Mandated and other events
Annual Global Stocktake Dialogue
06 - 07 Jun. 2024
Bonn, Germany
Chamber Hall, Main Building
Main Building
Mandated and other events
Annual Global Stocktake Dialogue
06 - 07 Jun. 2024
Bonn, Germany
Chamber Hall, Main Building
Main Building

Day 1: 6 June 2024 from 15:00-18:00

Day 2: 7 June 2024 from 15:00-18:00

GST Dialogue opening plenary
资料来源: UN Climate Change
Annual GST dialogue opening segment


Decision 1/CMA.5 on the outcome of the first global stocktake requested Chairs of the subsidiary bodies to organize an annual dialogue starting at their sixtieth sessions to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and good practices on how the outcomes of the global stocktake are informing the preparation of Parties’ next nationally determined contributions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Paris Agreement. The dialogue will provide a platform for open discussions and exchanges between Parties and non-Party stakeholders aimed at discussing lessons, experiences and practical solutions to address implementation gaps in current NDCs by accelerating action; and closing ambition gaps in the next NDC. 

Structure, topics and thematic areas

The topics and thematic areas for the dialogue respond to its mandate as well as views shared by Parties and non-Party stakeholders during informal consultations held on 16 April 2024.

How GST-1 outcomes are informing the updating and preparation of NDCs

  • Mitigation and  response measures- Discussions on experiences and lessons from Parties on efforts and plans to align NDCs with the 1.50C objective, setting economy wide targets, focussing on all greenhouse gas emissions and all sectors.

  • Adaptation and loss and damage- Discussions on experiences and good practices in 1)integrating the adaptation objectives and respective targets and good practices in NAP implementation and 2) coherence and synergies across efforts towards averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage.

  • Means of implementation and support- Discussions on experiences and good practices on enabling environment and support requirements including technology development and transfer, capacity building and finance.

Enabling and cross-cutting elements

  • Domestic arrangements- Exchange of experiences, lessons and information on processes, plans and procedures that Parties are undertaking in the review, updating and preparation of their NDCs.
  • International cooperation- Share information and discuss experiences and good practices in bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation for advancing NDCs.


Date and time Segment Session Description Moderator/Facilitator

Day 1

6 June 2024

Opening segment

 Opening Remarks

 - Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies

 - UNFCCC Executive Secretary

Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair

Nabeel Munir, SBI Chair

 Remarks by Troika of Presidencies

 - H.E. Adnan Amin, United Arab Emirates

 - Mr Samir Bejanov, Azerbaijan

 - Mr Tulio Andrade, Brazil

 Update from relevant GST-related workstreams and activities

 - UNFCCC Secretariat

Thematic Roundtables: How GST-1 Outcomes are informing the updating and preparation of NDCs 

 Information, lessons and experiences from Parties on how GST-1 outcomes are informing NDCs across all thematic areas including integrating cross cutting elements such as equity, science, sustainable development and poverty eradication.

 Round table 1

  • Mitigation, energy transition and response measures,
  • Adaptation, loss and damage,
  • Means of implementation and support, including finance and investments, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building,

Fathimath Nashwa, Maldives

Todd Croad, New Zealand

Day 2

7 June 2024

Enabling and cross-cutting elements roundtables on Domestic arrangements and, International Cooperation

 Roundtable 2

  • Domestic arrangements and stakeholder engagement for preparing and implementing NDCs,
  • Resources and methodologies for informing alignment of NDCs with GST-1 outcomes,

 Roundtable 3:

  • Advancing international cooperation for NDCs in the context of GST-1 outcomes;
  • Bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation, role of international organisations and other non-Party stakeholders in the preparation and implementation of NDCs.
  • NDC-related support initiatives,

Yamikani Idriss, Malawi

Christiane Textor, Germany

Closing segment

 Closing remarks by COP 30 Presidency

 - Mr Tuilo Andrade, Brazil

 Key messages and takeaways from the dialogue

Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair

Nabeel Munir, SBI Chair


The concept note for the dialogue is now available, including guiding questions for each session to aim Parties and non-Party stakeholders in preparation for the dialogue.


Modalities for participation

The first GST Annual Dialogue is open to all registered delegates to the sixtieth subsidiary bodies session; Parties and non-Party stakeholders. No additional registration is required.


For more information, please contact gst@unfccc.int.