Consideration of outputs or “political” component of the global stocktake

Please find the First Global Stocktake High-level Committee Summary of High-level events at COP 28

The third and final component of the global stocktake will identify opportunities for and challenges in enhancing action and support for collective progress in relation to the thematic areas of the global stocktake, as well as possible measures and good practices and international cooperation and related good practices. It will summarize key political messages, including recommendations for strengthening action and enhancing support. Outputs of this component will be referenced in a decision for consideration and adoption by the CMA and/or a declaration. 

This political phase of the global stocktake consists of high-level events where the findings of the technical assessment will be presented and their implications discussed and considered by Parties, and the events will be chaired by a high-level committee consisting of the COP27, the incoming COP28 Presidency and the Chairs of the SBI and the SBSTA. 

As communicated in his letter to Parties, the COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber requested the support of Her Excellency Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa and His Excellency Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy of Denmark, to conduct consultations and engage at the political level, with Parties, Groups and constituencies, on critical elements regarding the outcome of the first global stocktake at COP28. 

In addition, an upcoming intersessional workshop in October will consider elements for the outputs of the global stocktake, based on submissions provided by Parties and observers (reference the submission portal) and considering the indicative draft structure for the CMA5 GST decision  

The Synthesis report for the views on the elements for the consideration of outputs component of the first global stocktake can be found here
