Asian Youth's Impact on Global Climate Discourse and Policies
15 Nov. 2023
09:00h - 11:00h
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Tanjung Puteri 301, Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Education and Youth
Asian Youth's Impact on Global Climate Discourse and Policies
15 Nov. 2023
09:00h - 11:00h
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Tanjung Puteri 301, Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Education and Youth
**Virtual link is available in our interactive programme**
Organized by YOUNGO



The proposed session looks at throwing light on the unprecedented rise in engagement among Asian youth in climate movements and the creation of micro and region based climate movements in Asia. This session aims to dissect their impact from grassroots initiatives to active participation over the past few years in the UNFCCC processes, notably the COPs. As the most impacted youth population in the world, taking stock of the progress made in global climate change discourse by youth movements in Asia provides space for reflection and opportunities.

The session recognizes the youth demographic as a potent force for climate action. Young people are not just passive stakeholders in the climate debate anymore, they are the driving force of climate actions. This background understanding underscores the importance of harnessing the youth energy and dedication for a sustainable change. 

The session acknowledges the growing participation of Asian youth in international climate negotiations such as the UNFCCC conferences, as well as the challenges Asian youth face while representing their region in these global climate processes. Asia has the largest youth population, as well as the largest climate movements in the world, still, Asian youth face several obstacles and challenges in their path of meaningful representation in the global climate processes. This ses will also address such challenges and provide feasible solution mechanisms that can help eradicate the challenges for Asian youth and ensure equitable Asian youth representation. 


Session Description 

In the era of climate crisis, Asia's dynamic and burgeoning youth population has taken center stage, emerging as a powerful driving force behind climate action. This session, led by YOUNGO, delves deep into the unparalleled rise of Asian youth engagement in climate movements and their active participation in global climate negotiations, specifically within the UNFCCC processes like COP. As the largest affected youth population in the world, it is imperative to reflect on and recognize the significant strides made by these young climate advocates on the global stage.


Panel Discussions:

Panel- 1: Whole Society Approach towards Transformative Change

This panel will focus on the discussions of a transformative change in the society by leveraging the diverse resources and networks available,  this will also talk about collaborative efforts led by youth to drive transformative change that involves all sectors of society. The panel aims to emphasize the pivotal role that youth play in shaping climate action and fostering partnerships that transcend boundaries. Through this panel, participants will gain insights, exchange ideas, and align their efforts with a united vision of promoting holistic climate solutions across the Asian region.

Panel 2: Retrospecting Influence of Asian Youth Movements in International Climate Policy

This panel session takes a retrospective look at the profound influence of Asian youth movements on international climate policy. Our panelists will provide insights into the pivotal role played by Asian youth in shaping global climate discourse and policies. This session goes in depth about youth movements in Asia and their contributions in the progress of climate change movement and policies regionally and globally.

Storytelling Sessions

In between the session, representatives from various Asian youth climate movements will share their inspiring stories of success and resilience. These narratives will give voice to the victories and challenges faced by Asian youth climate advocates, reinforcing their crucial role in the global climate arena.


  • To take stock of and recognize the youth climate action in Asian region
  • To analyze the impacts of Asian youth climate action in the shaping of international climate policy through active participation in global climate negotiations as well their work in grassroots
  • To conduct an intergenerational discourse on finding gaps that exist actualizing youth interests in climate action 
  • Through storytelling, communicate impacts and challenges faced by Asian youth in the climate action space
  • To explore opportunities for collaboration between youth climate advocates and policy stakeholders, with a focus on intergenerational cooperation.


Time Details Speaker
09:00-09:05 Introduction to session  
09:05-09:12 Keynote address  
09:12-09:20 Storytelling by Asian Youth Advocate #1 By representatives of various Asian youth climate movements sharing success stories; AYE for COP Campaign
09:20-10:00 Panel 1: Whole-society Approach for a Transformative Change with Young People in the Driver's Seat

Reuben Manokara, Assistant Director, International Policy, Singapore

Lim Kai Sin, YOUNGO

Nauman H., Save the Children

10:00-10:10 Q&A for Panel 1  
10:10-10:18 Storytelling by Asian Youth Advocate #2 By representatives of various Asian youth climate movements sharing success stories; AYE for COP Campaign
10:18-10:48 Panel 2: Retrospecting Influence of Asian Youth Movements in International Climate Policy

Dircia Sarmento Belo, National Mitigation Expert & Assistant TNA Coordinator, Timor-Leste

Charu Bikash, Regional Capacity Development Programme Coordinator, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact

Joshua Belayan, YECAP

10:48-10:58 Q&A for Panel 2  
10:58=11:00 Closing remarks