Country page - Fiji

Updated on 9 February 2024



Sea-level rise

Information and communications platform

Support in developing upgraded information and communications platform to facilitate information flows before and after emergency and disaster events. This will improve inter-island communication and information transfer, particularly in large maritime areas with blackout zones. The aim is to expedite damage reporting, especially from rural areas. Additionally, the use of social media will be formally incorporated as an additional tool to enhance understanding of disaster impacts. Facilitate the development of a common methodology for all public and private sectors, including loss and damage. Catalogue and review all vulnerability assessments and their methodologies used to date to understand differences and best practices.

Data-management and governance

Develop thorough facility for data management to address data capacity and coordination (knowledge sharing).

Capacity-building of government representatives and stakeholders

Develop the capacity of national and sub-national government representatives and other stakeholders to mainstream costing tools, such as the NAP costing methodology tool, cost-benefit analysis tools, multi-criteria analysis approaches, and gender analysis tools, into their decision-making processes. The aim is to educate national and subnational government officials on how to incorporate climate considerations into newly developed policies, plans, and projects. By doing so, it will enhance the technical expertise and knowledge of government employees, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of integrating climate data into relevant projects, and improve decision-making related to climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Assist with technology needs

Identify technology needs and related capacity-building related to Fiji’s Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The TNA involves prioritizing technology needs and developing technology action plans, concept notes, and project proposals for critical technologies.

Enhance meteorological prediction systems and establish a multi-hazard EWS

Develop impact-based forecasts and risk-based warnings and install radar systems on the outer islands to improve prediction systems for flooding and droughts. Develop and deploy integrated, multi-hazard early warning systems. Accurate climate models can inform disaster risk financing, as well as investment decisions in housing, agriculture, and transport.

Ridge-to-Reef Management

Provide support for coastal protection capacity to improve the implementation of nature-based solutions initiatives. The government has implemented measures to protect livelihoods from flooding by regulating stream and river discharge capacity, as well as excessive run-off. This is enhanced using small retention dams and reservoirs, the construction of drainage and irrigation facilities, and the promotion of flood and drought mitigation. Efforts are also being made to expand riverbank protection and land conservation. It is important to prioritize, assess, monitor, and delineate critical areas for the protection and sustainable management of ecosystems-based ecosystem services, cultural importance, biodiversity, food security, water security, access and benefit sharing, and their importance to adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Support in building technical capacity to effectively carry out these initiatives.

Planned relocation and displacement considerations

Support in documenting the losses experienced by local communities due to climate change impacts and relocation, as well as with quantifying the loss and damage.
