RCC Events
Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS
National climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance
30 May 2024
10:00h - 11:30h
St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda
SIDS4 Conference, American University of Antigua, Room: 6,
RCC Events
Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS
National climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance
30 May 2024
10:00h - 11:30h
St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda
SIDS4 Conference, American University of Antigua, Room: 6,

On 30 May from 10:00 to 11:30 local time, RCC Caribbean will host the side event ‘Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS: national climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance’, together with our partners and co-organizers lsland Innovation and GIZ.

The side event will discuss linkages between national policies, transparency reporting and finance mechanisms through the lens of energy transition in SIDS as an opportunity to advance climate action in small islands. The event will feature key experts and government representatives who are invited to share their national experiences.

Register your interest to join the side event here.


The event 'Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS: national climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance' will take place as a side event of SIDS4. It offers an opportunity to focus on practical and impactful solutions and to forge new partnerships and cooperation at all levels. The event will also highlight the advantages of clean energy investments to national planning. 

The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will be held under the overarching theme of “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity". The Conference will aim to assess the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Discuss challenges and opportunities in the clean energy transition in SIDS including assessing the perspectives for an interconnected energy market
  • Facilitate SIDS debate on the importance of clean energy national policies, long-term development strategies and sustainable development efforts
  • Share experiences on sustainable energy initiatives, models of energy transition and on mobilizing climate finance for national climate action
  • Discuss the biennial transparency reporting for NDC tracking (critical role of BTRs)
  • Discuss the role of carbon markets in NDCs and how they can drive implementation and transformative change in SIDS
Target Audience
  • Government officials from SIDS (Caribbean, Asia Pacific, Africa);
  • Non-Party stakeholders including Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), regional organizations and private sector with interest in clean energy development

To inform your participation, please visit the SIDS4 Conference page or explore the SIDS4 Side Event Concept Note. Register your interest to join the side event here.

GIZ logo
资料来源: GIZ
RCC Caribbean Logo 2023
Island Innovation
资料来源: Island Innovation