notified of their results. The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week program will then be scheduled and made available online on the UNFCCC website.

Note: It will not be possible to ask for 2 slots back-to-back to form a longer event. Application requests from the same organization shall not have the same content, nor the same speakers. For any questions, please write to Climate-Week [at] with the subject line, LACCW Action Hub.
